
London by William Blake and Composed upon Westminster Bridge bt William Wordsworth Essay


The Revolution in France coincided with the post occurences of the Commercial Revolution of England. During this time period the rich became richer, the poor became even poorer, and major towns or perhaps cities became over congested. The thoughts and feelings of the people living over the country currently, often had been expressed in poetic form.

Two this sort of poems established around the same time and both equally set in Greater london are London, by Bill Blake and William Wordsworth’s Composed After Westminster Connection. London is drafted nine years before Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, and tells of the suffering in the people of London. A uniform and exact sense is sensed in the beginning two lines of the poem, as both equally streets as well as the Thames will be described as getting chartered and something which is chartered is very actual and has a definite and set outline.

Another two lines ending the first stanza tell of some weakness and woe in every encounter Blake fulfills, meaning there is certainly sadness and regret along with weeknesses sensed by him as he passes people along his journey. The first two lines of the second stanza read with the cry of both guys and infants. The reason why infants cry is because they cannot declare what is damaging or bothersome them. Consequently we are generated realise which the suffering felt by the adults of Birmingham or of Man’ as it were, is very intense that even they cannot verbalise it and so they weep out. Finishing the second stanza we examine that the poet hears mind-forg’d manacles.

They are forms of worries, enforced in the minds of individuals, holding these people back by doing or saying certain things. Our company is told these kinds of fears are found in every single person’s words, in every ban, meaning that these types of common fears are inquired about by the poet person, in every person he encounters. The beginning lines in the third stanza again tells of crying and also now of admonition. In such a case the chimney-sweeper’s cry is usually heard. Just chimney-sweepers were young children forced to go out to work by their families.

They were doing very difficult and pain staking work for almost no money it reveals their discomfort and enduring in doing and so. Condemnation originates from the cathedral. The spiritual leaders are appalled at the fact of the, yet the poet person describes the church since blackening, giving us the impression of the unpleasant refuge’ which transforms a sightless eye around the suffering from the sweeps. The closing two lines from the third stanza reads of your hapless soldier’s sigh operate in blood down the Palace walls.

This delivers to all of us that the hopelessness felt by soldiers is coming from the reality their well being is certainly not considered simply by those in charge. The jewellry is delivered to war with a ruler who cares little to get him. The first three lines with the final stanza tells us that the majority of noise observed comes from youthful Harlot’s curses/ [which] blasts the new given birth to Infant’s tear.

This means that many of the noise heard during the night originates from young prostitutes shouting at young babies to be peaceful because they are moaping. An uncomfortable and unsettling mixture is created throughout the contrast of these young ladies who sell all their bodies to get sex, shouting at fresh, fearful and unadulterated babies. The final range is a great ominous a single containing the statement And blights with plagues wedding hearse.

The fact that we are told of how the prostitutes are blighting with plagues the Marriage hearse can be significant Marriage usually means that a existence just starting out with someone else, this contrasts with a hearse which carries coffins and so is normally linked with loss of life and hence symbolises the end of a life. The curse and words linked to disease provide us with a sense that sexually transmitted diseases happen to be quickly distributing and they are quickly killing all of society. General Blake requires a negative and strict looking at point of London which echoes the fantastic suffering through the day.

Another composition, set in Greater london and drafted just seven years following London provides a contrasting tone to Blake’s. It can be William Wordsworth’s Composed Upon Westminster Bridge. Composed Upon Westminster Bridge is a comparable poem to London because the poet is the one travelling through the London this describes, the poems comparison greatly. Wordsworth opens with an earnest statement, praising London as he says that surpasses nearly anything on the globe.

In the second and third line Wordsworth makes the affirmation: Dull would he be of soul whom could complete by/A sight so holding in its majesty: this means one would must be dead inside’ if they couldn’t love such splendor. The fact that Wordsworth uses the word majesty offers a regal feeling, a regal beauty giving us the idea of precisely how grand and magnificent this city actually is. This contrasts very well with the disease ridden town described simply by Blake, using such words as problem and blight, giving metropolis an entirely unsettling ambiance.

In the last line Wordsworth starts out by giving the word City a capital letter, which will stresses just how important metropolis actually is. Wordsworth then goes on to tell us just how like a garment [it] wears/The natural beauty of the morning. Like a garment is a simile, and in this situatio Wordsworth uses clothing symbolism to convey to us his point. The simple fact that he links this kind of with the natural beauty of the morning hours suggests to us that the beauty fits well with the city. The ending of the 6th line moves into the 6th line and tells of a silent natural beauty of all of the manufactured things present in a city.

A total contrast for this, are the two references manufactured by Blake of Man’s creations telling us of black’ning churches and blood-stained Palaces. A troubling and unpleasant contrast to the silent splendor implied by Wordsworth. The next line speaks of how these buildings mix seamlessly with nature; Open unto the fields, and also to the skies; Because this backlinks directly together with the previous distinctive line of the muted beauty with the city’s properties, Wordsworth is connecting guy and Mother nature; the city is at one with Nature’s wanders, at one with Goodness.

Blake makes no reference point linking both man and Nature, in fact we are given but one particular reference to mother nature and that is in the chartered Thames, due to the fact with this we can simply infer that Blake is intending communicate to us actually the great over industrialised hell’ London is really, and just how much Nature continues to be destroyed to be able to create this kind of city. Wordsworth ends this section by showing us in-line eight in the scene since All glowing and shimmering in the electric air. conveying to us Wordsworth’s thoughts that London is incredibly clean, extremely sparkling, fabulous and new..

In lines 9 and eight Wordsworth makes another fervent statement, virtually exclaiming that at no various other time has the sunlight, not even seeing that creation, manufactured the scenery more beautiful than currently in London. Ne’er saw I actually, never sensed, a calm and so deep! shows of Wordsworth’s great surprise of just how amazing London is definitely. He are unable to believe what he’s finding and so is extremely moved. This again differentiates with Blake’s views on London.

He speaks of a common dread sensed within just all people this individual met, they are ill at ease and scared to go widely around this great’ city. That may only imply that London may not have been this great and relaxed city referred to by Wordsworth. The last lines in the composition are detailed of the surroundings and collection twelve sees Wordsworth revealing the freedom felt by Nature: The river glideth at his own lovely will. This kind of contrasts tremendously with the limitations and restraints conveyed to us through the description with the Thames as being chartered. Suggesting to us the restraints set upon Nature, immobilising it from prospering due to man’s greed pertaining to industry and money.

Wordsworth ends his poem exclaiming that it is so quiet and tranquil that even the properties seem asleep. The last type of the poem sets up London, uk as being the heart’ of Great The uk, London is definitely the thing which in turn enables England to work correctly: And all that awesome heart is definitely lying even now. We really sense Wordsworth’s surprise at finding this essential lifestyle force so still including rest. This can be a complete opposite to Blake’s bustling, overcrowded and disease ridden city.

The nights and so are with fresh harlot’s execration at shouting babies, when they’re away trying to make a bit of money from offer in themselves for sex when. And all enough time aiding to the destruction of society because of the spreading of disease. Overall, undoubtedly the best poem is definitely William Blake’s London.

Personally i think Blake’s composition far surpasses Wordsworth’s because Blake offers to all of us a more genuine and altogether poignant atmosphere to Wordsworth’s happy and perfect city. I feel that his use of language and style of writing conveys well the perception of London during the course of industrialisation to be an overpopulated and disease ridden hell.

  • Category: Meals
  • Words: 1630
  • Pages: 6
  • Project Type: Essay

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