
sophies world essay


Sophies World

Sophie’s World Looking in her mailbox one particular afternoon, a fourteen- year- old Norwegian schoolgirl known as Sophie Amundsen finds a surprising white envelope containing some paper. On it will be written two questions: “Who are you? ” and “Where did the world come from? “. And at the same time she actually is also getting letters for a girl known as Hilde Moller Kang and Sophie also finds a silk red scarf in her room, not belonging to her, but for this girl Hilde. The copy writer is a great enigmatic thinker named Albert Knox fantastic messenger is usually his doggie Hermes. Albert Knox’s two teasing concerns are the start of an extraordinary journey through philosophy coming from philosophers just like what I have got read to date: Thales, Anaximenes, Parmenides, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Anaxgoras, Democritus, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Albert Knox, which Sophie have not met face-to-face or even seen for that matter, has become inquiring Sophie’s mind to fundamental concerns that philosophers have been asking since the dawn of world. Sophie is definitely soon enough enrolled in this correspondence course. Everyday she gets either a white colored envelope that contains puzzling concerns or a brown envelope that contains type written papers teaching her about what philosophy is usually and explaining to her all these philosophers and the theories. Sophie’s first lesson in beliefs was, “What is idea? “. Can certainly make money understood what was being stated was that idea is the evaluation for philosophy and an analysis of the basic concepts said inside the expression of such values. Philosophy is normally used to imply a set of values and thinking toward existence, nature, and society. Subsequent Sophie learned all about was Thalas. According to Thalas, the first principle of most things is definitely water, from which everything takings and in to which anything is once again resolved. My personal analysis upon that is how can he arrive to that bottom line? Yes, every living things consist of water within themselves, but it seems preposterous for him to say we evolved from drinking water. Living things not only contain drinking water but consist of substances. The sole logical bottom line that Sophie found is that water can become ice, and ice can return to flowing drinking water again. Another philosopher that was discussed along with Thalas was Anaximander. Anaximander held that every things sooner or later return to the element from which they began. When a plant dies that desinigrates in to the ground as well as the ground can be where the grow originated from, so I can see wherever Anaximender may propose that. Although human beings did not originate from the earth, unless this individual did include religious values, such that individual evolved from dirt and grime. So when ever he/she passes away they go to where they will originated, therefore i could see where that concept may well come into place. Although Anaximenes had a several concept. This individual held the idea that air is the major element that everything else may be reduced. To explain how solid objects happen to be formed from air, he introduced the notions of condensation and rarefaction. These processes, he claimed, generate air, by itself invisible, obvious as drinking water, fire, and solid subject. He thought that air turns into warmer and turns into flames when it rarefied and that it turns cooler and becomes solid when condensed. Could see it his attempt was going to discover the ultimate nature of reality. However, Sophie learned about Parmenidas’s viewpoint. Parmendias’s idea demonstrated the actual of the total being, the non-existence which Parmenidas reported to be impossible, but the nature of which, he admitted to be equally inconceivable, as it is dissociated from every limitation below which individuals think. How I understand that, he kept the fact that reality, can be not known to the senses but it really is to be found only in reason. This individual plainly says that creatures cannot rise from non-being, and that staying neither rises nor dies. T. Anaxagoras introduced the notion of cause. I got the impression following reading this theory that all subject had existed originally while atoms, or molecules, the particular atoms, much numerous and small , had existed all eternity, which order was initially produced away of this endless chaos of atoms throughout the influence of intelligence. This individual believed that bodies are simple aggressions of atoms. Below

  • Category: works
  • Words: 740
  • Pages: 3
  • Project Type: Essay

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