
Exploring Qualitative and Quantitative Research Essay


In psychology, answers to our inquiries are not since succinct just as other types of sciences, and the conclusions essentially depend upon the fundamental epistemology applied. This essay seeks to define and examine the fields of qualitative and quantitative research. It will address the different epistemologies and strategies of each paradigm, and make an effort to give you a brief overview of both the main exploration methods fundamental scientific expertise.

Qualitative research is often only defined contrary to Quantitative exploration; That is, will not involve stats, nor does it depend on the level of objectivity that characterises the quantitative way. While quantitative research aims to categorise members in statistical form simply by creating statistical models to resolve specific hypothesises; Qualitative exploration does not focus on a specific speculation, instead this seeks to know behaviours, and experiences (McQueen & Knussen, 2013, l. 422). Qualitative researchers often operate beneath different epistemological beliefs than that of quantitative researchers.

In contrast to quantitative analysts who work with fixed instruments with very little flexibility, Qualitative researchers allow questions to emanate and restore themselves as the research originates (Krauss, june 2006, p. 759). The qualitative researcher is usually engaged in the world they research, creating a great unstructured and reflective factor to the research, where the researchers’ knowledge, emotive interactions, and past encounters all type a part of the investigation (Ponterotto, 2010, p. 583). According to Guba and Lincoln (as cited in Ponterotto, 2006, p. 128) there are four main analysis paradigms: postpositivism, constructivism-interpretivism and the critical-ideological and positivism perspective.

Of these 4 paradigms, positivism is solely adopted inside the quantitative way, whereas the three remaining paradigms are used in the qualitative approach (Ponterotto, 2010, p. 581). Postpositivism is based on critical realism, and uses classic qualitative methods, in as quantifiable fashion as is possible. Postpositivists believe that although there is a reality self-employed of human intelligence, one can hardly ever truly catch an objective look at of this reality (Ponterotto, june 2006, p. 129). Postpositivists preserve that although the researcher may well have some impact on the analysis, the maintenance of objectivity continues to be crucial in the research method (Ponterotto, 2006, p. 131).

Whilst the postpositive paradigm adopts a modified dualist/objectivist approach, the constructivism-interpretivism paradigm is based on relativism. Constructivists consider reality to become experienced in different ways by every person, as opposed to becoming an external and singular truth. (Ponterotto, 2006, p. 129). Ponterotto (2005) considers the constructivist paradigm as transactional and very subjective, making the interaction involving the researcher and participant capital in recording the lived experience; together with the researcher and participant, together, construct the findings off their interactions (Ponterotto, 2005, l. 129-131).

Like constructivists, the criticalists determine that the truth is constructed in a social-historical framework, the difference getting, that criticalists conceive reality through power relations and use their very own research to understand victims of oppression and seek to reveal structures of power (Ponterotto, 2005, l. 130-131). The researcher’s values play an important role, since participant empowerment and emancipation are the researcher’s goal. Human relationships between analysts and participants are subjective and transactional with the romance being dialectic in mother nature (Ponterotto, june 2006, p. 130-131).

In contrast to the qualitative paradigms, the main characteristic of quantitative research is it mirrors the natural sciences by implementing a positivist approach which is dualist and objective in nature. Positivism assumes the hypothetico-deductive technique, that is, analysts start out having a research issue and speculation, and then produce a way of measuring or showing it (Ponterotto, 2005, g. 128). Ponterotto (2005) further more states which the aim of quantitative research is the prediction, and control of variables that can be expressed as numerical formulas to ascertain functional relationships. These different ontological methods bring to move differing methodological approaches.

Strategy refers to processes and types of procedures of the study. Research methods used incorporate observation, interviews, focus teams, surveys, circumstance studies, forms and research of text message (Ponterotto, 2006, p. 132). Observational research is nonexperimental study where a specialist observes recurring behaviour. It can be unstructured, semi-structured, organised, participant or perhaps non-participant (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 3 years ago, p. 80). Some restrictions to this type of research will be language and cultural boundaries as well as the likelihood of observer bias, with a big benefit being that the researcher gains access to information they normally wouldn’t include.

Observation is typically used in qualitative research, yet can be used in quantitative study prior to developing questionnaires (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p. 80). As with remark, interviews and focus groupings can be structured, semi-structured and unstructured, and may use photographs, notes, videos and strapping recordings to further improve data top quality. Interviewing enables the specialist to guide and prompt issues that we cannot observe, additionally, it allows us to receive an understanding in the participant’s bank account of the happening (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, s. 86).

A few limitations could be the use of vague questions, and excessive compelling and asking yourself by the job interviewer, which can perspective the quality of info. Interviewing is normally utilised in qualitative research, but works extremely well in quantitative research using closed concluded questions (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p. 86). Another kind of methodology is that of Case research which are an in depth observations of a single subject, or a small group of individuals. Case studies will be deemed within trying to appreciate complex internal phenomenon that either aren’t well recognized or may not be replicated experimentally (Burton, Westen, & Kowalski, 2012 g. 55).

Two concerns of using this technique is viewer bias and generalisability because of the small test size, yet , this can be defeat by using a multi-case-study method. This methodology is normally used in qualitative research, however , can also be used in quantitative analysis (Burton, Westen, & Kowalski, 2012 s. 55). Just like case studies, questionnaires and surveys can be a form of detailed research. This involves inquiries about behaviors and morals using a greater sample size (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, l. 96).

A single limitation is definitely the lack of interpretive opportunity, and unintended systemic bias. Research and questionnaires are typically used in quantitative research employing close concluded questions, yet can be used in qualitative study using open up ended concerns. (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, g. 96). The primary difference between fields of study emerge when we go through the methodologies of data analysis.

Frost (2011) pinpoints four main methods of info analysis in qualitative research, they are grounded theory, interpretive phenomenology (IPA), task analysis, and narrative analysis. Grounded theory entails creating categories and themes after which conducting relative analysis to build hypothesis. IPA analyses data by endeavouring to make sense of the participant’s experiences by coding reoccurring patterns and meanings throughout the text.

Talk analysis entails analysing and deconstructing used, written, or any type of significant semiotic event and assigning which means to it. Narrative research focuses on the way people employ stories to interpret and give meaning for the world and provides a useful method for the specialist to explore and describe facts (Frost, 2011, p. 19-94). Two other styles of strategy commonly used, although not discussed here, are ethnography and action research. (McQueen & Knussen, 2013, pp. 430-433).

More over, the core concepts of quantitative research are generalizability, reliability, goal measurement, and validity, in conjunction with three types of study methods which include correlational designs, experimental models, and detailed designs (VanderStoep & Meeks, 2008 pp. 91-108). While correlation and descriptive designs involves discovering the relationship among two variables, experimental patterns allow research workers to make statements of casual inference, which usually looks at which variable is the cause and which is the effect (VanderStoep & Johnson, 2008 pp.

91-108). Quantitative info is analysed using statistical analysis which is made up of descriptive and inferential statistics, and include the, T-test, correlation, common deviation, method, mean, and median and chi-square (VanderStoep & Manley, 2008 pp47-100). In summary, qualitative and quantitative research methods have a lot to offer in psychological research, but with every research strategy there are strengths and weaknesses. Whilst some theorists argue that psychological research can be distorted by subjectivity, others argue that not all human being behaviour and thinking is always strictly reasonable.

Whilst qualitative methods are more time consuming and harder to carry out, they stress validity and data quality; and while quantitative methods tend to be thought of as rigid and offering limited data, it guarantees reliability (Hayes, 2000 pp. 169-170). It is usually seen from the above discussion that different research questions, need different research approaches. Susan O’Neill (1999) conducted a qualitative case study to examine facets of a women’s personality and subjectivity in her interpretation of living with OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER.

The research was conducted in two semi-structured interviews. Inside the first interview the player was asked to tell her story regarding living with OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER. A discursive analysis was then executed on the story and presented to her inside the second interview; she was then asked to analyse her reactions to the examination and provide further clarifications, which in turn identified different aspects of individuality of OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER sufferers not previously identified.

This research demonstrates the importance of using reflexive interviews in order to get a deeper understanding of the participant. As opposed, a study done by Porche et approach. (2012) through which cognitive performance was examined in methadone patients may not be suitable for qualitative methods. This analysis utilised responsibilities to assess psychomotor overall performance, memory, focus and executive function.

Due to the nature in the research and measurement equipment used, it would only be appropriate to undertake this kind of research while quantitative. To conclude psychological research workers should understand fully the study’s purpose and goals before looking at technique and paradigms to ensure they use a paradigm suitable for the study goal and even consider applying mixed analysis designs. Also, it is important to understand that the quality of the study is anchored to the right use or perhaps combination of analysis paradigms, which usually ultimately ought to complement and support your research goal (Ponterotto, 2005, s. 132).

  • Category: Record
  • Words: 1653
  • Pages: 6
  • Project Type: Essay

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