
the use of irony to emphasize human nature in


Harrison Bergeron, Stephen King

Response to “Popsy” “Harrison Bergeron”

In Popsy, by Sophie King, paradox is used to generate a point regarding human nature. Although this story is unrealistic and somewhat far-fetched, particulars make that seem realistic until the extremely end. The storyline begins with all the main personality, Sheridan, coming to the Cousintown Mall. All of us soon find that he is looking for a child to kidnap to be able to pay back betting debts. Upon finding a primary target, Sheridan initiates contact, discovering the boy experienced lost his ‘Popsy’. Following some function, he has got the boy in to his truck, handcuffs him, and hard disks off to deliver him to Mr. Wizard. First, we now have irony in the ease with which Sheridan kidnaps the son. Passers-by find him discussing with the son, and entirely based on his appearance determine that the scenario is fine, and that Sheridan is a good man, saying “A woman going in looked around with a few vague concern.

The all right, Sheridan said to her, and the girl went on” (Popsy). Simply by saying this kind of, King demonstrates that not everything or perhaps everyone is what or who it seems to be. This woman seemed worried, but after seeing this usual looking dude, and his saying everything was fine, your woman deemed that the situation was okay. Actually, this apparently normal person was in the process of kidnapping children. Also incongruously, the young man continuously warns Sheridan regarding the capabilities of his Popsy, that he is very secure, can travel, and will get him. Sheridan’s disbelief turns into ironic once Popsy virtually lands for the moving motor vehicle and we understand that Popsy can, actually fly. The boy had tried to inform Sheridan, but he had not really listened to his warnings. This kind of story as well points to the simple fact of human nature, that people will do whatever it takes to outlive. Sheridan is in debt for money to the wrong people, and the simply way to save himself is by kidnapping children and delivering those to Mr. Wizard. Though you will discover signs that he does not like this process, ultimately the message is conveyed that he, and humans on the whole, will do no matter what is necessary to outlive.

Harrison Bergeron, by Kurt Vonnegut, also uses irony to say something about human nature. This story, although more of a science fiction story than horror, also uses specifics to make a highly advanced, unrealistic history seem reasonable or relatable. Set in the near future, this account tells someone of a universe where most people are equal. Nobody can be better than anyone else, and anyone delivered with a skill or skill has it taken away from them by government. Yet , everyone is accepting of this world simply because they believe it is a lot better than the old method, saying from the past “Pretty soon get married to be right back to the dark ages again, with every person competing against everybody else. You wouldnt that way, would you? (2). They refer to the past because the ‘dark ages’, suggesting its horridness, and also explain that nor of them would wish to be in that time. Actually, though that they describe the past as unpleasant, the world that they currently are in is actually terrible. However , they can be accepting of their very own new world , nor wish to break from that. This is apparently part of being human, not wanting to break from the norm or differ.

What I learned from these types of stories:

By these stories, I found that it is possible to write of amazing things or perhaps fictional highly advanced worlds, while still seeming realistic to the reader. Full and Vonnegut somehow describe in superb detail these things that do not exist, but still make them very easily imaginable. Including in Popsy, when I read the scene that Popsy royaume on the van, it did not seem crazy or far-fetched, it just ran with the remaining story.

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