
marry clara essay



Obi is in the way to his daddy when he fulfills an old school companion

from Umofia.

OBI: Wow! Hallo John it was a long time ago we attained. How are you?

John: Thanks, Im fine.

It absolutely was certanly a long time ago we fulfilled.

What are you doing here in Umofia? We heard you work for the Civil

Service in Lagos, I hope it is fun.

Obi: Im right here to visit my dad and mum. It was in the past I

frequented them and I have anything Important to discuss with them.

Jacob: Oh I see, what is this important thing that has brought one to


Obi: Ok the problem is that I have got met a female, her brand is Clara.

We attained at a dance after that on the boat-trip back via England.

We all fell in love now we want to get married to each other, yet there is a

moderate problem.

Clara is a great Osu, however in my eyes she’s the most beautiful female in

the world, she is just like the sun in a sunset and a moon in the nighttime

, there is always lumination shining coming from her.

The not a fare world our company is living in, the girl cant accountable for

something her ancestors performed.

Im gonna marry her I never care what others will explain about it.

John: Calm down buddy! Im the friend and Im christian too yet

you know what the individuals in the small town think about Osus.

If you want to have your dignety you need to do better not get married to her.

If you marry her everone can call you and your children Osus

and you will bring shame not simply on your family members but as well on almost all

your ancestors.

Obi: I know all that previously. This is contemporary time and individuals are

more free now to choose so why can’t I choose who have I want to marry

without everybodys comments.

So should all of us care about a thing so outdated as the Osu-tribe.

Many people are brothers of the black group.

We have received the same bloodstream that our first ancestors helped bring us.

What differs the Osu-tribe via us?

Nice to meet you but I have to go ahead of it gets dark.

Help you!

Jacob: Yes, see you!


Obi is knocking on his fathers door and his daddy opens it.

Father: Exactly what a university great amaze, welcome house and meet in.

We now have missed you since you went to Lagos.

How is your projects? Is Mr Green wonderful to you?

Obi and his daddy walks in.

Obi: Thanks a lot! Everything is usually alright in Lagos besides Mr Green.

He thinks we Africans are sluggish and a corrupted persons and that the

light Englishmen needs to rule in Africa in the event anything is going to be

done properly. 

Daddy: Mr Green seems to have a temperament problem against black

people, but there is something else you need to tell me. I am able to see that

at the face.

Obi: Ok: being straight forward, I like a girl, her name is Clara. She is

the most beautiful young lady I have met.

We have been collectively now for a while and we intend to marry

each other.

You need to agree to a marriage.

Father: Ok take it easy right now, I havent met this young lady and i also

dont find out anything about her background and her ancestors.

You explain it to me beacause you know even more about her then I do.

Obi: This really is hard to say, but she’s an Osu.

I dont care if perhaps she is an Osu or perhaps not she is the same young lady for me.


Obis dad went out in the room devoid of saying anything.

Obi proceeded to go after him.

Obi: Daddy we can at least talk about it because men

Father: I have not talk about along son. How could you be

so foolish to even consider marry a great Osu.

It might discrase us and everybody will chuckle at us.

Have you ever spoke with someone else concerning this?

Obi: Certainly, Jacob

Father: Fool carry out realise whats going to happen if he tells the remaining of

the village, will you

Obi: Certainly I do and there is nothing to always be ashame of. Who cares about

her ancestors and forefathers and their history.

Not me personally, we want each other and thats the only thing that means

something will not it.

Were Christians for god reason and we can pick whoever we wish

to our partner.

Father: I know but what does the rest of the community going to claim.

Obi: We must teach these people and get them to accept the newest

generation and what it means, everyone has his rights

to express and believe what this individual want to.

Father: Ok my child lets try, but if there is a saying no and we cant influence

them thats it!


  • Category: works
  • Words: 1022
  • Pages: 4
  • Project Type: Essay

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