
chapter eight summary of zoobiquity by barbara


Chapter 8, Grooming Gone Wild, from the book Zoobiquity by Barbara Natterson Hororwitz and Kathryn Bowers, involved the grooming habits of both pets and individuals and how at times they can be taken too far. The primary theme of the novel overall would be how animals will help solve human being social concerns.

The section opens with an anecdote to “Feather Picking disorder where chickens picked in their own down even though it caused them soreness. She connects the symptoms of “deliberate bodily-harm and “distress in liked ones (160) that were present in the chickens and in contrast it with her human sufferers.

She points out the characteristics of how both derived pleasure from self-harm. A mention of the celebrities and films makes her argument even more relatable and shows that self-mutilation is that rare. She brings up the question: Really does pop traditions encourage these kinds of behaviors in humans?

This is certainly an interesting topic as it is a double-edged blade. Do celebs, the people who are supposed to be role types for youngsters, unknowingly perpetuate an popularity for self-harm? Popular films such as 13 and Lady, Interrupted show young females going through troubled times, and just how they managed handling that.

That they shed mild and distributed awareness of these types of coping expertise that helps blades feel that they’re not as alone. They raise comprehension the particular issues are widespread and do need to be dealt with. As found within Mukherjee’s book, what moves a complete society can cause a change in medical progress toward curing it. Because of these films, more people probably wanted help for their problem instead of internalizing them.

However , a few of them might have tried what they found in the movies since they observed someone take action. Celebrities just like Angelina Jolie and Princess Centro seem even more relatable and human whenever they confessed to harming themselves, but they also undoubtedly encouraged individuals that emulated these to try it as well. Granted it is just a small inhabitants of people who perform, but it is actually a group of people non-etheless. On the same note, the writers of Zoobiquity say that the solutions provided to make animals stop their very own “stereotypies (170) can be used on human sufferers as well.

The most frequent causes of stereotypies are pressure, isolation, and boredom. The moment animals become bored they don’t have any wall socket for their energy. A equine that is fed grains and oats in a feedbag has no need to go out and graze grass. They don’t have an electrical outlet for this strength that is generally expended within their natural conditions so they turn to be “flank biters. They are also herd animals inside the wild, and so when they don’t have stall friends or another dog near all of them they get lonely. That they can’t even fall asleep without a sentry (171). Becoming isolated triggers them stress, which in turn tensions them.

To deal with with this kind of they would as well bite themselves. This problem is definitely prevalent in all animals that are kept in captivity. Zookeepers are always warn for the signs of boredom. Many zoos get their own richness programs for animals that creates toys that stimulate the dog in doing work for their food. In the Biomedical Research Commence they had a creature behaviorist, Blake Harrington, who had been there to make sure that the pets or animals were content and to figure out why if they were not.

These same factors, which will lead to unhappiness in pets, cause despondency in human beings as well. Homo sapiens as being a species happen to be social pets. Even if some seek out solitude, they continue to need to be about others and have some type of target to not truly feel purposeless. The sensation of having an objective, says Horowitz and Bowers, is the key to active elimination of self-mutilation. They compare the average fresh adult to a restless equine with technology to separate them now way to expend their energies due to modern benefits (174). Quite a few solutions, that can come from what behaviorists perform to their animals but tweaked so they’re appropriate for humans, are advised. Teenagers can be find their particular social groups by joining sports, cinema, or helping out.

Forms of psychiatric therapy and entertaining non-harmful “hit of aches and pains, such as nipping a rubber band, happen to be advocated to self-injurers (173). These are some of the ways that human and animal medicine already are converging. With the solutions to self-harm already given to animals, making use of them to individuals should are well, and creates new innovative ways for solving these emotional habits. The chapter concluded on an interesting note. That asked in the event preening traditions such as plastic surgery, repeated electrolysis, Botox, and many others, crossed the line of self-care into self-harm. The class discussion about this was thought provoking and many views were been vocal for both equally sides of the discussion.

While specific people take plastic surgery for the extremes that escalate in to addictions, getting a little performed is certainly not viewed as undesirable in contemporary society anymore. Getting your body “fixed is no longer a pretend pas, but is rather motivated with modern media. Should it be seen as the “norm though? Should folks who want to place their bodies under these sort of stresses be advised to attend counseling 1st, to make an effort the “animal solutions before having something taken or put in themselves for their self-esteem? This really is a current sociable issue facing the world today.

Zoobiquity was a book that was about comparing animals and humans and seeing the connections together, in its the majority of base contact form. It was, nevertheless , more than that. The topics elucidated in the new were applicable in 2012 and definitely will still be extensively debated in the future. Perhaps the prospective solutions pertaining to stereotypies in animals will work for human individuals as well. The authors shows facts and connections between both worlds, but it is up to the audience to decide whether or not they are viable, and what to do about the problems common at the moment.

Performs Cited

Natterson-Horowitz, Barbara, and Kathryn Bowers. Zoobiquity: What Animals Can Teach Us about Health and the Science of Healing. Nyc: A. A. Knopf, 2012. Print.


  • Category: pets
  • Words: 1088
  • Pages: 4
  • Project Type: Essay

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