
rizal law dissertation


I actually. RIZAL RULES

* The complete name of the law can be An Take action to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities Courses For the Life, Performs and Articles of Jose Rizal, Especially His Books Noli Me personally Tangere and El Filibusterismo, authorizing the printing and distribution, and for Other Reasons. * Compared by Roman Catholics due to the contents of Noli Me personally Tangere and El Filibusterismo * Allowed translation of the works of Rizal to get national education purposes 2. Authorized by Claro M.


5. Sponsored by simply Jose L. Laurel inside the senate

* The Republic Work was signed by the Chief executive on June 12, 1956, (Independence day) in order to mix patriotism nationalism in every Filipino



5. Italians and Germans prevailed in unifying their own countries * The Italians under the leadership of Count Cavour and of Garibaldi and his military of “Red Shirts forced out the Austrians and The french language armies by Italy and proclaimed the dominion of Italy under King Victor Emmanuel with The italian capital as Capital.

2. The Prussians led simply by Otto vonseiten Bismarck, the “Iron Chancellor defeated Portugal in the Franco-Prussian war and established the German Empire on By. 18, 1871, with King Wilhelm of Prussia while the Initially Kaiser of the German Empire. * With all the defeat of Emperor Napoleon his Second French Disposition Collapsed and also its destroy the Third People from france Republic came about, with Adolph Thiers because first Leader.


* England emerged while the world’s leading imperialist power. * During marvelous reign of Queen Victoria the British people true: Britannia Rules the Dunes.  5. Britain won in the First Opium warfare (1840-1842) against the tottering Chinese Empire underneath the Manchu dynasty, and attained the island of HongKong (Fragrant Harbor) 5. In the Second Opium Battle (1856-1860) Britain won once again and forced the Manchu Empire to cede Kowloon Peninsula. * Following suppressing the Indian Rebellion and dismantling the Genius Empire, the lady imposed her raj (rule) over the sub-continent of India. (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) * By simply winning the Three Anglo-Burmese battle, she overcome Burma. * Other lands in Asia that became British groupe:

* Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Maldives, Aden, Malaya, Singapore and Egypt. * In South Pacific cycles they were capable to get Australia and New Zealand.

C. IMPERIALIST COUNTRIES THAT FOLLOWED BRITAIN’S MODEL: * Portugal ” Vietnam, annexed Cambodia and Laos. Then combined all these countries into a federated colony as French Indochina. * Nederlander ” colonized the great and wealthy archipelago of the East Indies and named it holland East Indies (now Indonesia). * Czarist Russia ” conquered Siberia, Kamchatka, Kuriles, and Alaska ( which she sold in 1867 for the U. T. for $7, 200, 000. * In addition, she conquered the Muslim Khanates of Bokhara, Khiva, and Kokand in Central Asia. * Additionally they acquired Manchuria and as a “sphere of influence we were holding able to build the your five, 800-mile Trans-Siberian Railway, reputed to be “the world’s greatest railroad backlinks Vladivostok and Moscow.

* July almost 8, 1853, a north american squadron beneath the command of Commodore Mathew C. Perry re-opened Japan to the world. (214-year isolation) * Chief Meiji (Mutsuhito) modernized Asia by freely accepting Traditional western Influences, which include Imperialism. Conducted the weakened China in the Sino-Japanese warfare, grabbed Formosa (Taiwan), Pescadores and later annexed Korea. 5. Germany was late in scramble to get colonies in Asia and Africa, turned to the Islands in the Mid-Pacific universe. * Ilties a German warship moved into the harbor of Yap (an island in the Carolines) seized the island and hoisted the German flag.

* Strangely, the Spanish Texas chief of the Carolines (Don Enrique Capriles) was present in the island but demonstrated no amount of resistance. * The German seizure of Yap island angered Spain who claimed sovereignty over the Carolines and Palaus by proper of breakthrough discovery by Francisco Lezcano who named this Carolina in Honor of King Charles II. * To belay the preparing conflict between the two region, both posted the Carolina Question to Pope leo XIII intended for arbitration. 2. The Holy father known Spain’s sovereignty over the tropical isle but gave two concessions to Indonesia: * the justification to trade in the disputed islands

* the justification to establish a coaling station in Yap intended for German navy. * Rizal was in Barcelona when these matters are going on and this individual even wrote an article around the Carolina Issue at La Publicidad, a newspaper held by Add Miguel Morayta. * Whilst imperialist power were taking pleasure in the fruits of their impérialiste rule The country who was previously the “Mistress of the World, was stagnating as a community power. * She lost her wealthy colonies in Latin America (Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Republic of colombia and Republic of ecuador. * The Central American countries (Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia and Uruguay) * Groupe that continued to be under her rule was Cuba, Desfiladero Rico plus the Philippines.



* Phone owner’s name: Jose Protacio Rizal Lugar y Alonso Realonda 2. Rizal was developed to a wealthy family in Calamba, Olvido and was the seventh of eleven children of Teodora Alonso Realonda de Quintos and Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercado y Alejandro 5. Rizal’s bros: Saturnina, Paciano, Narcisa, Olimpia, Luci, María, Jose Protasio, Concepción, Josefa, Trinidad and Soledad.


* Both Francisco and Teodora had been prosperous farmers that were naturally lease of the hacienda and an associating rice farm building by the Dominicans. * Rizal was a 5th-generation patrilineal rejeton of Domingo Lam-co, a conventional Chinese zuzügler entrepreneur who have sailed towards the Philippines during mid seventeenth century. Lam-co married Inez de la Insieme, a sangley(pure Chinese) of Luzon. 2. Jose Rizal also had Spanish and Japanese ancestors. His grandfather and dad of Teodora was a half Spaniard professional named Lorenzo Alberto Alonzo. His maternal great-great-grandfather was Eugenio Ursua, a descendant of Western settlers.

C. HOME TOWN: Calamba, Laguna


“One night, everyone, except my personal mother and myself, traveled to bed early. My mom began to examine me the fable with the young moth and the older one. The girl translated that from The spanish language into Tagalog a little at a time. “My focus increased from the first phrase. I viewed toward the light and fixed my gaze on the moths that have been circling about it. The storyplot could not had been better timed. My mom repeated the warning from the old moth. She dwelt upon this and directed it in my opinion. I noticed her, however it is a inquisitive thing the light appeared to me each time more amazing, the flame more attentive. I really envied the good fortune of the pests.

They frolicked so joyously in the charming splendor the fact that ones which will had decreased and recently been drowned in the oil did not cause me personally any dislike. “My mom kept on studying and I took in breathlessly. The fate from the two bugs interested me personally greatly. The flame thrown its golden tongue to just one side and a moth, which this movement had singed, droped into the essential oil, fluttered for some time and then became quiet. That became for me personally a great function. A curious change came up over myself which I usually noticed in me personally whenever anything at all has stirred my feelings.

The fire and the moth seemed to is more famous away, and my mother’s voice sounded strange and uncanny. I did not notice once she concluded the fairy tale. All my attention was fixed on the fortune of the insect. I watched it with my entire soul. Completely died a martyr to its confusion. “It was obviously a long time prior to I dropped asleep. The storyline revealed to myself things until then unidentified. Moths no more were, for me, insignificant insects. Moths spoken; they knew how to notify. They suggested, just like my own mother. The light seemed to me more gorgeous, more amazing, and more attractive. I now realized why the moths circled the fire. 


* Granddad Manuel, a huge man whom loved sports activities above anything else, took Jose in hand and taught him athletics. It was fortunate, intended for the little youngster was undersized and foible. With his tiresome tendencies he might have fallen victim to the dislike tuberculosis that cuts short so many hopeful careers, had not Uncle Manuel torn him from his books and led him out into the joys of vigorous sports.

Thus, just like Theodore Roosevelt, Jose surely could build up into the muscle and to form habits of daily exercise that kept him fit through the bad years which followed. He learned to perform, to jump, to fence, and to go swimming. He adored to riding on his pony, so spirited that handful of others could handle it, and to have long taking walks through the jungles and over the streams with his great black dog. Often his eye were wide open. Animals, chickens, butterflies, bugs of every kind, anything with life and beauty, caught his artist’s eye. This individual examined all of them, drew these people, or shaped them in clay, and valiantly looked after them by all harm.

* Another happy effect in building Jose’s persona was the parish priest who have lived in the convent just around the corner from the Rizal home. Father Leoncio Lopez was persistent thinker with wide intellect and audio judgment. This individual loved children, but above all the keen little boy who also asked severe leading questions about the items he had read his elders say. Years later in Noli Me Tangere, the most famous of his books, Rizal paid an attractive tribute to Father Leoncio. Perhaps, as well, he had this kind of beloved aged priest in mind when in El Filibusterismo he makes Father Florentino utter the most famous of all estimates from Rizal’s prose writings: “Where are definitely the youth, who will consecrate all their rosy hours, their dreams, and their eagerness for the welfare with their motherland? ¦

* Rizal had his early education in Calamba and Biñan. It was a standard schooling which a son of the ilustrado family members received during his period, characterized by the four R’s- reading, producing, arithmetic, and religion. Training was stiff and tight. Knowledge was forced in to the minds in the pupils by means of the boring memory approach aided by the teacher’s whip.

Inspite of the defects with the Spanish system of elementary education, Rizal could acquire the important instruction preparatory for college work in Manila. It may be declared Rizal, who was born a physical weakling, flower to become a great intellectual giant not due to, but rather regardless of, the outmoded and backward system of teaching obtaining inside the Philippines over the last decades of Spanish program.

* The first teacher of Rizal was his mother, who was a remarkable woman of good personality and fine culture. On her behalf lap, he learned when justin was three the alphabet as well as the prayers. “My mother,  wrote Rizal in his college student memoirs, “taught me tips on how to read and say haltingly the humble praying which I raised fervently to God. 

* While tutor, Doña Teodora was patient, conscientious, and understanding. It was she who initially discovered that her son a new talent intended for poetry. Accordingly, she prompted him to write down poems. To lighten the monotony of memorizing the ABC’s and stimulate her son’s thoughts, she related many tales.

* As Jose grow up, his father and mother employed exclusive tutors to provide him lessons at home. The first was Maestro Celestino and the second, Maestro Lucas Padua. Later on, an old person named Leon Monroy, an ex classmate of Rizal’s dad, became the boy’s tutor. This old teacher lived at the Rizal home and instructed Jose in Spanish and Latina. Unfortunately, this individual did not lived long. He died five months after.


* Rizal had his early education in Calamba and Biñan. It was a standard schooling that a son of the ilustrado relatives received during his period, characterized by the four R’s- reading, composing, arithmetic, and religion. Teaching was stiff and rigid. Knowledge was forced in to the minds with the pupils through the tedious memory approach aided by the teacher’s whip.

Regardless of the defects with the Spanish approach to elementary education, Rizal could acquire the required instruction basic for college or university work in Manila. It may be declared Rizal, who had been born a physical weakling, flower to become an intellectual huge not due to, but rather inspite of, the outmoded and backwards system of instructions obtaining in the Philippines over the last decades of Spanish routine.

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  • Category: society
  • Words: 2214
  • Pages: 8
  • Project Type: Essay

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