
transcending period ideas coming from the people


Harrison Bergeron, Kurt Vonnegut

Comparing texts by different situations has enhanced our comprehension of intertextual ideas, by carrying on to engage with modern market. Stories revolving around science fiction have got remained amazing by speaking about the various perils of technology. Beam Bradbury’s short story, The Pedestrian (1951) depicts technology’s detrimental effects on man interaction in terms of consumerism and television, although Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron discusses how potential rebellion occurs beneath the oppression of freedom, in reference to the Municipal Rights Movement. Furthermore, irrespective of a different framework, Kurt Wimmer’s Equilibrium (2002), explores both these ideas by simply alluding for the disasters of 9/11 and the First Chechen War, hence demonstrating just how common concepts have connected texts of various times.

In The People, Bradbury condemns over-reliance in technology as leading to a loss of man connection. This reflects the rise of consumerism in the 1950s that generated over 60 per cent of American homes owning a tv set, and designed the belief that society would be pacified by technology. Mr Leonard Mead usually takes his nighttime walk in a town where individuals are hypnotised by tv set and is caught by an automatic car. His initial remoteness is established throughout the auditory images and metaphor in ‘there were whisperings and murmurs where a window in a tomb-like building was still being open’, exposing a faint presence of humans, forever confined within their houses. Humanitys over dependence on technology is exhibited by the metaphor in ‘it was not unequal to strolling through a graveyard’, to create a sense that humans have been ‘pacified’ by television. Bradbury emphasizes that this will simply lead to a loss of individual connection, where the tactile symbolism of the car’s interior in ‘it smelled too clean and hard’ upon Meads arrest, indicates too little of human occurrence and thus, discussion. Furthermore, the personification with the car in The car hesitated … “To the Psychiatric Centre for Regressive Tendencies”, gives justification for Mead’s police arrest by portraying human interconnection as a Psychiatric illness in a world dominated by technology. Hence, Bradbury stresses to readers what sort of dependency in technology can lead to lacking individual interactions.

Despite a shift in context, Wimmer in Balance, criticizes just how creating a required utopia by forsaking individual emotion brings about a lack of human connection. He reflects America’s Patriot Act in 2001 which usually suppressed person privacy through extreme connection surveillance in fear of disorders following 9/11. John Preston is a patient of a long term where man emotion is suppressed to avoid war. The opening assemblage of historic war footage provides justification behind subduing emotion, and the Father’s voiceover of ‘at the cost of the highs of human sentiment, we have under control its epic lows’, shows that individual feeling have been neglected to maintain ‘peace’. Consequently, where The People explores humanity’s dependence on television in reference to consumerism, Equilibrium ok bye humanity’s reliability on Prozium in reference to Unites states Patriot Action. Ultimately Wimmer highlights that denying the right to human feeling through Prozium may lead to a loss of human connection, wherever Preston’s variation of ‘John’ by his son emphasises a lack of family connection in a society that cannot experience. However , as Preston halts taking Prozium, his try to regain human connection through the overarching motif of ‘touch’ is uncovered by the tracking shot of his gloveless hand jogging over Mary’s ribbon to indicate that this individual has developed a great emotional connection to her through ‘feeling’. Hence, albeit diverse contexts, Wimmer and Bradbury critiques how human connection may be lost in consequence for the suppressive mother nature of technology.

In the satire, Harrison Bergeron, Vonnegut criticises how excessive oppression of human freedom can result in rebellion. This individual alludes to Americas ethnicity oppression against blacks, which in turn lead to The Civil Legal rights Movement almost 50 years ago to achieve ethnic equality. Harrison Bergeron can be described as victim of the authoritarian federal government, where the use of handicaps to achieve equal rights prompts him to revolt for freedom. The apparently ‘utopian’ establishing is established through the repetition in ‘Nobody was smarter than anybody otherwise / Nobody was better looking than anybody else’, which shows that total equality have been achieved with the expense of individuality. Vonnegut demonstrates that the is done by simply handicapping the gifted, where imagery in ‘Harrison’s overall look was halloween and hardware’, demonstrates that Harrison’s attributes have been too much oppressed in attempt to accomplish equality. Vonnegut highlights that such oppression of specific freedom can be described as catalyst to get potential rebellion, where the dialogue in “I am the Emperor” cried Harrison. “Do you hear? I actually am the Emperor”, implies Harrison’s attempt to rebel resistant to the authoritarian authorities, by observing himself because an acquisitive revolutionary against humanitys oppression by frustrations. However , through the anticlimactic narration in ‘She fired two times and the Emperor and Empress were lifeless before they hit the floor’ Vonnegut ultimately reveals that any attempt to rebel against oppression is in vain and leads to death. Therefore, he effectively indicates how excessive oppression of human freedom can cause rebellion, regardless of failure or perhaps success.

In spite of a different sort of cause and context, In Equilibrium, Wimmer further evolves the idea where rebellion can happen through limitations on personality. Wimmer shows the Initial Chechen Battle in mil novecentos e noventa e seis, where Chechnya rebelled against the Russian government’s oppression with the nation’s autonomy. Libria’s oppression of individuality is presented through the long shot of a lecture in the city central, where the order, regularity of the masses reveal which the characters absence distinction. The ultimate close up taken of Preston injecting the Prozium in the car with Partridge, indicates the nature of the drug as a handicap to individuality, which usually directly is similar to the satirical handicaps of Harrison Bergeron. However , Wimmer stresses the way the oppression of human autonomy will only cause inevitable rebellion as Preston becomes a ‘sense-offender’, where the moderate shot of Preston rearranging his table is emblematic of his desire to express himself openly by rebelling against the strict uniformity of this society. Furthermore, Wimmer demonstrates how powerful rebellion can be achieved, the place that the closing cloudwoven shot of Libria demonstrating explosions throughout the city represents the effective uprising in the resistance. Consequently both this individual and Vonnegut are able to show how rebellion may happen from oppression of independence and autonomy through all their respective contexts.

  • Category: literature
  • Words: 1087
  • Pages: 4
  • Project Type: Essay

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