
robert at the lee an outstanding confederate


Robert E Lee

Almost everyone knows about the civil battle, but do people really know who the very best general than it was? He was born to a military friends and family, and was married to the great-granddaughter of George Washington (Compton’s). The person, the myth, the legend, this man can be General Robert Edward Shelter. He was praised for many of his decisions, yet penalized for others. His mistakes could hardly have been averted, because he constantly chose the ideal paths. Basic Lee was by far the very best and most ideal general from the civil warfare.

First of all, Lee was meant to battle. Lee’s dad was the “Revolutionary War leading man, ‘Light-Horse’ Harry Lee” (Compton’s). Later in Robert Lee’s life, he grew up and went to Western world Point (Compton’s). In 1852, he managed to graduate with second in his course. Later, following your Mexican warfare, he went back to Western Point and turn into the superintendent. After Lee was Western world Point’s superintendent, he started to be a Confederate general, along with his home condition of Virginia (Compton’s).

Second, Lee was your greatest municipal war standard, but not specifically in the beginning. This was because in the beginning from the Civil War, Lee was not given a whole lot of jobs. So , it is far from his wrong doing. When the Confederate government acquired control of Virginian armies, Lee became an entire general. Regrettably, the government would not give him any kind of soldiers. They will finally provided him a few men, and told him to block several union soldiers in Western Virginia. As they had thus few males, he failed. This brought on Jefferson Davis, head with the Confederacy, to send Lee to “¦build saca fortifications” (Compton’s). Finally having been brought back, yet he was provided very few careers. He didn’t really start off his achievement until the leader of the confederate armies was wounded, needing Lee for taking his area in the summer of 1862(Compton’s).

Lee’s first key battle was your Battle of Seven Days. Standard Lee found that the union general, George McClellan, had stationed his army nearby the Chickahominy River, which is right outside of Richmond, Virginia. Lee’s plan was going to destroy the army around the northern section of the river with as many of his troops as possible, and after that take care of the smaller part around the south area. General Lee was defeated in eliminating their armed service, but it had not been a totally shed cause. He did succeed in pushing the army again about makes miles (Compton’s).

Next, a large number of people declare that Lee’s 1st major “mistake” in the City War was at the struggle of Antietam, but , what Lee would was actually incredibly smart. The primary reason he failed was since the Union basic, George McClellan, discovered his plans (civilwar. org). However Compton’s says that through the battle, McClellan was creating a hard time looking to break through Lee’s lines. So , the reason Lee retreated was not as they was shedding. Instead, Compton’s says that the reason Lee retreated was because he noticed that he was beyond the boundary away from his supplies, and needed to get back. Also, following Lee retreated at Antietam, Compton’s says that Basic Burnside bitten Lee, but then quickly retreated because of Lee’s power. Following the battle of Antietam was Lee’s overall “worst” decision in The Fight of Gettysburg (Compton’s, civilwar. org).

After, during the Struggle of Gettysburg, Lee organized a very difficult assault, that is certainly the reason he failed. The primary reason Lee planned such a tricky assault was because “the masterful win at Chancellorsville gave Shelter great pride in his army, and the Rebel chief was inspired once again to take the fight to enemy soil” (civilwar. org). So , Lee had a great win back by Chancellorsville and so he had high pride in them, and thought that that they could combat in the North. Also, according to Michael jordan Fellman, Lee attacked the center of the Union flanks because he thought that Basic Meade would not expect that. Unfortunately intended for General Lee, Meade performed guess his plan, so Meade ensured to strengthen his middle. Finally, Lee’s decision was not completely terrible because the Union soldiers usually leaped in fear at the simple sight of Lee’s Military services of North Virginia (civilwar. org, Compton’s, Fellman 232).

Finally, Lee was the truthful and responsible person. After the challenge of Gettysburg, many persons urged Shelter to ask for his resignation (Fellman, 232). This pushing was very unneeded, though, mainly because right away, he did. He also publicly stated that Gettysburg was completely his fault. But , when he got a reply from Jefferson Davis, the Confederate leader, it read, “To just substitute you by someone [sic] in my judgment healthier to order, or who possess many confidence with the army, or perhaps of the reflecting men in the country, it is to demand a great impossibility (Fellman, 232). inches So this individual basically declared that nobody more could ever substitute the great Basic Lee. Following Davis rejected his resignation, Lee realized that this individual could not hang on much longer. This individual went via an unpleasant military placement to a protective military situation (Fellman, 231). According to Compton’s, Lee surrendered with pride and dignity about April 9th, 1865 with only 25, 000 men left.

General Robert At the. Lee was obviously a military gentleman since delivery. He constantly had reasons for his problems, and this individual considered every side of every scenario. His biggest mistake of the civil conflict was definitely at the struggle of Gettysburg, but he previously his causes. As civilwar. org stated, Lee would have “¦the most well-known and successful of the confederate armies. inch Therefore , General Lee was the best, the majority of successful general of the Municipal War.

  • Category: history
  • Words: 986
  • Pages: 4
  • Project Type: Essay

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