
the symbolic use of christianity in the old man


The Old Man and The Ocean

“But person is not really made for defeat…A man may be defeated although not destroyed”. These kinds of eternal lines from Hemingway’s novel, The Man as well as the Sea reflect the solid Christian design of desire and resurrection that is present as a solid undertone in the novel. Using Christian significance elevates the text to the standard of an whodunit, almost parable on the indomitable will of man that manages to remain undefeated, possibly in the midst of earthly losses. Therefore , God is present in the new not as Immanent Is going to, neither good-hearted nor malevolent but it is a struggle of man in the fashion of Christ’s passion that orders the utmost relevance and not the end result of that pursuit.

The Christian significance that pervades throughout the textual content is aimed prominently at Santiago to delineate him as a modern-day Christ who also keeps program his trust towards his struggle. Actually Hemingway writes that the old man gets upon suffering from pain and blood spits although struggling with the marlin which is highly similar to Christ’s pain during crucifixion. In fact , His passion detects a direct reference point when the novelist says, “Ay…feeling the railroad go through his hand and into the wood…” This sentiment is recreated when Santiago reaches his bed with his “arms out straight” and “palms of his hands up”. Each one of these reflect a Christ-like strength on the part of this man fantastic transcendence towards the knowledge of your life and existence on the sea of “being”.

However, fish varieties a very legitimate symbol of Christ which in turn bears the philosophy from the sacrifice-sacrificed trend, leading to the acceptance of Trinity. Paul Waldman observes, “the phenomenon closely parallels the Roman Catholic sacrifice of the mass, wherein a fusion with the priest-man with Christ takes place…” The repeated utilization of the quantities three and seven and forty, like the old man will go without a capture for eighty seven days will remind the readers of such important numbers inside the New Legs, revealing the Passion of Christ in this kind of duration of period.

The reference to fourty days finds a seite an seite in the Christian liturgical calendar where the intervening period between Ash Friday to the Elevacion Thursday if forty several days. This kind of actually highlights to the intense struggle that Santiago has to undergo, almost as in the Pentecost, although he finally emerges because the undefeated. The time course of the “salao” phase of eighty seven days followed by 3 weeks of fruitfulness (upon catching the Marlin) to get Santiago implies the liturgical mystery of Incarnation as it commemorates Christ’s claim while the boy of Goodness. Similarly, in Hemingway’s parable, Santiago statements himself while the main character incarnate – “I is probably not as solid as I think…But I know many tricks and i also have resolution”.

It appears distinctly that Manolin’s trust in Santiago is founded on the three weeks of miracle, which this individual refers to as the “great record” just as Christ’s life in the world, as pictured in the Gospels. The old person responds to the praise of Manolin simply by saying, “It could not happen twice”, root the uniqueness of his incarnation. The importance of all this can be to be found inside the theological concept that only through the Incarnation of Christ can easily his sacrifice have redemptive value to get mankind. In Hemingway’s parable, the “great record” is juxtaposed while using three days of struggle of Santiago on the sea, followed by his spiritual triumph that lends more meaning to his previously redemptive virtues.

The time of the 3 day have difficulties leading to the apparent beat of Santiago has been in comparison by many authorities to the Unknown of Redemption, especially when the old man provides the mast like the Crucifix – “Then he shouldered the mast and begun to climb”. Your reference that his left had been a “traitor” recalls the very fact that Vil sat remaining to Christ during The Last Supper. Finally nevertheless, Santiago will get a success amidst noticeable defeat like Christ, when he triumphs over the dentuso with out diminishing his individual gallantry. Like Christ himself, Santiago returns to his disciple Manolin to explain his brave deed. This individual not only earnings to protection physically although also returns a plethora of assets on man endurance resulting in his mental and religious upliftment.

As Christ returned with His earthly ministry on the Elevation Day, Santiago’s sojourn is completed by his message of redemption. Frederick Campbell referred to Christ because the “hero with a 1000 faces” and Santiago undergoes the same design of finding when he understands, “I sought out too far”, and satisfies a trial like the monster battle plus the Crucifixion and returns from the Promised Area like St . James of Galilee. The hero puts up with the test just like St . James who sailed on the ocean for many days, as his return was hailed in the Holy Lord, and Santiago concludes his epic struggle with his intrinsic recognition from the natural world- “I possess killed the fish that may be my brother”.

Hence, Santiago results in as the hero, who achieves meaning of his Incarnation by simply full commitment to his world fantastic relationship with the world’s creatures. Even Manolin is recognized as the diminutive of St . Matthew who will act as Christ’s redeemer. In fact , St . Matthew had to “leave his father” to be able to follow the psychic faith of Christ, very much like Manolin who went against his own biological parents to accompany Santiago in his sportfishing expeditions and also bring him food and also other necessities much to their objection. In conclusion, Santiago, with his disciple’s commitment if finally capable to become 1 with Mother nature and as Pat notes, it is a triumph that brings about a redemptive message for all.

  • Category: literature
  • Words: 1005
  • Pages: 4
  • Project Type: Essay

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