
ultrasonic assisted liposuction in which is thesis


Cosmetic Surgery, Skincare, Physics

Research from Thesis:

Appear waves happen to be then created by a electrical generator and transmitted through via the thin. Vacuum-like cannula. If the instrument makes contact with the fat cells, that they liquefy and are vacuumed away (“Ultrasonic, inch 2008).

Symptoms and Clinical Application to get UAL:

Scheinfeld and Zimbler (2006) mentioned that patients with lipodystrophy, localized elevated adipose muscle, benefit from liposuction. These people may be by or below their ideal weight, yet there is fatty tissue present in excessive in certain areas. Generalized weight problems is rather than an indication to get liposuction. Individuals should be in good health, possess realistic anticipations and not be obese. UAL is particularly indicated in areas where improved contouring is necessary, very large areas, or very fibrous areas. Other signs for UAL, and liposuction in general, contain treatment of: simple and multiple lipomas, lipodystrophy, gynecomastia or perhaps psydogynecomastia, axillary hyperhidrosis, and axillary bromidrosis. UAL could also be used in reconstructive procedures, which include fat debulking during scar tissue revision (“Guidelines, ” 2006).

Role of Sonographer in UAL:

The role of sonographer is definitely primarily classification. In regards to the UAL procedure, a sonographer can be called in prior to the treatment to determine the thickness of the oily areas being considered for liposuction. In this manner, the plastic surgeon can determine whether UAL or tumescent liposuction is the most appropriate course of treatment.

Competent Medical Professionals that Perform Ultrasonic Liposuction:

UAL should be performed only by a surgeon who may have been trained in the technique. Given the chance for melts away and the two skin and fat necrosis, with this specific technique, schooling and extended education is necesary in a medical professional. According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgical procedure (ASDS)

the physician executing the procedure must have completed residency training and stay board certified in an ideal specialty, including Dermatology, which offers extensive learning cutaneous surgery. The medical professional should have proof of liposuction surgical procedure training in residency or a certificate of attendance at an suitable liposuction program, which may contain videotaped and live operative presentation, and documentation of experience with the surgical desk conducted by simply an correctly trained and experienced medical professional. The medical doctor performing large volume liposuction atlanta should own in-depth

understanding of the skin and subcutaneous damaged tissues (“Guidelines, inches 2006).

Different skills needed by the physician, according to the ASDS, include familiarity with tumescent and also other forms of inconsiderateness and fluid and electrolyte balance.


Guidelines of care for large volume liposuction atlanta. (Jan 2006). Retrieved Apr 13, 2009, from http://www.asds.net/GuidelinesOfCareForLiposuction1.aspx.

Lawrence, In. Coleman, Watts. (Dec 1997). The biologic basis of ultrasonic liposuction. Dermatologic Surgery, 23(12). Retrieved April 13, 2009, from Educational Search Full database.

Liposuction FAQs. (2008). Retrieved Apr 13, 2009, from http://www.docshop.com/education/cosmetic/body/liposuction/faqs/.

Lack, Elizabeth. (Aug 1998). Safety of ultrasonic-assisted large volume liposuction atlanta (UAL) utilizing a non-water cooled ultrasonic cannula. Dermatologic Surgical treatment, 24(8). Retrieved April 13, 2009, from Academic Search Complete data source.

Scheinfeld, N. Zimbler, Meters. (19 December 2006). Large volume liposuction atlanta, external ultrasound-assisted. Retrieved The spring 13, 2009, from http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1272747-overview.

Statement about ultrasonic liposuction. (Sept 1998). Dermatologic Surgical procedure, 24(9). Recovered April 13, 2009, from Academic

  • Category: technology
  • Words: 596
  • Pages: 2
  • Project Type: Essay

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