
the frequency of ankyloglossia


Disease, Human Anatomy

The role of soft-tissue location and its activity in the charge of malocclusion has been very well documented in literature. Lingual frenulum can be described as type of gentle tissue which often gets overlooked in routine examination (Kleim R, 2009). A frenulum is a little muscle which will cover the mucous membrane that attaches the lips and tongue to the adjacent bone fragments in the mouth (Bai and Anna, 2014). The primary function of frenulum should be to keep the lips and tongue in balance with the growing bones in the mouth during fetal creation (Morowati ainsi que al., 2010). The lingual frenulum or the tongue’s frenulum is a composition that links the tongue to the floor of the oral cavity which allows tongue’s free activity in the oral cavity. It is an anatomic structure which plays an important role in the act of feeding, suction and presentation. Any abnormality associated with frenulum attachment shifts the deglutition function, tongue’s movements, speech and word’s articulation (Bargale et approach., 2014). Lingual frenulum is by a dense fibrous conjunctive tissue and, often , by superior fabric of the genioglossus muscle (Bargale et al., 2014). The lingual frenulum migrates to a central position to occupy its definitive placement along with the growth and development of bone and eruption of dental (Tait G, 2007). When they are born the tongue is usually short with the frenulum extending for the tip with times a bifid just like tip with the tongue can also be noted (Morowati et approach., 2010). In normal series the typically, lingual frenulum recedes during the initially 6 months to six years of your life. Ankyloglossia takes place when the lingual frenulum persists while an anatomical abnormality after 6 years (Ruffoli et al., 2005). The severity of ankyloglossia varies from absence of clinical significance to a completely fixed tongue to the floor of the mouth.

Ankyloglossia is originally derived from a Traditional word skolios (curved) and glossa (tongue). Ankyloglossia is likewise known as tongue-tie which is a congenital developmental abnormality and it is characterized by short, solid lingual frenulum connecting abnormally to the tongue and the ground of the mouth (Bargale ou al., 2014). History of tongue-tie was identified to be debatable as there is no agreement among experts on the diagnosis and remedying of this inborn condition. It can be typically an isolated anomaly, but could be associated with various other craniofacial abnormalities like Orofacial Digital Syndrome, Beckwith Weidman Syndrome, Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome, X-linked Cleft Palate Syndrome, Kindler Syndrome, Van der Woude Syndrome, Opitz Syndrome, Ehlers-danlos Syndrome, while others (Lalakea and Messner, 2003). Ankyloglossia is a condition which may be observed in neonates, children, or perhaps adults. The clinical relevance of ankyloglossia is varied as some creators believe it is seldom symptomatic condition (Paradise J, 1990) while some (Marmet C, 1990, Fletcher SG, 1968) feel it may lead to a variety of problems which include infant feeding difficulties, speech disorders, lower incisor problems, malocclusion and various other mechanised and cultural issues.

  • Category: Health
  • Words: 491
  • Pages: 2
  • Project Type: Essay

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