
study around the military creation of macedonia


Alexander The truly amazing

Macedonian Protective Equipment

The Macedonian phalanx gave rise to one with the largest kingdoms in early Eurasian history. Alexander the Great’s army of around 40, 000 men impressively conquered armies a vast amount of larger size through an innovative tactic of outmaneuvering and outflanking an enemy military with cavalry and skirmishers while the phalanx held the leading lines (Wasson). This clever strategy induced enemy lines to break indefinitely, and result in an undefeated track-record for the Macedonian army. Even though the Alexander’s armed forces strategies were innovative” and successful” there have been many other factors that Alexander’s army was so effective. Of particular importance is definitely the ingenuity in Macedonian armor” and more particularly, how it adapted to better suit the roles of the phalanx, cavalry, skirmishers, and men-at-arms.

The phalanx, at first designated as a heavy-infantry unit, was converted to a light-infantry device under the command word of Alexander the Great wonderful father, Philip II. This kind of sacrifice of protection provided the unit much more mobility. While earlier hoplites were generally equipped with dureté armor, Alexander’s phalanx generally wore a corsolet of countless linens glued together with sticky resins. However , each member of the phalanx carried a defend called a pelta or hoplar, a shield that was about 1 inmiscuirse in size. This protect was wooden and covered in a level of fermeté, so it was fairly light-weight but still sturdy and safety. These shields were wielded in addition with a sarissa” a really long pike” to allow the phalanx to keep the adversary at selection and deter them coming from pushing too much forward (Hanson, 91).

Under Alexander the Great, cavalry was used as being a shock troop for the first time in history. Because these were leading the charge, that they required huge and protective armor. Each heavy-cavalry was outfitted within a heavy bronze linothorax, an old type of ancient Greek cuirass. It was constructed by simply covering a linen piece in dureté plate or perhaps mail, and additional reinforcing that with a part of leather (Aldrete ainsi que al., 58). Their helmets” boeotian helms” were open up faced allowing for better peripheral vision and also to not impair hearing (Anderson, 147). Protecting the flank of the cavalry was usually the peltasts, who used no battle suits whatsoever for maximum mobility. They were pre-loaded with several javelins, a sword and usually a light shield. The peltasts had been one of Alexander’s main skirmishing units, and excelled in broken surfaces where foe heavy-infantry and cavalry wasn’t able to form up cohesively.

On Alexander’s personal battle suits, historical artistic interpretations advise he wore armor inside the style of the linothorax, with horizontal flat iron pauldrons having a scaled tasset for added mobility. This individual also put on an iron-plated cuirass with leather and stiffened linen at the joints. It is crystal clear that flexibility was specifically emphasized in Alexander’s methods, as most infantry was lightly equipped, and their armor was specifically designed to get speed above protection. This kind of coincides with most documents of Alexander’s battle methods, in which the phalanx would draw the adversary lines in, and cavalry or skirmishers would quickly flank them, followed by a push by the phalanx after the enemy lines broke. Fight was most likely fast paced, also because of this, flexibility was key. The Macedonian battle machine’s combined innovative developments and adaptations in technique, tactics and armor manufactured them an unbeatable driving force with the largest empires in history.

  • Category: history
  • Words: 587
  • Pages: 2
  • Project Type: Essay

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