
resource economics dengue inside the term paper


Demography, Water Resources, Middle Asian, Community Resources

Excerpt coming from Term Paper:

Quite recent estimates of the per household costs to get vector control have been predicted to be between $0. 02 and $3. 56 dollars (Beatty ou al., 2011), which could translate into $1. 1 to $200 , 000, 000 for these 3 countries (IMF, 2012); however , vector control costs would probably be towards low end because the climate is of course hostile towards a. aegypti and dengue is native to the island only to limited regions of Saudi Arabia and Yemen. In terms of percent gross home product (GDP), a $1 million dollar twelve-monthly vector control program will represent 1 . 7×10? six and 3. 0x10? five of the GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT in Arab saudi and Yemen, respectively.

Global Health Policies for Dengue Control

The WHO has determined three desired goals to be attained by 2020 to get global afectacion prevention and control and these are: (1) 50% reduction in mortality, (2) 25% decrease in morbidity, and (3) identify the true responsibility of the disease (WHO, 2012). The technical factors cited while critical for achieving these desired goals are superior disease managing, partnerships, monitoring, vector control, and sales and marketing communications. The relationships that the That has identified as vital are wide, from nationwide health ministries, private companies, non-governmental agencies, and community leaders. Essentially, controlling and preventing afectacion in the Middle East will require the creation of any dengue health and vector control infrastructure.

In Saudi Arabia, this infrastructure has been built (Ministry of Overall health, 2012). One of the primary sources of dengue in the Empire is the inflow of Muslim pilgrims through the Hajj and a clinic has been made to handle patients with dengue and other disease diseases. In comparison, efforts to control dengue in Yemen seem to be primitive by comparison (Al-Maqtari, 2012).


Melindre is native to the island to the Midsection East over the southern seaside regions of the Red and Arabian Seas. Efforts to regulate and prevent the illness in Arab saudi are regular (Ministry of Health, 2009; 2012), nevertheless comparatively ancient in Yemen. Importantly, handling and avoiding dengue inside the Arabian Peninsula should be inexpensive and effective for most with the region, although more difficult to get urban areas along the route to Great place.


Al-Maqtari, Muaad. (2012, May 17). Dengue fever sweeping central prison in Hodeida and refugee camp in Harad. Yemen Times. Retrieved 28 Mar. 2013 from http://www.yementimes.com/en/1573/news/860/Dengue-Fever-sweeping-Central-Prison-in-Hodeida-and-refugee-camp-in-Harad.htm.

Beatty, Tag E., Beutels, Philippe, Meltzer, Martin I., Shepard, Jesse S., Hombach, Joachim, Hutubessy, Raymond ain al. (2011). Health economics of afectacion: A systematic materials review and expert panel’s assessment. American Journal of Tropical Remedies and Cleanliness, 84(3), 473-488.

CDC (U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). (2012). Dengue as well as the Aedes aegypti mosquito. CDC. gov. Gathered 27 Scar. 2013 via http://www.cdc.gov/dengue/resources/30jan2012/aegyptifactsheet.pdf.

CIA (U. S. Central Intelligence Agency). (2013). World Reality Book. Middle East: Arab saudi. CIA. gov. Retrieved twenty seven Mar. 2013 from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sa.html.

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IMF (International Economic Fund). (2012, Nov. ). Regional Economical Outlook. Middle East and Central Asia. Washington, Deb. C.: IMF Publication Services.

Ministry of Health. (2009). Joint Committee for dealing with dengue fever formed. Ministry of Well being, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Gathered 27 Mar. 2013 from http://www.moh.gov.sa/en/Ministry/MediaCenter/News/Pages/NEWS-2009-4-22-001.aspx.

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  • Category: environment
  • Words: 747
  • Pages: 3
  • Project Type: Essay

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