
homosexuality essay


I. Introduction

Atlanta divorce attorneys action that an individual does, it has a reason behind. There are many factors that condition our manners. These manners are shaped and obtained through our experiences in our childhood times or previous experiences that had superb impacts within our lives. These kinds of experiences may be positive or not, although surely will certainly affect our future’s persona and patterns. Those encounters may determine the kind of people we are. Among the this is homosexuality. Many people, especially those who have practiced this, claim that homosexuality is a call up of nature.

They even rationalize that since the time that they open all their eyes for this world wherever we are in, they already know that they are several; thus, proclaiming to be homosexuals by beginning. But performs this claim actually make sense? As I strongly imagine and throughout the studies I’ve conducted, simply physical characteristics and exclusive characteristics are inherited by the offspring but not the “identity because identity can be inspired and produced as an individual grow and mingle based on a personalities.

An individual simply cannot immediately determine his identity (or gender) when he continues to be an infant. They can only recognize that he is boys or she’s a girl if the people about him/her tell or display to them about his or her gender.

Today, when the people around someone are all young ladies and doing their life styles as women and dr. murphy is the only son, he can conclude to him self that he is one of them. Remember, children are wonderful imitators; hence, what they can easily see around them are actually all correct to their eyes. If perhaps they frequently discover homosexuals on television or around all of them, they are motivated to follow the footsteps of these people. Our identities are shaped and nurtured over time; thus, no one is born because homosexual but it really is inspired by the environment. Decisions around sexual behavior, whether they are arrived at detailed or haphazardly, are affected by many factors within a person’s lifestyle. These elements include the perceived behavior in reference groupings or the mother nature of the relationship within sex occurs. The act of first intercourse, for example , has meaning considerably beyond their pleasurable physical aspect. For many, sex can be a form of fantasy from challenges at home or at the office, coming from economic problems, or from loneliness.

Persons tend to undertake standards and behavior that they can think characterize their research groups. Among college students, different students of a similar sex are a powerful reference point group. Indeed, peers influence on sex behavior and standards enhance during the university years (Mirande, 2001). The perceived lovemaking behavior of friends was examined in a study of college students on the University of Wisconsin. One of many strongest factors associated with sex behavior with the participants was friends’ sexual experience. The prevalence of premarital intercourse increased for each additional friend who was perceived as sexually experienced between both men and women (Schulz et. ‘s, 1999).

In twentieth-century American society, the majority of people regards homosexuality as unhelpful ? awkward ? obstructive ? uncooperative and disapproves of the expression in behavior. The Kinsey studies, the initially large-scale surveys of intimate behavior in the us, indicated that despite widespread condemnation, lgbt experience was relatively prevalent. One of the most amazing findings in the two Kinsey volumes was that about 37% of males and about 20% of females had at least one particular homosexual knowledge at some time in the lives (Kinsey, Pomeroy, &Martin, 2000; Kinsey et ‘s., 1999). Depending on his surveys, Kinsey argued that the product labels “homosexual and “heterosexual will be misleading and obscure the variety in human being sexual tendencies. He recommended instead a heterosexual-homosexual score scale, based upon a continuum of sexual experience.

Studies of homosexuality frequently ignore this kind of continuum, treating anyone with gay experience, nevertheless slight, since homosexual. Actually, individuals who are solely homosexual or exclusively heterosexual are likely to differ systematically via individuals who fall in the middle of the continuum. All those in the middle of the continuum are referred to as bisexual”that is, evenly homosexual or perhaps heterosexual to refer to those people who are predominantly or perhaps exclusively drawn sexually to members of their own gender. The word heterosexual is utilized to refer in people who are predominantly or exclusively interested in members with the opposite love-making.

The intents of this conventional paper are to: (1) understand what homosexuality really is and (2) mentioned that homosexuality is nurture rather than nature.

II. Backdrop

A. Homosexuality

Homosexuality is known as a sexual desire for or exposure to members of the identical sex. Female homosexuals are lesbians, after the Greek tropical isle of Lesbos where in ancient occasions the poet Sappho had written accounts of the type of romantic relationship. Although homosexuality has been regarded and condoned in various cultures since ancient times, it is generally approved by the majority of contemporary societies (see “Homosexuality. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. 285-286).

In america, the legal status of homosexuals varies. Some metropolitan areas and claims have regulations barring discrimination against homosexuals; others include laws proclaiming sexual acts among members of the same sex being criminal offenses. Homosexuals will be barred in the United States military. The Gay and lesbian Liberation, or Gay Privileges, Movement, which will arose in the mid-1960’s, functions to gain legal and interpersonal acceptance to get homosexuals (see “Homosexuality. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. 285-286).

Psychologists and other experts previously believed that homosexuality was obviously a mental health issues. Studies on sale since the mid-1970 have mentioned that there was no proof to support this conclusion. Many experts imagine, however , which the stress and condemnation contemporary society places on the homosexual can cause mental disorders

Controversy encompases the question as to why an individual is homosexual. A few investigators feel that physiological variations, such as variants in de las hormonas production, can be found between homosexuals and other persons. Others believe homosexuality comes from such environmental factors since emotional disputes in child-parent relationships during early years as a child or in peer associations during teenage life. Many, however , have concluded that the issue is as well complicated to cite a particular cause (see “Homosexuality. Fresh Standard Encyclopedia, pp. 285-286).

Homosexuality much more common among males than females. Studies and research regarding sex behavior in the us indicate that the substantial quantity of persons (both male and female) have gotten homosexual encounters at some time in the lives, generally in their youth. Only a small percentage of these individuals, however , embark on to adopt homosexuality as a regular sexual pattern.

III. Debate

Social Problems in Homosexuality

Many opinions about lovemaking behavior between members of the same sex are apparent, and a great many of them are negative. The majority of churches consider homosexuality a sin, various states ponder over it a crime, and until just lately, many mental health professionals have considered it a sickness. The phrase “until recently is a crucial one, due to the shows that concerns about lovemaking practices, including homosexuality, alter with time and culture. The psychiatric community no longer views homosexuality a psychological disorder. In classical Greece, homosexual relationships had been accepted, in least among the list of upper classes (Flaceliere, 2000). In historical Rome, homosexuality apparently was openly approved, as it is in a few contemporary Melanesian cultures (Money, 2002).

Inspite of the greater visibility of homosexuals since the start of the gay freedom movement, many sexologists concur that the prevalence of homosexuality has no increased since the newsletter of the Kinsey reports (Chilman, 1999; Quest, 2001). Estimations of the percentages of individuals who have are mostly or entirely attracted to users of their own love-making vary extensively, from lows of 1% or 2% to highs of twenty percent or more. An affordable estimate seems to be that over 5% of males and fewer females”perhaps half since many”are involved in long-term homosexual behavior. More people, however , have some sexual performance with people of the same gender within their lifetimes, since Kinsey’s data indicated about 40 years before.

The broad variety of speculations regarding the origins of homosexuality generally fit within two major points of views. One perspective holds that homosexuality is actually a product of learning, through the type of relatives situation an individual grew up in or through early experience with sexual behavior. The other point of view holds that homosexuality is biologically decided.

B. Homosexuality and Learning

Early on attempts to know the development of homosexuality often aimed at the along with suggested that childhood experience predisposed visitors to be either homosexual or perhaps heterosexual. A frequent belief was that homosexuals grew up in families which has a weak or perhaps absent father and a strong, domineering mother. Scientific proof does not support this relatives predisposition perspective of homosexuality. Researchers whom conducted a rigorous interview study with a numerous homosexual and heterosexual women and men concluded that the concept male homosexuality, for example , derives from a boy’s romance with his mother is “hardly worth mentioning (Bell, Weinberg, & Hammersmith, 2001).

A number of studies had been done to see if homosexual and heterosexual individuals differ inside their early experiences; these research are directed at isolating factors that contribute to the adoption of one sexual orientation or another. In a single study, twenty-eight homosexual men and 22 heterosexual guys were mentioned sexual activity in four era periods: years as a child, preadolescence, teenage years, and early adulthood. Lgbt men reported more intimate experiences with other males in childhood and preadolescence and early childhood. Data using this research display that at level, a minority of homosexual guys had sexual experience exclusively with members of their own gender (Manosevitz, 1999). During adolescence, close same-sex relationships are common and sometimes very important to the psychological development of young people. A few of these friendships incorporate sexual connection. However , you cannot find any clear data that this sort of experimentation is usually linked to adult homosexuality. Some of these individuals may well subsequently choose homosexual life-styles, whereas others will undertake heterosexual life-styles.

C. Homosexuality and Biology

One natural explanation that attracted several followers several years ago was the notion that homosexuality is genetically based. This kind of explanation shot to popularity after a geneticist published information that studies of lovemaking orientation in sets of identical twin babies revealed a great concordance price. That is, if one dual was referred to as homosexual, then this other was homosexual as well. However , it really is clear from observation by itself that sexual orientation is definitely not below complete hereditary control. Additionally , environmental elements such as embrionario hormone levels may also account for commonalities between twin babies (Brown, 1999). The genetic explanation of homosexuality is normally dismissed today.

Studies of hormone levels in homosexuals and heterosexuals supply the basis another type of biological explanation. Some studies include found, for example , that gay men have lower levels of the male hormone testosterone than perform heterosexual men, whereas homosexual women include higher numbers of testosterone (Bell et ing., 2001). The issues raised by this type of study are complex and debatable. The findings are not often consistent, and even if they were, an association among two elements, such as hormone levels and lovemaking orientation, will not demonstrate causality. Perhaps lgbt behavior makes up about the difference in hormone levels, rather than vice versa. A lot of current rumours about the origins of any homosexual alignment centers within the role of prenatal sex hormones. Human being sexual alignment undoubtedly is influenced by socialization, although prenatal hormone influences might alter individual susceptibility to sexual stimuli in the environment (Money, 2002).

Although it is not possible to eliminate hormonal or perhaps genetic systems in the development of homosexual orientations, there is no stable basis on what to accept this sort of explanations either. As Experts and Meeks put it, “Until more is famous about the origins of heterosexuality, it is hard to believe that meaningful insights will be come to regarding the origins of homosexuality (Master& Meeks, 1999).

Taken together, the studies as of yet provide a few interesting clues about sex orientation, however they do not totally clarify the issues. It would appear that the stereotyped friends and family situation is only weakly linked to homosexuality, if at all. Early intimate experiences much more common among homosexuals, especially among guys, but no-one knows why this is the case (Elias & Gebhard, 2003). There exists probably not any single cause or path to either homosexuality or heterosexuality. Many homosexual adults, although not all, developed their lovemaking orientation just before adolescence. However , researchers have demonstrated that some individuals can change all their sexual life-styles during adult life (Masters & Johnson, 1999). Some heterosexuals change their sexual positioning after teenage life, as do some homosexuals.

4. Conclusion

No matter how homosexuals claim that they are given birth to to be doing this, the research claim that it is nurtured rather than nature. It is just a choice created by an individual. More recent theories to account for homosexuality have included those depending on biological and sociological elements. Chromosomal studies attempting to isolate genetic factors, which might suggest a predisposition to a intimate orientation at birth, have been generally inconclusive. Some social ideas have recommended that homosexuals’ behavior can be an adaptable response to conditions. For example , a prison but go back to heterosexual habit on launch. Such approaches suggest the sometimes transitive nature of homosexuality and point up the difficulty in discovering homosexuality as an exclusive, clear-cut phenomenon. When such ideas can offer details about how come homosexuality occurs in some scenarios, to date you will find no decisive general theories that can clarify the causing of homosexuality.

Because of the debatable nature of homosexuality as well as the heavy cultural proscriptions against it, a lot of people are reluctant to indulge that they are gay and lesbian. Estimates in the incidence of homosexuality have thus been misleading and inaccurate.

Attitudes toward homosexuality have started to change current decades. Gays attribute this, in part, to their personal increasing assertiveness about their rights and about take great pride in in their orientation. While some perceptions change, nevertheless , prejudice against homosexuals nonetheless exists.

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  • Words: 2429
  • Pages: 9
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