
technology at work the research daily news


Technology Effects, Text Messaging, Computer Technology, Workplace Issue

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Rather, organizations need to strike a balance between the autonomy and independence proposed by technology in the workplace and the dependence on employees to obtain some degree of formal and informal commitment to the business as a whole. Just like seemingly counterproductive activities just like doodling, dreaming, or, in the information grow older, surfing the world wide web, can actually play a role in efficiency by providing employees successful mental activation, so too can your autonomy provided by technology help the organization all together, so long as that autonomy is framed within the context of organizational tendencies.

In order to inspire this autonomy while at the same time ensuring a cohesive office, organizations might be well served by better integrating apparently disparate departments, in order to better wed employees’ individual achievement to the business as a whole. When this lures in the face of traditional notions of top-down company control, it seems sensible when one considers the concept in the circumstance of the organic and natural, unstructured sorts of interactions allowed by details and telecoms technology. As talked about above, technology in the workplace offers opened up space for more recurrent and less formal modes of communication, and by encouraging this kind of communication across traditional department or bureaucratic boundaries, organizations could motivate more organizational citizenship behavior while still reaping some great benefits of more autonomous, proactive persons. Furthermore, increasing this kind of interdepartmental communication can easily reduce managerial ambiguity and feelings of isolation, two factors which have been shown to add substantially to counterproductive patterns (Yang Diefendorff, 2009, s. 260).

The 2nd case study under consideration here comes from the economical industry, and examines the relationship between i . t investment and productivity. This study is very useful for thinking about the influence of technology in organizational behavior, because it attempts to straight confront a major problem in organizational behavior scholarship grant; namely, the notion of the “productivity paradox, inch meaning circumstances where information technology investment does not correspond to any kind of noticeable elevated in productivity (Andreou Boone, 2002, l. 248). The analysis examined banking institutions in the U. S. And abroad, and found that there were no significant differences in terms of autonomy, workload, company commitment, and perceived achievements, even when technology investment differed wildly (Andreou Boone, 2002, p. 255).

While at initially glance this may appear to fly in the face of this study’s disagreement regarding the prospect of technology in the workplace, when considered in the framework of the study discussed above, it truly serves to underline the central debate of this examine, namely, that the successful incorporation of technology into the office depends upon organizational practices themselves, because technology, like anything else, can be helpful or harmful depending on how it truly is used. Thus, when the economic industry study argues that “improvements inside the work environment (i. e. personnel morale, work content expansion, more interesting work) are more associated with information top quality than to it purchase, ” it can be confirming the argument the potential advantages of technology at work are based mostly on organizations carefully managing the partnership between employee psychology and technological proficiency rather than basically introducing fresh technologies themselves (Andreou Boone, 2002, s. 255).

This is certainly an important recognition for the two organizational behavior scholarship and organizations themselves, because it problems many preconceived notions about what actually leads to efficiency, accuracy, and organizational cohesion. Since discussed above, organization behavior scholarship offers only lately begun to acknowledge the value of the entire range of human emotion in the workplace, and by coupling this new area of investigation with considerations of technological expense, organization patterns scholarship can start to produce the kind of research that may more effectively help the success of organizations themselves. This is not to suggest that every previous research has been pertaining to naught, but rather to acknowledge the tendency for formal grant to remain single from the target of the study, in a way that the important information offered by this scholarship do not make their way into practical application.

As with the majority of things in the details age, the trend in organization behavior scholarship grant is toward more inter-disciplinary approaches, an optimistic development because of the previously-discussed need for agencies themselves for taking a more built-in, interdepartmental procedure towards combining technology as a means of boosting overall firm behavior. By simply focusing on interdepartmental integration by making use of information and communications technology, companies can motivate the kind of “regulated autonomy” and innovation which has markedly “positive impacts on organizational habit and function processes” (Mort Knapp, 1999, p. 33).

The technological revolution from the last few years has inspired every aspect of human being experience, and perhaps nowhere more so than the work environment, which has knowledgeable a transformation other brands which has not really been noticed since the Professional Revolution. Nevertheless , this transformation has not took place without its very own set of disadvantages and difficulties, and recent research into organization behavior provides attempted to reveal the relationship among new technology at work and company cohesion and success. By simply examining general research in the communication and integration choices offered by details and communications technology as well as circumstance studies of specific industries, it becomes obvious that the great things about technology is only going to be believed once companies recognize the value of worker emotion and psychology together with the totally novel communication and interaction landscape. By simply reconfiguring the partnership between the person employee plus the larger organization in light of the new relational and conversation processes which have emerged due to information and communication technology, organizations should be able to encourage higher efficiency, precision, and autonomy while making certain cohesive company behavior will not suffer.


Andreou, a. N., Boone, L. T. (2002). The effect of information technology and social differences in organizational patterns in the finance industry. Log of Mental Capital, 3(3), 248-261.

Noir, S. Y., Pearson, L. (2011). A demographic examine of information technology professionals company citizenship behavior. Journal of Management Exploration, 3(2), 1-15.

Harpaz, I. (2005). The net in the workplace: Just how new technology is usually transforming job.

Personnel Psychology, 58(2), 569-572.

Mort, M., Knapp, L. (1999). Developing workspace design and style, web-based tools and company behavior. Analysis Technology Supervision, 42(2), 33-40.

Rafaeli, a. (2004). Emotions in the workplace: Learning the structure and role of emotions in organizational patterns. Human Relationships, 57(10), 1343-1350.

Russo, M. P. (1998). The humanities in a technical society. Humanitas, 11(1), 14-41

Yang, L., Diefendorff, L. M. (2009). The contact of daily counterproductive workplace behavior with emotions, situational antecedents, and personality moderators: A diary study in hong kong. Employees Psychology, 62(2), 259-295.

To be able to offer a comprehensive consideration in the research discussed here, it truly is neccesary to briefly explain some of the unacknowledged limitations of the study. Particularly, the writers make a point of supplying suggestions reagarding the function of gender in organizational citizenship tendencies without acknowlding the socially constructed characteristics of male or female itself (Choue Pearson, 2011, p. 8-9). In other words, they will suggest that people should be maintained differently due to gender distinctions, without realizing that these ostensibly insurmountable differences in organizational citizenship behavior may actually

  • Category: technology
  • Words: 1256
  • Pages: 5
  • Project Type: Essay

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