
exterior and internal environmental examination


External and internal environmental analysis can be described as critical component for an organization seeking to attain its desired goals. The stick to information through this paper reveals a complete exterior environmental and an internal competitive environmental check JetBlue Air passage. The information provided identifies and analyzes the most crucial external environmental factor in the remote, market, and exterior operating surroundings. When handling external environment it echoes to a group of forces and conditions beyond the organization that may influence its performance. The most common forces contain political, economical, social, technological, environmental, and legal (or PESTEL).

The conventional paper will even more identify and analyze the main element internal pros and cons of JetBlue Airways. The moment addressing the interior environment this speaks towards the key factors and forces within the firm affecting the operation. The internal strength and weaknesses covers an analysis of the JetBlue Airway’s assets, their competitive position and possibilities within. Lastly the following will analyze the structure of JetBlue and how this kind of affects organizational performance.

External Environmental Factors

For JetBlue external environmental factors cover political, economic, social, scientific, environmental, and legal. The most important external environmental factors in the remote, sector, and external operating environment of JetBlue can be extended through chances and threats. Opportunities cover expansion, such as increasing ways and places within the U. S. Global expansion is catagorized within growth as well, although JetBlue has many successful relationships with worldwide airlines there is further potential abroad. Threats include fuel costs, advanced technology, and government relations. Fuel costs and advanced technology happen to be almost associated.

The increasing price of fuel in turnincreases functional costs. Modern technology is a key factor with this space too given fresh planes for instance , have the technology to utilize fuel efficiency in flight. Government regulations and legalities are another important threat pertaining to JetBlue. Airline regulations can easily increase bills and possibly create inefficiency in operations in order to meet up with regulation requirements. Additionally , constraints related to intercontinental trade, duty policy, and competition can thwart expansion efforts.

Inner Strengths and Weaknesses

JetBlue is a pro at utilizing its assets and composition. As such, JetBlue has confirmed to be efficient in the internal environment. Out of the physical and human being aspects of the interior environment JetBlue focuses on man as the key factor. JetBlue views their employees and their skills since the key to a successful structure by putting an emphasis on elements of dedication, satisfaction, service quality, productivity, capability, and output quality. JetBlue displays a tradition of personnel that realize how to retain consumers and can perform under numerous situations with an evenly varied consumer base. Moreover to human being capital, JetBlue uses physical assets setting them in addition to the rest.

The airline number of JetBlue is incredibly precisely picked. From its new Airbus A321 to it is Airbus 320, JetBlue prides itself about comfort and high-class. Other perks offered by JetBlue include lower priced airfare compared to that of their competitors and in-flight entertainment options that succeed its competition. Internal weaknesses will include a smaller basic of destinations compared to their competitors, which may be considered as a product with their smaller airplanes and perhaps less strong brand acknowledgement given its newness in the airline market. The weak point can be increased with increasing their location/market base.

Competitive Position

Key players inside the U. T. airline market include Delta Air Lines, United Continental, American Air carriers, Southwest Flight companies, and JetBlue Airways. In 2013 many consolidations decreased the number of best players, including U. T. Airways with American West, Northwest with Delta, Usa with Ls, AirTrans with Southwest, and American with U. S i9000. Airways. All those carries, which include JetBlue and Alaska, are the cause of more than 90% of the U. S. business (Cederholm, 2013). With the volume of competitors in times of low ormoderate industry progress, the competition increases as each one attempts to woo the consumer base. JetBlue is still the brand new kid it is therefore hard to talk about if it is resources are inimitable. JetBlue’s low cost businesses are interrelated to other activities in the organization like hrm and technology development. If perhaps JetBlue were to reinforce competencies, with its successful low-cost operations, it can find a sustainable competitive advantage rendering it a non-imitable organization.

JetBlue’s competitive benefit is built away from differentiation and cost command. Differentiation has a strong manufacturer image. JetBlue provides this kind of image through its customer service and various in-flight features such as increased legroom and entertainment options every seat. JetBlue achieves expense leadership through efficient operations. JetBlue’s fresh planes minimize fuel costs and increases revenue every flight. Certainly not offering flying meals allows for quick turnarounds and total reduced costs. The differentiation strategy and its particular features perform risk simplicity of imitation or perhaps differentiate types brand beyond daylight hours point of consumer support.

If JetBlue continues to employ a combination of these types of strategies it’ll have an increased strategy in out performing its competition. Superior performance will come through combined cheap services having a differentiated supplying as JetBlue does. As JetBlue techniques onward, the extent where it can maintain the integration of low-cost and differentiation can determine whether its competitive advantage can be sustainable.


The framework of JetBlue is likely quite simple compared to its counterparts. The highest of quality in customer satisfaction, one type of plane, a focus on environment, all this shows its traditions. With the human being aspect being their highest priority installed a lot of thought in how they retain the services of, train, established expectations, and monitor their particular employee base. JetBlue locomotives employees, gives compensation (likely more giving than the competitors), and similarly provides personal strength among it is employee bottom. JetBlue Air passage seeks to use and educate great people (human focus), develop goal, vision, and values. JetBlue operates on the strong company culture, wherever one listens to its customers and employees, cultivates leadership, and provided incentive.


The airline sector is confronted with upturns and downturns with economy developments. With that an evergrowing economy creates a greater demand for air travel, whereas a reduction in the economy means reduced require and intensified competition. JetBlue has was able to maintain a quality brand as being a newer aircarrier, in the face of some significant challenges, such as the misfortune of 9/11. JetBlue Breathing passages new planes, competitively low fares, nonunionized labor, thus far an effective business structure, and good emphasis on a persons element, that remains to provide a foothold in them market as a sound competitor in spite of its external threats and internal disadvantages.


Cederholm, To. (2013, September 3). Review: External factors that impact the aircarrier industry. Retrieved May 23, 2015, coming from http://marketrealist.com/2014/09/must-know-external-factors-influencing-airline-industry/ JetBlue | Airfare tickets, Flights, and Airfare. (n. d. ). Retrieved May 25, 2015, from http://www.jetblue.com


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