
health promotion in nursing practice essay


Health promotion has changed into a key element of healthcare in today’s health sector. Promoting healthy and balanced lifestyles and behaviors and prevention of disease offers shifted to a forefront location in the area of healthcare. Health campaign is described by the Globe Health Business as “the process which usually enables individuals to improve control of the determinants of health insurance and as a result to improve their own overall health. (Jadelhack, 2012, p. 65) Promoting well being and growing strategies to get this including confrontation of obstacles and barriers to wellness has become mainstream in nursing practice.

Nurses now incorporate aspects of education, practice, methodology, and research which has set all of them at the innovative in overall health promotion. Research have shown that health promotion is highly budget-friendly and as well being costs climb, targeting conditions that are avoidable such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, COPD, and communicable illnesses such as Hepatitis and HIV can greatly diminish healthcare costs.

Marketing prevention instead of just treating disease following it arises will lessen healthcare costs exponentially.

In the past, nursing staff provided individual education established at teaching patients the right way to manage current illness, primary was within the present. In the current nursing primary is now on maintaining ideal health and actions that showcase healthy lifestyles in effect heading off disease prior to it takes place. The spotlight is now about future health and management of wellness and on remaining healthier. In order to do this, nurses need to possess a strong understanding of the disease process and interventions that can be made in order to guide the patient and communities. They also must be well educated and knowledgeable in evidence-based practice and methods to coach and teach individuals as well asfamily members. Nurses play a vital role in guiding decisions in wellness by persons, families and communities. They must understand hypotheses, models and practices and become equipped to implement surgery as well as evaluate effectiveness and redesign the approach to meet the desired outcome.

As people become more aware about the benefits of health and mindful of their own wellness, community wellbeing is likely to improve. In order to facilitate and implement these alterations, information delivery must be adequate and suitable. Nurses has to be educated in the delivery of health education and outfitted to head away barriers to learning just before they happen. Understanding cultural diversity and learning models promote better education of patients and communities. Promoting for healthier behaviors and lifestyles should be implemented and promoted at every contact with the person. This is currently seen in actions by bonuses for smoking cigarettes cessation and weight loss by organizations and insurance companies. The population must be given the correct tools in order to make the changes necessary to enhance wellness desired goals. In addition , optimizing opportunities during patient get in touch with must be manufactured. Every get in touch with is an opportunity to advance healthy behaviors and education sufferers and families. Clinic trips alone must not be the only connection nurses make use of to address wellness promotion.

Shower changes, injections, home wellness visits, and telephone get in touch with are all ideal times to advertise healthy habit and instruct patients. System for educating comes in various settings for nurses and must be utilized to the highest degree possible. Wellness promotion will come in three forms, primary, supplementary, and tertiary. The initially level of medical, or major prevention is provisioned to promote health and elimination of disease. The second level or second prevention is aimed at early on identification of disease. Concentrating on high risk individuals in which the disease process has not yet demonstrated itself in order to promote actions that decrease the effects of disease. The third degree of health care is known as tertiary prevention. This degree of care consists of care of disease that is already proven. It works to regenerate the best level of function and disease managing. It also helps bring about diminishing any more advancement of the disease process. The main difference between the 3 levels of care is generally the magnitude of disease and the standard of affliction confronted by the patient.

Primary amount of care discounts mainly withhealthy individuals who have not yet displayed evidence of disease. This kind of level deals with lessening the actual potential for disease through strategies such as vitamin supplements, immunizations, weight control, smoking cessation and other healthy and balanced lifestyle manners. The supplementary level details care aimed at maintaining the level of health the individual is currently in and protecting against advancement of disease. Among the this would be an individual who has a family group history of hypertension whose stress readings happen to be increasingly raised. Health promo would be designed to avoid start the disease along with health lifestyle changes to limit the already present risk. In tertiary prevention, proper care involves dealing with health conditions and disease that have previously manifested.

The goal of this level is to returning the patient for an optimal level of functioning and preventing additional progression from the disease. Support of the patient’s current well being status and educating these to prevent complications as a result of the illness. This is proven as educating a Hepatitis C affected person on the need for discontinuing drinking and safe love-making practices to prevent transmission and coinfections. The nursing position extends well beyond primary care and basic skills. Health advertising is a modern way healthcare professionals can assist sufferers, providers and communities in implementing and advocating intended for wellness and prevention of disease.


Baker, D. (2007). Media Assessment: Health Campaign in Nursing Practice. Retrieved from http://www.acme-articles.com/article/Healthcare_Systems/Health_Promotion_In_Nursing_Practice/87821 Jadelhack, 3rd there’s r. (2012). Well being Promotion in Nursing and Cost-Effectiveness. Record of Ethnic Diversity, 19(2), 65-68. Gathered from http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/eds/detail?vid=3&sid=ac36e1ac-7283-45be-9086 [emailprotected]&hid=4205&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ==#db=ccm&AN=2011602897 Lopes M., de Fatima Antero Sousa Machado, M., Barroso, L., Macêdo, E., Costa, R., & de Sousa Furtado, D. (2013). Wellness Promotion in the Perception of the Strategy of Family Well being Nursing Pros. 14(1), 60-70. Retrieved from

one particular

  • Category: Health
  • Words: 1052
  • Pages: 4
  • Project Type: Essay

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