
rewards and failures upon going to canada essay


There have always been adjustments upon moving to another place whether it’s in the country or perhaps outside of country to overseas. When a person, after many years adjusts in a place his/she’s brain is set and comfy with everything around him/her. Therefore , in the event that person ways to another place he/she is going to face diverse advantages and disadvantages. For example , I use to live in Pakistan and moving to Canada at the age of 8. I came across few positive aspects in Canada such as the education system, and rules and regulations for all.

But , drawbacks were departing the tradition, and the culture. About ten years ago, when moved to Canada, Pakistan was and still is definitely a slow expanding country that had a channel education program even in the high end contemporary society. The system in schools in Pakistan are not based on any type of levels just like academic, utilized, and ESL compared to what it is here in Canadian high schools.

Pakistaner schools’ inside environment simply seemed like should you be not at school rather a few tutoring centre that only got rooms nevertheless no other activities or golf equipment going on except the athletics.

But Canadian school’s inside environment makes you feel like if you are actually at school the way it is decorated, several activities are getting on, and every student has a locker. In Pakistan, professors are putting too much of the fill of homework and simple work on college students no matter what the age group, and without qualified about how it will eventually effective students. But , I’ve seen in Canada that there are guidelines for professors to put a few load upon students. Nevertheless , nowadays Pakistan has developed an improved schooling system in top quality society similar to the British program.

As you notice on the news regarding the bribery, and many other frauds going on in Pakistan that includes the government officials although solves the issues by bribing people or perhaps using electric power. There is just so much with the corruption in Pakistan because of the bribery. Should you commit a murder and bribe the authorities then, you can find away conveniently and the law enforcement might just pin the consequence on it on some poor guy who have cannot even for two instances a day meals. There is just not bribery issue but political religion methods and the laws made. A female cannot simply wear a bikini on the public beach unless that female is rich and has electric power.

Powerful and rich people had manufactured their own laws and if someone interrupts in that case, that person is definitely punished. A lot of rules and laws are for everyone but are not forced. For example , when a person is merely walking on the street to his work and if police prevents you intended for doing absolutely nothing and gives the two of you option which have been to give some cash to these people or they will put the person in prison in a bogus case. An unhealthy person is getting way poorer and a rich person is getting method richer. As compared to Canada, an area where everyone can practice their particular religion. In Canada, a person gets justice no matter who it is, abundant or poor.

There are different sectors of the government to get the rights of Canadian residents, for instance , if you have been roughed up or ceased to practice your freedom and right then simply there are industries like Rental of Privileges and Freedoms, where you can declare any injustice done to you. There is no bribery or extremely less bribery as one out of a hundred percent bribery canada, therefore , the laws are fair and equal to every individual. However , Pakistan is the best destination to live the moment comes to lifestyle and culture as many people that I was more comfortable speaking with happen to be in Pakistan.

Leaving the loved once around you and that you have grown up doing are never forgotten. I used to wake up each morning by reading the “ADHAAN the o call for prayer form the mosque on nearly a daily program and then planning for institution, watching every kind of differing people coming to your house for chit-chatting, socially gathering on a daily basis without the appointment, and playing with good friends on the roof and all other stuff you are developed in and with will never b discovered anywhere else.

People helping one another in every very little to large problems, for instance , if police came to your house and got you for only an investigation or perhaps has place a false costs on you after that, the whole culture or at least the folks that lives by your residence will just go and help you in any instances no matter its day/night or matter of cash. Whereas in Canada, many persons don’t also know their particular neighbours, and if in case they certainly still nobody comes toward help their very own neighbours in any circumstances. But since I’ve moved to Canada, I are trying to be myself yet at the same time choose the society and culture I was living in.

There are always good and bad things about moving to another place, for some its very good due to certain problems as well as for others it can not. In such a case of my own I would look at this to be as being a good modify as I am living in a society while using best education and almost everything works within an order. Everybody feels homesickness but slowly adjusts towards the place they may be living in. Therefore , there are always benefits and drawbacks in carious things, for example , the education, guidelines and legislation in Canada can be an advantage personally but , the society and culture I had formed to leave is a downside. Now that I actually live in Canada, I ponder over it as my country.


  • Category: legislation
  • Words: 1026
  • Pages: 4
  • Project Type: Essay

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