
Governments Should Not Negotiate With Terrorists Essay


Would you give a thief $100, 1000 to get your taken purse backside? If you were to provide a robber $100, 000, you would produce him think that he can make money out of stealing purses and handbags. The thief would utilize the $22.99, 000 to get a gun or perhaps other guns or automobiles that would support him grab future purses.

Now take into account the thief as being a terrorist and also you as a federal government. Should government authorities negotiate with terrorists? Terrorism activities possess increased these kinds of past few years due to defective decisions made by governments when dealing with terrorists. Many have made the mistake of compromising with terrorists, making them seem weak and targetable, which only sponsors future terrorist acts. The final results of earlier government agreements with terrorists have simply worsened and perpetuated this situation.

The spending of vast amounts as ransom to terrorist kidnappers and hostage/takers in addition has fueled future terrorist disorders and provides only manufactured terrorism profitable, making it more appealing to terrorists. Governments legitimize terrorism by compromising; as a result governments should never negotiate with terrorists, somewhat marginalize and weaken all their organizations by simply refusing all of them any snack bars and concentrating on individuals inside their groups. The reasoning at the rear of terrorism is that violence may be used to attract the interest of governments and the public, who therefore, succumb to the terrorist’s suggestions and/or wishes.

Unfortunately, this terrorist strategy is sometimes effective, like in the 2004 This town Bombings. Upon March 11, ETA, a terrorist corporation, bombed four commuter teaches in Madrid. Their aim was to produce a political change in Spain; the elections were that same weekend.

Before the bombings, the People’s Party was the voter’s favorite, nevertheless ETA’s terrorist attack triggered a drastic difference in the boule and the Socialist Party gained. After successful the political election, the Socialist Party made a decision to remove the The spanish language troops in Iraq, which is what ETA wanted. Because of this turn of situations, Downing says: the terrorists would be able to claim that their bombings had affected both a European election and the situation in Iraq. (Downing 38-39) Since the persons and the federal government reacted to the attack how ETA wished it too, the terrorists could have considered as the attack good, and as a result may harm again.

The message the government sent ETA is that if they want an alteration, they should just use violence to obtain that. Governments has to be careful with terrorist’s curiosity and their individual interests when making controversial decisions, especially those produced shortly after terrorist attacks, like the bombings in Madrid. In that case, the decision was whether or not to take out Spanish troops from Iraq.

ETA needed them removed, and the Socialist Party made a decision to remove them as a result of pressure these people were put below. Removing the troops was a mistake since it just pleased the terrorists; it manufactured the terrorists feel they will manipulate the federal government through pressure induced simply by brutality. Governments should always incorporate terrorist hobbies in crucial decision-making, however, not to make the decision inside the terrorist’s favour, rather ponder in a way that terrorists are not happy by it and cannot consider any credit rating from it.

Governments must show that they are strong, and they are not and definitely will not always be influenced by simply terrorism. (Downing 38-39) Governments make themselves appear fragile by succumbing to pressure, and sometimes the pressure will not even range from terrorists in the situation, but from other governments, market leaders or groupings. Even if they could want to interfere for the most pacific reasons, peace negotiations with terrorists do not have the very best outcomes. To begin with, they are terrorists; therefore , a common and only way of attempting to attain their goals is through violence. Because of this if they don’t receive the actual desire through force, consider they cannot get it through tranquility either.

Subsequently, terrorists happen to be unpredictable; they can not be trustworthy. Thirdly, most terrorists tend not to back down, specifically jihadists, because they are willing to drop their existence for what consider in. Last but not least, if a authorities makes tranquility with terrorists, and the terrorists do not retain their end of the deal, then the authorities will appear fragile and defeated, while the terrorist will appear successful. These are the issues for which governments should not make an attempt to make tranquility with terrorists. They should try to end terrorism instead of producing a cupo with it.

A perfect example of why governments should not seek peace via terrorists is an episode the U. S. govt had in Fallujah. U. S. Marines attempted to give up with jihadists in Fallujah after staying pressured simply by European officials and man rights groups. The U. S. Admin of Point out, Colin Powell, said they will wanted tranquility instead of conflict in Fallujah, but the jihadists misunderstood and considered the compromise a success over the People in america. (Rubin 19-20) As a result, the misunderstanding triggered 30 car bombings.

Not merely did the U. S. appear fragile because of this failed compromise; additionally, it encouraged the jihadists to carry on with their terrorist acts for the reason that jihadists presumed they conquered them, and that they were capable of defeating them again. Truces with terrorists are incredibly tricky and unpredictable, and should always be avoided because an unfavorable final result can be huge and can result in more physical violence. Just as truces with terrorists can be very tricky, negotiating with terrorist kidnappers and hostage-takers can be very difficult as well.

Lately terrorists work with these tactics to create an audience full of incertidumbre. These strategies now generate more focus than aneantissements and bombings because people are receiving more accustomed to them because they happen. (Rubin 22) Kidnappings/hostage takings have grown to be more and more well-known and sadly, governments have been making it a lot more popular by looking into making it profitable. They make that profitable simply by negotiating and paying ransoms to terrorists because negotiating with kidnappers legitimizes their very own act and as a result further proliferates terrorism.

It has spread terrorism because the terrorists have learned that kidnapping/hostage-taking is becoming very rewarding. (Rubin 23) In 03 2000, Muammar al-Qadhafi, a Libyan leader, paid Abu Sayyaf, a hostage-taker based in the Korea, a $25 million ransom for the release of priests, teachers, and children he had kidnaped by a school. (Rubin 23) Following receiving the cash, Abu Sayyaf expanded his terrorist group from a couple of hundred to more than a 1000 members and bought speedboats and guns, which were employed for other kidnappings. By paying the terrorist this sort of a large ransom to keep the captives from getting injured, Muammar al-Qadhafi funded upcoming kidnappings, placing more people in danger.

The paying of the ransom likewise made kidnapping productive to get Sayyaf, mainly because they technically rewarded him for terrorism, encouraging him to carry out more terrorist acts because he can get money or perhaps other concession out of these. The same case occurred in Sahel. The Bin Laden in the Desert, Ammari Saifi, had taken 32 Western vacationers inside the Algerian wasteland, and placed them hostage for 177 days. The German government paid a five million euro ransom and they had been released, but Ammari Saifi used the bucks to buy weaponry and vehicles. (Rubin 24) The German born government financed future kidnappings similar to how a Libyan leader did.

It is a pattern: terrorists kidnap citizens; they request reward in substitution for the hostages; and then they use the ransom they get paid to repeat this routine more effectively (with new and more members, weapons and vehicles). Governments should not keep worthwhile terrorists with million dollar ransoms because most they have been performing is perpetuating the cycle instead of stopping it. Government authorities should work with force to recuperate captives and prevent rewarding terrorists with ransoms.

It is an real U. T. government insurance plan to deny hostage takers the benefit of ransom, prisoner produces, policy improvements, or different acts of concession. (Counter-Terrorism: Record, Strategy and Tactics Web) Western governments should also respond to kidnapping by thinking about the security of the most their people instead of an individual. Even though it could end in harm or fatality of the attentive, in the long term that prevents further more kidnappings. (Rubin, 24) Thus governments should try their best to recuperate captives, but without the utilization of ransoms mainly because in the long run, a short tragedy surpasses the endangerment a larger sum of individuals.

Governments should never appease with terrorists, they have to use intellect to take these people down instead. In a war among networks, the medial side with outstanding intelligence is victorious. (Garreau 60) The more information and technology can be obtained, the better the likelihood of defeating the terrorists will be because more effective strategies can be put into action. Governments will need to use this expertise to find the head and how to concentrate on them.

The best choice of the group is key because the disruption or terrorist leaderships weaken terrorist business and causes those to struggle and expose themselves. (Rubin, 27) This has been taking place with Osama bin Laden and his terrorist organization: The loss of rubbish bin Laden and these other crucial operatives places the network on a way of decline that will be hard to reverse. (Country Reports on Terrorism 2011 Web) Be careful with this strategy: Better the devil you know. Like [Libyan dictator][Moammar] Gaddafi, keep him surviving, because you know him.

Who have knows what kind of clever mastermind might change him. (Garreau 60) Past credits to terrorists have confirmed that authorities negotiations with them make terrorism fruitful; therefore government authorities should marginalize, isolate or perhaps eliminate the risk. Doing so would make terrorist functions unprofitable for those who carry all of them out. To avoid the further proliferation of terrorism, governments must stand firm against these foes and send a communication of zero tolerance against terrorist acts.? Works Offered Chapter 1 ) Strategic Evaluation.

U. S. Section of State. U. S i9000. Department of State, 31 July 2012. Web. 23 Jan. 2013.. Counter-Terrorism: Background, Strategy and Tactics. Counter-Terrorism: Record, Strategy and Tactics. World wide web. 31 Jan. 2013.. Downing, David. Madrid Bombings. The Battle with Terror. Mankato: Arcturus Posting, 2008. 38-39. Print. Garreau, Joel. Intelligence Gathering Is a good Way to minimize Terrorism. At Concern. Are Initiatives to Reduce Terrorism Succesful? Male impotence. Lauri H. Friedman. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2006. 57-63. Rubin, Michael and Suzanne Gershowitz. Governments Should Never Negotiate with Terrorists. At Concern.

Should Government authorities Negotiate with Terrorists? Education. Amanda Hiber. Farmington Hillsides: Greenhaven Press, 2008. 15-29.

  • Category: Warfare
  • Words: 1823
  • Pages: 7
  • Project Type: Essay

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