
problem solving and decision making negotiation


Problem Solving, Trouble Solution, Making decisions Process, Decision Making

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Assessing a choice Based on Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats Technique

In the book Six Thinking Hats Edward para Bono details the process of parallel thinking. This method means taking a look at problems from all angles at once. Edward de Bono uses the example of four people almost all looking at similar house. One person is looking at the front. Another searching for at the back. The other searching for at the side. The final person is looking at the right side. These people are arguing as to what the house appears like, while each has a different view of the house. The fact is that what everybody is seeing is definitely part of the particular house appears to be. But as long as they are almost all only viewing one area, they will never agree. They will never really understand what the entire house looks like. The four people then walk around the house and view all sides. Finally, each of them agree on the particular house appears to be. Now that they may have seen the property from all angles, they also have a view of the home that is closer to what it is enjoy. The same procedure applies to resolving a problem and making a decision by what to do about the problem. If you look at the problem coming from only one position, you do not figure out it totally. However , if you look at the decision via as many sides as possible, you realize it completely and think of a better decision. This approach also means that numerous views are thought fully instead of people arguing based on their particular viewpoint. Edward de Recibo explains the by saying that “in traditional thinking, in the event that two people argue, there is a spat in which every tries to prove the other person wrong. In parallel pondering, both views, no matter how contrary, are pay in parallel” (de Vale 1999, l. 4). Much like in taking a look at the house, all of the views are shared after which a complete photo is obtained. Edward para Bono offers the six considering hats technique as a way of allowing seite an seite thinking to happen. The technique involves separating different types of pondering so they can become used, nevertheless without competing against the other person. In this strategy, there are 6 hats plus they are all accustomed to look at the injury in a different way. The six hats and the form of thinking they will represent are:

white loath – intended for thinking about data red head wear – intended for thinking about thoughts, intuition and emotion black hat – utilized for thinking about negative points, just like problems and difficulties discolored hat – used for considering positive points, such as the benefits and confident outcomes green hat – used for creative work blue head wear – used for controlling the procedure

To consider how the six thinking hats technique can be used to solve problems and make smarter decisions, a true situation will be defined. The decision that is described was performed without the strategy. By taking into consideration how the approach could have better the decision manufactured, the usefulness of the 6 thinking hats technique will be shown.

The decision that was recently produced involved creating a new advertising plan for a product or service. This decision was made depending on a problem, which was that the item was not offering as well as anticipated. Based on this kind of, the prospective team were called right into a meeting. With the meeting, the causes for the low sales had been discussed. The marketing administrator then advised everyone this individual wanted a new marketing strategy developed and wanted the focus of the marketing plan to become decided. They discussed options for the marketing plan. This included several persons suggesting suggestions, with other persons responding by simply either promoting the idea or stating difficulties with it. The idea that gained the most support was then chosen as normally the one to follow. All of those other meeting engaged discussing and agreeing around the details. Many team members had been then designated tasks to complete to get the plan to look ahead. The choice made would achieve good success as revenue did increase. However , there may also have been better decisions that could include achieved greater results. This will now be considered simply by discussing what would have occurred if the decision was made applying six hats thinking.

The first of the six hats is the light hat. White colored hat considering means looking at data and information. With this loath on, persons might consider what data is well know about the condition, what info they have, and what info or info would help to make a good decision. In the case of the choice made, there was clearly very little light hat thinking. The noted problem was that sales had been down. This challenge was based on sales info. However , there is no thinking that looked into the main reason that revenue were straight down. Nobody asked if the reason behind the low product sales were noted and nobody asked if there were any information that could help to make a decision on a suitable marketing campaign or approach. Using white colored hat considering would have helped in several ways. Firstly, in the event the reason for the reduced sales was looked into, this might have shown that marketing has not been the reason for the lower sales. One more factor may have been recognized to describe the data. With this aspect known, long lasting problem was could after that be set. For example , analysis might have displayed that there were new competitors in the market with cheaper goods. This may describe the drop in sales. The thing to do would then take this into mind. In this case, the best solution may not be to create a fresh marketing campaign. Instead, the best answer might be to lessen the price to complement that of competing products. Among the important details is that the advertising campaign will probably nonetheless increase revenue. However , it also does not deal with the base problem. Therefore , revenue will still be less than they should be. This show just how finding the reason for a problem helps you to make the proper decision. Also this is described by simply Daft (1997, p. 288) who says that “managers buy the wrong thing if they will jump right into generating alternatives without initially exploring the reason for the problem more deeply. ” It was a mistake made, with the triggers not considered at all. Rather, the focus was on finding a solution. It seems like likely the fact that solution identified would have been a better one if the causes acquired of recently been known. White colored hat considering may have involved looking at past product sales data. For instance , what happened to sales during past marketing campaigns? Which ones had been most effective? Those that were least effective? How many other products are selling well and why? This information could have helped to identify appropriate solutions. One of many positive points of this is the best solution would have been picked based on data and not just based upon opinion.

The second of the 6 hats is definitely the red hat. Red hat thinking means looking at thoughts, feelings, and intuition. The main point about red cap thinking in this situation is that the decision produced was based upon emotions, feelings, and intuition. For each solution that was stated, persons either recognized it and supported it or rejected it. The acceptance or perhaps rejection of the solution had not been based on virtually any valid reason but was more persons saying that they either appreciated or disliked the idea. If perhaps red cap thinking got of recently been used, this thinking depending on intuition and emotion might have been segregated from the other types of thinking. Because of this it nonetheless would have been used, yet would have recently been used combined with the other types of factors. I think increased white hat thinking would also have made people recognize that red hat thinking was being relied upon too much. For instance , in considering alternative solutions Peter Mayer (1995) says that the best solution is the one that meets the desired results. Ralph T. Keeney (1994) agrees and adds that the best solution should certainly fit the specified results and use the least resources. If perhaps more light hat considering had of been applied, the decision-making process would have included determining how to examine alternative alternatives. It may have been noted the best decision should get outcomes, be finished as quickly as possible, and cost the very least amount of money. The alternatives suggested could then simply have been deemed based on how very well they achieved this conditions. As it was, the decisions had been assessed depending on no crystal clear criteria. Not many people explained why these people were accepting or rejecting a solution so it is not clear how solutions were being assessed. However , it’s likely they the solutions weren’t based on the very best reasons likely. Janis and Mann (2000) describe how most people produce decisions based on satisficing, this means looking for a

  • Category: social issues
  • Words: 1595
  • Pages: 6
  • Project Type: Essay

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