
the town of santa maria



The town of Santa Helen has a wonderful past, a pulsating present and a directed future. It has the protective and inspiring assistance from the Blessed Virgin entre ma Purisima Concepcion. Captain Jose whose actual name is usually Don Jose Serapio enhances the past history of Santa Karen. He was a towering disciplinarian, an impacting leader and a romantic fortune-hunter. He offered Santa Helen as its Chief Municipal for several years during which the enlightened and enriched the historical career of the area. The town of Santa Helen is situated inside the Eastern section of the province.

Angat and Norzagaray around the North, Marilao on the South, San Jose del Monte on the East, and on the West simply by Balagtas and Bocaue, destined it. The development of the church gave approach to the development of the community. Its base in 1702 by the Spanish friars noticeable the beginning of the spiritual crusade. The friars founded the location proper in 1793. City affairs were also attended to, so the appointment of the first Capitan Andres entre ma Cruz, built way for the permanent establishment of the town. He confirmed examples worth emulation, which usually other captains who prevailed him did also for many times that they showed their particular discontent while using friars administration. The friars interfered in civil affairs mostly to pursue their particular selfish interests.

Santa Maria isn’t just proud of it is physical asset, political balance, progressive economic climate, but as well proud of possessing a son inside the person of Jose Corazon de Christ, the extraordinaire poet, the one and only Huseng Batute, who started crafting his passage as a child and nationally acknowledged later, up coming to Balagtas in order of time, as the King of Poets. An additional Francisco Santiago, the writer who still left among because his legacies the immortal Nasaan Ka Irog and also other famous tunes. In times of warfare, Santa Maria has led the blood of its people. She is pleased with their Veteranos de la Revolucion who got part during the past struggles to get the countries independence. The town Santa Karen is full of clashes: It has a classic, remodeled church, and a stones strengthen from this religious façade is a new contemporary municipal building of the city build a couple of years ago.

Santa Helen has modern day embroidery factories, which production ready-made dresses for people alike, well-paved roads, occupied poblacion and massive residential houses, and a general hospital. Father christmas Maria has become known for several years as the egg holder of the Philippines and one of the towns inside the province, which is thriving with cottage industrial sectors. Unemployment can be not a problem in this town. The best thing a non-Santa Maria citizen to do to feel the towns occupied atmosphere is always to join those.

  • Category: history
  • Words: 482
  • Pages: 2
  • Project Type: Essay

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