
The Effects of the Harlem Renaissance to the Life of the Afro-Americans Essay


History lets us know that the Blacks were at first known simply slaves in america.

They have been presented in the United States as slaves inside the tobacco farms and since they have always been remedied as poor and subordinate to the White colored folks. “As dark-skinned persons, African-Americans possess identified themselves and been identified by others as different from first-class citizens. Their color is short for poverty and poverty’s stigma (Andersen 4). ” There is great efforts for a few of which to avoid this oppression among the Whites but they did not in any way succeed. They have be a subject of tortures, lynchings, and abuses. Their methods were seen as backward but not modern. The American Civil war was said to have got ended slavery but never the oppression that goes along with that.

After the annulation of slavery by the previous President Braham Lincoln, the Blacks were no longer employed as slaves, laundrywomen, workers, and tenants to the White folks nonetheless they remained to be discriminated. They were not known as human beings. We were holding loathed.

These people were seen as diverse and not worthy of respect. As a result, they hated their color, their traditions, and their origin. They were inferior of themselves. And while that they weren’t in a position to gain value from other folks, even more frustrating, is they did not gain respect on their own (Andersen 285).

These serious situations from the Black improved during the Harlem Renaissance and forward. During your stay on island are many dark people who had been lynched inside the South and the most African Us citizens were not allowed to exercise their right to have your vote as citizens of the United States, “the leaders from the Harlem Renaissance questioned the significance of democracy for people (Painter 193). ” They prompted the rich and the educated Whites to work with then in converting the racist ideologies of most with the White world. They countless their white allies and discovered much more talented African-American writers.

They shepherded their very own works of literature to printing. The first time in the great the Blacks, major marketers agreed to draw out their works. The main aim as Jessie Fauset found it was to “find our beautiful and praise-worthy, cardiovascular chauvinism that is content with its types (Painter 194). ” As established in the preceding paragraphs, the Harlem Renaissance drew out of the Negros all of the necessary ethnic pride and connection between themselves to acquire self-identity and finally emancipation (Painter 189).

What Hurtson is due to it and all other Dark American authors is the responsibility of offering a path pertaining to the improvement of ethnic consciousness through literature as well as the other artistry. They publicize and romaticize the Dark-colored experience while unique itself and something that is worthy of attention and gratitude. They have inculcated among the African-Americans the energy of learning themselves aside from what the Whites imposed after them searching back and profound into their nationalities and roots.

Through these efforts and endeavours by simply Hurtson and many other writers, we were holding able to damage the criticizing stereotype that surrounded the Black spirit since since the beginning and has made them recognized their put in place America since an independent and free group. Works Mentioned Andersen, Margaret and The singer, Howard Francis. Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Contemporary society. Connecticut: Thomson Wardsworth, 06.

Campbell, Josie P. Student Companion to Zora Neale Hurtson. Westport: Greenwood Posting Group, 2001

  • Category: Meals
  • Words: 592
  • Pages: 2
  • Project Type: Essay

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