
what adjustments did the green revolution take


Green Revolution

Overview of the Changes

Bangladesh being an agro-based country has undergone significant changes during the last few decades, especially since the inception of the technologies of the Green Revolution back in the 1960s. Green Revolution has taken about productivity-based production by simply replacing the conventional area-based creation process. Basically, it has shifted from the utilization of extensive perimeter to rigorous margin in agriculture.

Bangladesh Farming sector is usually dominated by Crop Sector of which rice and whole wheat are the two major plants. Between these two crops, more concentration is definitely on the development of grain being the staple meals. This makes Bangladesh a mono-crop economy. On the other hand, the physical production of both wheat and rice has gone up considerably.

Green Revolution technologies have brought about the next changes: (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001, pp. 4)

  • Greater utilization of chemical manures and insect sprays.
  • Improved irrigation establishments.
  • Introduction of High-Yielding Variety (HYV) Seeds.
  • Rise in multiple cropping, which will lead to agricultural intensification.

All of the above mentioned changes have triggered the overall mechanization of cultivation. This refers to the elevated usage of modern day irrigation services such as Low Lift Pumping systems (LLP), Shallow and Profound Tube Water wells (STWs DTWs), Tractors, Power-tillers etc . (Alauddin and Quiggin, 2007, pp. 114). Because of this, excessive surface water utilization has greatly substituted area water utilization for irrigation, thus making Bangladesh one of the most irrigation extensive country in South Asia. (Alauddin and Quiggin, 3 years ago, pp. 113). Moreover, to further enhance harvest productivity, the widespread use of chemical manures and pesticides has found very speedy increase in Bangladesh compared to different South Asian countries (Alauddin and Quiggin, 3 years ago, pp. 114). However , until the innovation of HYV seed, the changes stated earlier were not a vast amount of significance. HYVs have congested out the classic varieties of vegetation and other non-cereal crops (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001, pp. 4, pp. 183) but alternatively a number of other new types have been electricity costs through Agricultural Research and Development and it is an ongoing process. It is a mixture of Design and Capacity Transfer.

Owing to the Green Wave, Bangladesh agriculture has moved from subsistence agriculture to more of semi-commercial farming and it had gone through considerable changes in terms of both input and output (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001, pp. 39). As a whole, Bangladesh agriculture has become more capital intensive and has severe implications to get socioeconomic adjustments.

A quick summary of Bangladesh cultivation is illustrated by the following table:

Table one particular: Bangladesh Farming at a Glance

Total family: 17, 600, 804

Total farmville farm holding: 15, 089, 500

Total region: 14. 845million hectare

Forest: 2 . 599 million acres

Cultivable property: 8. 44 million hectare

Cultivable waste: 0. 268 million acres

Current fellow: 0. 469 million hectare

Cropping strength: 175. 97%

Single popped area: 2 . 851 mil hectare

Double cropped region: 3. 984 million hectare

Triple clipped area: zero. 974 , 000, 000 hectare

Net cropped area: 7. 809 million acres

Total popped area: 13. 742 mil hectare

Contribution of agriculture sector to GDP: 3. 50%

Contribution of harvest sector to GDP: 13. 44%

Manpower in cultivation: 62%

Total food plant demand: 23. 029 mil metric lot

Total foodstuff crop production: 27. 787 million metric ton

Net production: 24. 569 , 000, 000 metric lot

Source: BBS, 2006 and Handbook Agricultural Statistics, MoA, Accessed Dec 2009.

Factors underlying the alterations:

Given that we are mindful of the changes, we might now explore the factors behind such a change. This evaluation is split up into two parts. The initial part is usually devoted to the motivation that led to the revolution. The other part is dedicated to the measures that led to this kind of favorable step in Bangladesh agricultural creation.

Bangladesh, occupying zero. 028% of the Earths surface area, happens to be the seventh major country according to populace (CIA Globe Fact book, 2009) and thus the nation experiences a low land- man proportion. The situation has been further aggravated due to a continuous growth inside the population while arable terrain was already hard to find (Alauddin and Quiggin, 2007, pp. 111-112). Inevitably, Bangladesh was unable to keep up the food- population balance (Naher, 1997, p. A-85).

Against this establishing, the solution the fact that green innovation provided was suitable for Bangladesh in the sense it turned out more of inner land-augmenting (through usage of HYV seeds and fertilizers). One must also add that the unevenness in the syndication of rainfall across various regions induced a reduction in the reliability of surface water. However, ground drinking water availability, today possible by using various types of pumps (due to the creation of green innovation technology) supplied a much more steady supply of drinking water for water sources purposes.

Other than the dire requirement for such a big change to take place, the simplicity technological konzentrationsausgleich worldwide along with the provision of credit by both govt (Bangladesh Krishi Bank: BKB) and NGOs have performed a central role to stimulate additional increase in agricultural produce. The system of sharecropping (where the landowner allows a sharecropper to use the land in substitution for a talk about of the crop produced within the land) and the ease at which farmers could absorb the newest production techniques (through the governments consciousness programs) have contributed greatly to the intensification of cultivation.

Historical Evaluation of Plan underpinnings from the Factors:

Considering the constant process of within Bangladesh farming, it is now important to analyze just how and for what reason the policies that fuelled these alterations have advanced historically. During the 1950s and 1960s, to be able to deal with the growing reliance on imported food and static nature of food wheat production, amplified by the developing population pressure, the Government elevated investment in irrigation and drainage framework installation. Such as: LLPs, DTWs, canal water sources etc . (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001, pp. 37). Furthermore, to control the river circulation, the Government built dams and barrages. Yet , the building of dams generated inadequate boost of water supplies and normal water availability inside the dry seasons (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001, pp. 200). To make items worse, the STWs experienced adverse environmental implications due to increased precious fuel utilization (Alauddin and Sharma, 2009, pp. 19-20). On that note, it truly is noticeable why these policies focused more about large-scale water sources projects with no less or no emphasis on chemical fertilizers, modest irrigation and biological innovations (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001, pp. 38).

Towards the later part of 1960s, that seemed that there was forget about scope of depending on external land enlargement as arable land per capita declined, which mentioned that Bangladesh agriculture got then to shift to the intensive perimeter policies. This ultimately triggered the variation of Green Revolution systems (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001, pp. 38). This has happened through several phases. It was initiated by increased utilization of chemical fertilizers followed by the enhanced irrigation establishments. However it was not until the creativity of HYVs that the previously discussed factors acquired any true impact on Bangladesh agriculture. Actually for the complete adaptation of HYV technology in Bangladesh, there have been three levels of technology transfer. They are namely: Materials Transfer, Style Transfer and Capacity Transfer in chronological order (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001, pp. 38-39)

New varieties of HYV seeds of rice including IR-5, IR-8 etc . were imported in the late 1960s. However , it was not until early on 1970s that the HYV seed products of whole wheat were released in Bangladesh (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001, pp. 39). These imports of seed resulted in Bangladesh being very dependent on Multi-National Companies, which in turn increased the price tag on production intended for the farmers. This is because, if the Government initial introduced the Green Revolution Technology in Bangladesh, they provided the maqui berry farmers with eye-catching subsidies to encourage higher use of fresh technologies including dissemination of irrigation tools (Alauddin and Quiggin, 3 years ago, pp. 118). Afterwards, if the Governments desire of popular adaptation of these technologies had been accomplished as well as the farmers became used to it, the financial assistance were little by little removed, therefore resulting in elevated cost pertaining to farmers getting dependent on MNCs for their HYV seeds. Consequentially, due to more dependence on HYV seeds of only rice and wheat or grain because of their larger returns, the other plants were seriously neglected, thus making Bangladesh a mono-crop economy.

As can be viewed from history, the transact liberalization of Bangladesh throughout the 1980s -1990s further impeded the growth of other non-crop sectors of agriculture including jute, paper, sugar and tea industrial sectors. Due to the man made substitutes, foreign trade of jute products rejected substantially, even though the paper market was also affected because of competing imports. The low value of Indian sugar when compared with that of Bangladesh encouraged imports thus crowding out the community sugar makers. The foreign trade of Bangladeshi tea grew at below 1% throughout the same period (Bakht, pp. 118-119).

From the above conversation, it becomes evident that the launch of Green Revolution has resulted in an increase in the two input and output suggested by the improved intensity of cropping and total irrigated area, increased use of manures etc . since 1960s right up until date. It seems that the Government acquired shown attempts in disseminating the Green Wave technologies although failed to create any consciousness about the environmental hazards among the farmers. This kind of hazards incorporate water logging, decline of ground-water desk, soil top quality and many more. The us government should have used some initiatives to ensure an environment-augmenting economic climate rather than a great environment-intensive one out of the agricultural sector.

The Constraints intended for sustainability of agricultural production in Bangladesh:

Because already stressed, severity of population expansion led to increased demand for food along with a along with arable property per capita. This resulted in Bangladesh that great highest agricultural intensification in South Asia brought about by multiple cropping and dry season cultivation through irrigation (Alauddin and Quiggin, 2007, pp. 117). Just for this, considerable damage has been completed the physical environment just like depletion and degradation of natural source base and unsustainable utilization of land and water assets (Alauddin and Quiggin, 3 years ago, pp. 111).

Beginning from a very low base, Bangladesh has shown one of the most rapid growth in both the intensity and incidence of irrigation. Major part of this irrigated water originates from the increased pumping of ground drinking water. Although there is great quantity of surface water in Bangladesh becoming a riverine land, the doubt and wrinkled distribution of rainfall plus the easy ease of access of surface water lead to the rapid exhaustion of the hardly alternative natural useful resource (Alauddin and Quiggin, 2007, pp. 112). For example , Bogra has about 98% ground water use for water sources, which is serious threat to Bangladesh culture. Moreover, this kind of also causes environmental risks such as salinization and mort-aux-rats contamination of soil and water in a few areas. Furthermore, the new irrigation facilities including STWs, DTWs etc . need proper power, which is itself a constraint for the availability process as a result of lack of sufficient energy creation in Bangladesh.

The bar graph and or chart in the next page reveals the percentage of irrigated terrain in some Parts of asia:

Fig1: Irrigated Terrain as Proportion to Agricultural Land in certain Asian Countries -2001

Source: FAO Production 12 months Book Vol. 52- 1998 Vol. 53, 1999 and RAP Newsletter: 2003/10, Reached December 2009.

Physique: 1 implies that in terms of irrigated land being a percentage of agricultural land Bangladesh is quite a intimidating position.

In addition , elevated fertilizer use and poor irrigation managing leads to acidification of soil and water logging, decline in organic matter and thus deterioration in the soil quality (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001, pp. 4). In fact , utilization of pesticides to a dangerous extent also triggers the loss of beneficial insects combined with pests. A huge selection of pests have already become resistant to pesticides and their particular number increases, thus further more raising the price of farmers in the end.

A number of other constraints including deforestation creating significant dirt erosion, commercial wastes becoming dumped into water systems and the other above mentioned factors contribute remarkably to the dangerous water pollution, therefore affecting fisheries as well. Additionally , Over a couple of million hectares of area are drought affected (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001, pp. 199). Rajshahi and Chapainawabganj are the two most drought affected districts.

Finally the natural disasters especially floods and cyclones (caused by environment change and global warming) are of growing concern and therefore type one of the most essential constraints in Bangladesh cultivation. Considering the total situation, it becomes evident that Bangladesh agriculture only complies with the conditions of weaker durability.

Suggestions around the Future Insurance plan Directions in Bangladesh Culture:

Arriving at think of the policy guidelines, the most important concern that makes mind is the stress which the Bangladesh farming has had on ground normal water resources. As a result, more interest should be paid to this particular resource on the basis of which effective guidelines should be integrated. Pricing policy for ground water irrigation could be among the Market-based alternatives. Other potential solutions might include assigning individual or community-based property privileges and thus providing monetary incentives in which necessary (Alauddin and Quiggin, 2007, pp. 121-122). Additionally , effective techniques of retaining the rainwater could be done to encourage surface normal water usage. If at all possible, the future dams and barrages should be constructed in such a way that that protects the location from surges as well as assist in recharging the aquifers.

The next most important policy alternative should be to motivate greater expense in the Gardening Education and Research Advancement (Alauddin and Sharma, 2009, pp. 22-23). This will entail creating understanding among the farmers by instructing them regarding the environmental hazards resulting from excessive use of floor water, chemical fertilizers, insect sprays etc . Procedures should also concentrate on substituting the utilization of chemical fertilizers by organic fertilizers. Furthermore, focus should be on diversification of farming sector simply by increasing production of protein rich products including pulses, animals and the fishing industry. This is because these types of require significantly less of land and drinking water but at the same time provide with higher nutritional values. An alternative solution option could possibly be the adaptation of wet-seed rice culture, some thing still not really practiced in Bangladesh (Alauddin et al, 2008, pp. 24-25).

Policy recommendations can be prolonged to include the provision of crop insurance facilities simply by public and institutions. Likewise timely availability and delivery of critical inputs including fertilizers, water etc . should be improved along with higher certainty in energy supply. As already stated, a hard nut to bust should be to look into the population expansion. Not only this, the dependency upon rice staying the basic piece food also need to be reduced by elevating dietary habbit on protein-rich products (Alauddin and Sharma, 2009, pp. 23-24). First and foremost, the farming sector of Bangladesh should be protected coming from global competition.

To conclude, it can be stated that the current situation of Bangladesh agriculture is quite at stake. So that it becomes increasingly necessary to save it via further destruction. Although the existence of several hot spots, which are in a condition of disrepair previously, may impede the preservation goal, the bright spots still provide us with some sun rays of hope.

  • Category: history
  • Words: 2599
  • Pages: 9
  • Project Type: Essay

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