
romeo and juliet all analyze guide inquiries and

Prologue: In what city performs this play come about?

Verona, Italia

Sexual act: Why are Romeo and Juliet called “Star-cross’d lovers?

They are not most likely going to be with each other

Act 1 picture 1: Who may be fighting at the outset of the initial scene?

servants of the Capulets and the Montagues

Work 1 picture 1: Who also tries to split up the struggling with?


Act 1 scene 1: What menace does the Royal prince make to Lord Montague and Head of the family Capulet?

Which the next person to start a public brawl will be offer death

Act one particular scene one particular: Benolio and Montaguue identify the way Romeo has been behaving.

What do they say about him

Ominous, cries a lot, not talking, seclusive

Act one particular scene 1: Why is Romeo so unfortunate?

he provides unrequited love

Act 1 field 1: Precisely what is Benvolio’s tips to Romeo?

To move and discover a new lady

Work 1 field 2: How come Capulet think it will be easy pertaining to Montague and him to hold the peace?

Because they are both old and tired

Act you scene two: What does Rome ask of Capulet?

Juliet’s hand in matrimony

Act 1 landscape 2: Precisely what is Capulet’s initially answer?

No, she is as well young

Act one particular scene two: A bit later on Capulet appears to change his mind regarding Paris’s query.

How much does he notify Paris?

Paris, france must succeed her heart and Juliet must concur. Then he can marry these people

Work 1 landscape 2: What is the name of the girl Romeo enjoys?


Act 1 scene 2: Where perform Romeo and Benvolio decide to go?

Visit the party

Act you scene three or more: When Female Capulet requires Juliet just how she feels regarding the marriage, precisely what is Juliets response?

Its an honor your woman dreams not really of

Act 1 scene 3: Following Juliets answer, what does the Lady Capulet then notify Juliet?

That lots of kids marry and have kids at her age, actually Lady Capulet, and she actually is to go to the get together and look in Paris

Act you Scene 5: What does Mercutio say about dreams?

That dreams imply nothing

Act you scene 5: What does Romeo think of Juliet when he firsts sees her?

That he “has not seen authentic beauty until this night

Act 1 picture 5: Once Tybalt is ready to seize Romeo and throw him out of your party, exactly what does Capulet tell Romeo?

to let him become for Verona speaks very good of him

Work 1 field 5: Describe what the chat is about between Romeo and Juliet

Discussing kissing and pilgrams hands

Act 1 picture 5: How does Romeo find out about Juliets name?

He asks the Registered nurse and she tells him

Work 1 picture 5: How exactly does Juliet find out about Romeo’s last name?

The doctor finds it to her

Act a couple of scene 1: What is Romeo’s new issue?

He adores a Capulet

Action 2 scene 2: In lines 109-111, Juliet asks Romeo not to recommend the moon¦why is she afraid of this?

The moon frequently changes and she doesn’t want Romeos feelings to change

Take action 2 picture 2: What is the only way that Juliet can give herself to Romeo

In the event that they marry

Act 2 scene 3: Exactly what does Romeo ask Friar Lawrence to do?

To marry them (Romeo and Juliet)

Act 2 scene 3: Why does Friar agree to get married to the two young lovers?

It may stop their own families feuds

Act a couple of scene four: Why gets the nurse come to the square?

To find out about the marriage arrangements

Act a couple of scene 5: What info does Romeo give the Health professional?

Where and when the wedding will probably be

Work 2 picture 4: Mercutio teases the Nurse, and she is very angry. What does Romeo say about Mercutio to calm her down?

That he loves to hear him self talk

Act 2 scene 5: What does Romeo send to Juliet

All their wedding programs

Action 2 landscape 5: Precisely what is Juliet’s mood as she waits for the Nurse’s return?

The girl with anxious

Act 2 scene six: A Romeo and Friar Lawrence wait Juliet, what does the Friar advise Romeo regarding

Love Somewhat

Act 3 scene 1: Who also accosts (approach/address) Benvolio and Mercutio and why?

Tybalt and he could be looking for Romeo

Take action 3 landscape 1: How does Tybalt induce a deal with?

He taunts Romeo and calls him out

Act a few scene 1: When Romeo appears, why does he usually accept Tybalt’s duel?

Because Tybalt is currently his family and he will not want to hurt Juliet

Action 3 picture 1: Why does Romeo’s reply make Tybalt even more raise red flags to?

Because he seems as if Romeo is mocking him

Act three or more scene one particular: Who winds up actually starting the battle?


Act 3 scene one particular: Who tries to stop the fight? What goes on from this input?

Romeo; Mercutio gets stabbed in the heart under Romeo’s arm

Act three or more scene 1: Who does Mercutio say will be blamed for him having stabbed?


Act 3 landscape 1: What curse really does Mercutio contact out before he dies?

“A plague on both your houses

Act several scene one particular: Benvolio helps Mercutio to a nearby property. When he results what does he tell Romeo

Mercutio can be dead

Act several scene 1: What does Romeo do after he is advised of Mercutio’s fate

He kills Tybalt

Work 3 landscape 1: Who have punishes Romeo and precisely what is his fate?

The Prince; and Romeo is banished from Verona. If he can found in Verona he is to become killed at that moment

Take action 3 landscape 1: How come the Prince have mercy upon Romeo?

Because enough blood and tears had been shed about that day

Act 3 field 2: Wherever is Juliet and precisely what is she awaiting?

Her room. The Registered nurse to return with word of Romeo (he is supposed to come into her room that night)

Act 3 landscape 2: If the Nurse arrives what does the girl inform Juliet of?

Tybalts death and Romeo’s exile

Take action 3 landscape 2: At the start of this landscape what is the dramatic paradox? (When the Nurse says there was a death and a banishment)

Juliet believes Romeo can be dead and Tybalt can be banished launched the other way around

Act three or more scene two: What does Juliet say that foreshadows her very own death? (after thinking that Romeo was useless but finds out that she’s mistaken)

She’d rather expire than possess Romeo killed

Act 3 picture 2: How come Juliet inquire the Doctor to pull the ladder at this point? (after ability to hear of Romeo’s banishment)

Since Romeo is definitely banished he cannot come to her space anymore

Act 3 scene a couple of: What orders does Juliet give to the Nurse?

Have to Romeo and give him her ring like a sign that she even now loves him

Action 3 field 3: Where is Romeo (after this individual kills Tybalt)

Friar Lawrence’s cell

Act a few scene several: What does the Friar mean by simply, “Thous fine art wedded to calamity?

Catastrophe follows Romeo and he can bound to it

Take action 3 picture 3: What is Romeo’s reaction to being banished? Is this individual relieved?

He could be in hopelessness. He seems that fatality is better than becoming banished intended for he are unable to live without Juliet

Act several scene several: What is the Friar’s a reaction to Romeo if he says that death is better than banishment?

He could be angered because he feels that Romeo must be happy that mercy was given to him and he can still retain his life

Take action 3 scene 3: How come the Friar scold Romeo?

Because he ought to be grateful intended for his lifestyle was spared

Take action 3 scene 3: Precisely what is the most detrimental part of Romeo’s punishment for Romeo?

He can no longer see or be around Juliet

Act a few scene three or more: What is Romeo’s reaction to the knock on the door (when he is inside the Friar’s cell and is weeping about his punishment)

This individual doesn’t treatment who recognizes him

Who is found in the Friars cell

The Nurse

Act several scene a few: According to the Health professional what is equally Romeo and Juliet performing at the moment?

They are both crying

Act three or more scene several: What does Romeo try to do as he wails over his situation?

This individual picks up the dagger and tries to eliminate himself

Act several scene three or more: As Romeo is in lose hope (and after he tries to kill himself) what does the Doctor give Romeo and precisely what is its significance?

She gives him Juliet’s wedding ring. This signifies that she continue to loves and wants to be around Romeo

Act several scene three or more: How does Romeo react to Juliet’s message in the Nurse?

This individual feels alleviate that Juliet still really wants to be with him

Take action 3 picture 3: What plan will the Friar offer to Romeo?

Go gaming system Juliet. Escape to Mantua, and wait for more news on a program

Take action 3 landscape 4: What is Paris speaking about with Capulet and Lady Capulet?

His pitch for Juliet’s hand in marriage

Act 3 field 3: Truly does Capulet consent? (to let Paris have got Juliet’s hand in marriage)

Yes, for it may well ease Tybalt’s passing

Act 3 scene four: Does God Capulet think Juliet will certainly agree?


Take action 3 landscape 4: What is the dramatic irony from this scene? (when Paris plus the Capulet’s are discussing Juliets marriage)

Romeo and Juliet are sleeping together upper level while Paris and the Capulet’s are speaking about Juliets marriage downstairs

Act 3 scene a few: Where happen to be Romeo and Juliet and what are they discussing if the scene starts?

They are in Juliet’s room and if the bird outside the house is a lark or a nightingale ( lark-morning; Nightingale-night)

Act several scene your five: Why does Juliet insist the fact that bird outside is a nightingale, when it is basically near daybreak?

She will not want Romeo to keep

Work 3 field 5: Because the Nurse enters, what news truly does she provide?

That Juliet’s mother is definitely coming to her room

Act 3 scene a few: What does Lady Capulet inform Juliet regarding revenge intended for Tybalts loss of life?

That she will hire a male in Mantua to toxin Romeo when he is right now there

Action 3 picture 5: Precisely what is Juliet’s respond to her mom saying that she actually is to be wedded to Rome?

That she would rather marry Romeo, whom her mother hates, than marry Rome

Take action 3 scene 5: Truly does Lady Capulet sympathize with Juliet? What does the girl tell Juliet?

No and she explains to her that shes rinsed her hands from the subject (meaning the girl wants nor has anything to do with this matter)

Work 3 scene 5: Who Juliet choose to go to intended for help? (two times different people)

At first she visits the Health professional but when she doesn’t in this article the response she wants she goes to the Friar

Work 3 picture 5: Precisely what is the Nurse’s advice to Juliet?

To marry Paris, france for hes a better get and since Romeo is banished hes as nice as dead

Act three or more scene your five: Why does Master Capulet believe Juliet refuses to marry Paris, france

He believes she’s ungrateful

Act 3 field 5: And what will be Juliet’s punishment if she will not marry Paris, france

She will always be disowned and left around the streets to die

Act several scene your five: Where is definitely Juliet heading at the end of act several and so why? (after experiencing Nurse’s advice)

Friar Lawrence’s cell and also to ask for tips

Take action 3 picture 5: Wherever does Juliet tell everybody she is going?


Act some scene one particular: What is Rome doing inside the Friar’s cell

Paris is usually asking the Friar regarding his long term marriage with Juliet

Act four scene you: What reason does Rome give to get the hurried marriage plans?

He wishes Juliet to forget about her grief above Tybalt’s loss of life

Action 4 landscape 1: Who also arrives at the Friar’s cell? (when Paris and Friar Lawrence will be talking about Juliet’s and Paris’s marriage)


Take action 4 landscape 1: Precisely what is the Friars plan for Romeo and Juliet?

They will imitation Julet’s loss of life by giving her a potion that puts her in the state of “death which she will take those night before her wedding and they’ll send a letter to Romeo about their plan. After they bury her in her families burial plot site Romeo will come and get her then they will certainly escape together

Work 4 picture 1: What is the Friar’s role inside the plan?

He will probably have word sent to Romeo, he will put together the potion for Juliet to take, and after that he will be considered a priest with the funeral

Act 4 scene 1: What is Juliet holding in her hands, and what does she suggest to do?

She actually is holding a dagger and says that if the potion doesn’t work she is going to stab herself with the dagger

Take action 4 landscape 2: The moment Juliet earnings home, what is happening?

The wedding is being prepared intended for

Act 4 field 2: What does Juliet tell her Father

That she apologizes for her habit and will get married to Paris

Act four scene a couple of: How does Capulet respond to Juliet saying she is going to happily get married to Paris?

He moves the marriage to a deeper date

Act four scene a couple of: How does Capulet’s response put a kink in Friar Lawrence’s program?

By shifting the time from the wedding to a closer time there is a fraction of the time to receive word to Romeo about their plan

Act 4 scene three or more: Does Juliet take the Nurse into her confidence? for what reason or perhaps you should?

No, Juliet no longer trusts the Registered nurse and your woman might give away the plan

Act 4 scene a few: What thoughts run through Juliets mind because she is planning to take the concoction? (4 things)

What if keep in mind that work. What is the concoction actually kills her. Precisely what is she wakes up to early and asphyxiates. What is the dead state of mind of her ancestors bother her and drive her insane because she is looking forward to Romeo

Act 5 scene a few: What provide Juliet the skills to take the potion?

The thought of seeing and being with Romeo again

Act some scene a few: Who does Juliet toast to as the girl with about to take the poison?


Work 4 landscape 5: After Juliet’s death why does the Friar claim that “nature’s cry are reason’s for merriment? Is this individual suggesting the fact that Capulets should be happy? and why?

Certainly, he says they must be happy pertaining to she is in heaven today

Work 5 field 1: What news will Romeo’s stalwart Balthazar, who also arrives by Verona, tell him?

That Juliet is dead

Act 5 picture 1: What really does the reader know that Balthazar will not?

That Juliet’s death was all faked and that she actually is actually alive

Work 5 picture 1: What letter provides Romeo recently been waiting for?

The letter via Friar Lawrence telling Romeo more about the plan for him and Juliet

Act five scene1: Romeo plans to return to Verona; where does he stop and what does he buy prior to leaving?

He stops in a apothecary and buys a deadly poison

Work 5 picture 1: (When Romeo have a hold of the poison) How come Romeo declare the disgusting (poison) can be NOT a poison, but a liquid that could GIVE him life

Because if he dies it will eventually give him a great eternal existence with Juliet

Take action 5 scene 2: Wherever does Friar Lawrence quickly hurry?

Towards the Capulets batiment where Juliet lies

Act your five scene two: Why is it important that Friar Lawrence locate Juliet just before Romeo really does?

Because Romeo may be to rash and kill himself

Act 5 landscape 3: Exactly where does this field take place? (where Romeo and Paris encounter each other)

Juliets severe site; Capulet’s monument

Act your five scene a few: Who gets to the burial place while the other folks are mourning?


Act a few scene a few: What offers Paris come to do?

Decorate the Capulet monument with flowers

Act a few scene a few: How does Romeo say after seeing Rome?

Romeo says he must perish and that is why this individual has come

Act a few scene three or more: What does Paris think that Romeo is trying to perform?

abuse the body of Juliet

Act your five scene a few: What happens to Paris?

He dead from Romeo’s hand

Act five scene 3: What does Paris, france request of Romeo ahead of he dead?

To be set in Juliets grave

Act 5 scene three or more: Why does Romeo really have to hurry now?

The page sees Romeo kill Paris and goes to tell the watchman

Take action 5 landscape 3: The moment Romeo finally sees Juliet lying presently there what does her notice about her?

That she will not really appear dead and that her face and lips are turning red

Act five scene three or more: What does Romeo do before he requires the toxin?

He smooches Juliet

Act five scene 3: What does Romeo do following he smooches Juliet? (as he is alongside Juliet)

This individual takes the poison

Act your five scene 3: When truly does Juliet wake up?

After Romeo dies

Act 5 scene three or more: When the Friar enters and Juliet is usually awake what is his tips to her?

For her to become a jetzt

Take action 5 scene 3: What was the downside that destroyed Romeo?


Take action 5 landscape 3: Exactly what are the two ways Juliet tries to destroy herself?

Simply by kissing Romeo she expected to absorption some of the toxic as well, but that failed. She then took her dagger and stabbed their self.

Act 5 field 3: Does the Friar recognize responsibility to get his position in this disaster?

No, he tries to infuse of the pin the consequence on on the Nurse

Action 5 scene 3: What do Capulet and Monatgue consent to do in Romeo and Juliet’s prize?

Capulet will gove Montague the wedding privileges (land, cash, etc . ) and Montague will develop a gold figurine made in Juliet’s image

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  • Category: society
  • Words: 5245
  • Pages: 18
  • Project Type: Essay

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