
Family Health Assessment Essay


The emphasis of Gordon’s functional well being patterns concentrates on 11 classes which include: wellness perception/management, nutritional/metabolic, elimination, activity/exercise, cognitive/perceptual, sleep/rest, self perception/self concept, role/relationship, sexuality/reproductive, coping/stress tolerance, and value/beliefs (Nursing Planet, 2013).

These number of questions work well when accumulating data that could be interpreted and diagnoses may be applied for actual, as well as potential issues. Issues are identified, decisions about interventions, education, and advertising of a practical, as well as a practical lifestyle (Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle, 2014) can be picked. Discussion in more detail of the interview from the Gouker family evaluation follows. They may have six daughters. Mr. and Mrs.

Gouker have been wedded for 4 decades. Utilizing the 11 functional health habits by Gordon, a family analysis was completed on the Gouker family. The emphasis of health perception/promotion centers around the individuals’ impression of their health and fitness and how that they govern their particular health (Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle, 2014). Due to their grow older, the Gouker family’s wellness perception at present revolves around all their yearly overall health examinations and eating healthful. Mr.

Gouker is 74 years old and Mrs. Gouker is 68. Mr. Gouker (personal conversation, March 14, 2014) says only after having experienced weak spot did he begin having annual tests, as he was healthy his entire life.

Mister. Gouker would not take any kind of prescribed medications. Mrs. Gouker participates in yearly examinations and presently has bloodstream work completed every half a year due to her chronic diabetes mellitus.

Mrs. Gouker (personal communication, March 11, 2014) currently requires daily prescription drugs for this condition. Since Mrs. Gouker (personal communication, Mar 11, 2014) shops for the friends and family, she mentioned that they only consume fish and chicken, which is broiled, and scarcely eats meat or pig. She also works on vegetables while using evening meal.

Appetizers consist of fruits. The primary food is meal, which is consumed together. Mr. Gouker (personal communication, March 11, 2014) states that breakfast consists of coffee and rarely has time for lunch. Mrs.

Gouker (personal connection, March eleven, 2014) consumes breakfast daily which contains coffee and toast, whereas lunch consists of a salad. Mrs. Gouker offers scheduled dental practitioner visits every six months, although Mr. Gouker only activities dental appointments every year. In accordance to Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle (2014), elimination pivots around the exclusion of material in the intestinal and bladder, but also contains the skin.

The two Mr. and Mrs. Gouker prefer to drink water and so they frequently urinate. Mr. Gouker (personal conversation, March 21, 2014) says, that this individual has multiple bowel actions daily, although Mrs.

Gouker has daily bowel motions. Mr. and Mrs. Gouker bathe daily. As stated by Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle (2014), activity and work out concentrates on the patterns regarding activity, exercise, recreation, and leisure. Mrs.

Gouker is retired and Mr. Gouker owns a small business. Mrs. Gouker utilizes the treadmill for going for walks. Leisure and recreational activities consist of yearly travel, and participating in professional sports.

The main focus of cognitive and perceptions are patterns observed in regards to cognition, perception, and the sensory faculties (Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle, 2014). Mister. Gouker posseses an Associate’s level in business government, whereas Mrs. Gouker graduated high school. When expressing his views on pain management, Mr.

Gouker (personal communication, March 11, 2014) stated he rarely activities pain, but if the situation comes up he will take an Alevoso. Mrs. Gouker (personal connection, March 11, 2014) indicated that she only requires Aleve intended for pain or discomfort. Mrs. Gouker finds satisfaction in reading and completing crossword puzzles, whereas Mr.

Gouker manages the company. The main concept of sleep and rest centers on patterns which provide priority to rest, rest, and relaxation (Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle, 2014). Mr. Gouker sleeps four to seven hours every night while Mrs. Gouker sleeps seven to eight several hours per night.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Gouker (personal conversation, March eleven, 2014) express they rest by viewing their favorite tv set programs or perhaps sitting in their very own rocking chair on the porch. According to Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle (2014), the focal point of self perception and do it yourself concept is usually on the persons’ viewpoint of themselves which correlate to their self esteem, all their self well worth, and human body appearance. Mister. Gouker (personal communication, Drive 11, 2014) believes that he can attain anything this individual so chooses.

He believes that if the person is a success or failure depends upon your state of brain. Mrs. Gouker perceives their self as a kindhearted woman and views herself as a genuine individual who is useful to those about her. Regarding body image, Mr.

Gouker stands five feet nine inches tall and weighs a hundred seventy five lbs and is aware that he can overweight. Mrs. Gouker is five ft . four inches wide tall and weighs 182 pounds and perceives herself as slovenly. The focal point of the part and relationship patterns centers on the persons role inside the family and the relationship they have while using other members of the family (Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle, 2014).

Mrs. Gouker treasures being a mother and partner. Mr. Gouker (personal conversation, March 11, 2014) declares that he could be blessed. He loves as being a father and provider to any or all his kids.

Both Mrs. and Mrs. Gouker are content with all their personal interactions with friends and family. According to Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle (2014), the patterns of sexuality and reproduction direct attention to the individuals’ satisfaction or perhaps dissatisfaction with their sexual style.

Mrs. Gouker was humble when speaking of their lovemaking relationship, but Mr. Gouker was wide open.

Both parties will be content with their sexual romance and have simply no complaints concerning sex. The focus of dealing and anxiety tolerance pertains to how the individual detects pressure and the techniques utilized the moment encountering demanding events (Edelman, Zudzma & Mandl, 2014). This friends and family has constantly used connection skills to rectify any kind of problems.

Prayer is applied and their faith that God’s guidance facilitates them. Edelman, Zudzma & Mandle (2014) noted that patterns with regards to values and beliefs focus on spiritual values, values, and goals that direct these choices. The Gouker’s will be Lutheran and attend companies weekly. Upon interview completion of the Gouker family, two wellness and family diagnoses are: The two are at risk for imbalanced diet: more than body system requirements seeing that their person body mass index (BMI) both exceed 20 percent.

Equally Mr. and Mrs. Gouker are at risk for body pictures disturbance. Education for the Gouker’s included the impact of exercise and just how this will lower their physique mass index. It is noticeable that rns impact the lives of these being looked after regardless of the setting.

Education is definitely instrumental can be assisting sufferers and their families to make positive changes in promoting a healthier lifestyle. References Edelman, C., Kudzma, C. & Mandle, C. L. (2014). Health Advertising Throughout the Life Span (8 impotence. ).: VitalSource Bookshelf.

Nursing jobs Plant. (2013). Functional Wellness Patterns. Recovered March 14, 2014 coming from www. nursingplanet. com/theory/functional_health_patterns. code Appendix 1)Health prevention and health managing. a. What do you think about keeping your frequent doctor visits? b. What, as an individual, do you perform to support your health? 2)Nutritional and metabolic a. Regarding your dental needs, what are your dental habits? w. What are your health practices similar to general? c. What sort of foods do you regularly eat? 3)Elimination a. How would you manage your bladder and bowel patterns? b. Where do you turn to take care of the skin?

4)Activity and exercise a. How do you spend time off from job? b. When participating in enjoyment interests, just how many several hours do you devote on a regular basis? c. What do you do pertaining to getaways? 5)Cognitive and perceptual a. How do you manage pain? b. What exercises do you really do participate in to improve your memory? 6)Sleep and others a. Since an individual, how will you relax? w. On average, how many hours do you sleeping at night and what are your sleeping patterns just like? 7 )Self perception and self principle a. What is their prospective on your own self image today?. In terms of your body graphic, how do you look at your body picture?

8)Role and relationships a. As an individual within your family, what is your situation in the family? b. Inside your current location within your friends and family, what makes you satisfied or dissatisfied? 9)Sexual and duplication a. Along with your current sexual relationship, are individuals satisfied or unsatisfied? 10) Dealing and stress tolerance a. How do you deal with stress? b. When managing situations which can be stressful, what should you do?

11)Value and beliefs a. What is your religious denomination? n. In regards to the religion, what guides you towards your goals?

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