
It Is Better to Be Ruled by a Philosopher King Essay


If one wishes to perfect one’s soul and reach enlightenment, then it is obviously better for your one to be ruled by a philosopher-king; however , if one’s main goal is obviously is to live happily and securely without worries, it is arguably better for that that you be dominated by a prince. One should, however , seek to best one’s heart and soul rather than search for happiness and security alone, hence, it is best to be ruled by a philosopher-king.

This daily news will 1st lay out the reasons why one should always be governed by either a Machiavellian prince or maybe a philosopher-king, and point out the fact that different rewards between the two rulers depend upon which different sets of priorities in a citizen’s life. Then simply, the daily news will dispute why you ought to pursue the values beneath the rule of your philosopher-king rather than that under the rule of the prince. Finally, it will look at some counter-top argument, analyze and insist why the thesis remains to be superior. If one’s key wish should be to live gladly and safely, then it could possibly be better for the one to become ruled by a Machiavellian knight in shining armor, since a Machiavellian prince’s main goal like a ruler is usually to secure his state.

The perfect prince would appear to be “merciful, faithful, humane, honest, and religious”, but “know how to enter into bad, when pressured by necessity” to “maintain his express. ” Consequently, the people living under this prince would benefit inside the peace that accompany his rule. Moreover, the individuals are free to pursue no matter what materialistic desired goals they want, as long as they do not break the regulations of the knight in shining armor.

The royal prince is also nor “rapacious and a usurper of the house and the ladies of his subjects” nor is he planning to “maintain a name for liberality” a lot that this individual “burden the folks extraordinarily, to get rigorous with taxes. ” Hence, the folks living within prince’s rule will enjoy an adequate life with stability, protection and freedom to go after their materialistic wants. In the event ones strive to perfect all their souls, to come out of the cave and “into the sunlight”, then life under the regulation of a philosopher-king is ideal.

Under the rule of your philosopher-king, the king will try to “[turn] the whole spirit until it is able to study that which is as well as the brightest points that is, namely, the one we all call the good. ” To get this done, one must first “rid of [feasting, greed, and other these kinds of pleasures]” that one “had been destroyed at via childhood”, after which “[turn] to consider true items. The philosopher-king, whose dreams and knowledge is true and wise, will assist educate those by changing theirs wishes, “[try] to redirect that appropriately. ” A your life under a philosopher-king will benefit one’s heart rather than one’s materialistic existence.

It is evident as explained previously that the key to the desirability of the two diverse systems, one under the Machiavellian prince and one within the philosopher-king, lies in how the people prioritize the actual look for anytime; hence, diverse sets of values will probably be satisfied simply by different political systems. Therefore, at first look, it seems not possible to determine which in turn system is better because they are based on completely different sets of beliefs. However , together set is arguably better to go after than the different, consequently, 1 political program will be more desired than the different.

The group of criteria under consideration is that beneath the rule in the philosopher-king. It is better for a person to go after a knowledgeable, authentic, and logical life which a philosopher-king claims to provide than a materialistic and secure lifestyle alone which the Machiavellian knight in shining armor promises.

Initially, it needs to be pointed out that Machiavelli also generally seems to see there is of very little value for any prince to pursue materialistic desires, until it acts a bigger goal, such as the acquirement of “abundance of possibly men or money” provides to “put together an adequate army and fight a battle against whoever comes to attack all of them. ” Machiavelli seems to imply that a prince seeks not merely power, yet also attempts to be even more glorious, good, and virtuous than normal men. He states that as a commander, a royal prince should have “no other target, nor some other thought, neither take anything else as his art yet that of conflict and its order and discipline”; and when a prince “have thought really amenities than of biceps and triceps, [he has] lost [his state]. ” This kind of seems to mean that a royal prince should not seek out trivial satisfaction, but only that of commanders; and as a leader, a knight in shining armor should wish to be esteemed, feared, and cherished, and avoid to get viewed as “variable, light, chicken, pusillanimous, irresolute.

Hence, Machiavelli seems to declare even though not really everyone has benefits, thus, people who do will certainly rise and be princes while the rest will probably be ruled more than, it is appealing that one should aspire to turn into a prince, seek virtues, show one’s superiority with his prudence. Socrates, hence, also appears to agree with Machiavelli that one should seek even more in life compared to the satisfaction of one’s instinctive desires. Nevertheless , Socrates disagrees with Machiavelli on two points.

First, Socrates disagrees that only a few features virtues but everyone is capable of achieving more is obviously but rather many people are capable of pursuing virtues. Second, he believes that there is only the “virtue of reason” that, contrary to others that “aren’t presently there beforehand but are added later on by behavior and practice, ” is definitely there intrinsically inside of everybody.

He claims that this advantage “never seems to lose its electrical power but is either useful and beneficial or perhaps useless and harmful, with regards to the way it truly is turned. ” Socrates, thus, might claim with Machiavelli that the benefits that this individual assigns intended for the perfect prince are derivatives of this solitary virtue of reason, which can be “forced to serve nasty ends. ” Hence, the right prince is capable of terrible things, however very ingenious to maintain his image. Socrates perhaps may conclude the prince described by Machiavelli is a case where the advantage of purpose is turned to the wrong way.

Therefore, Socrates causes that everyone is capable of pursuing this virtue of reason, and hence, capable of greatness, nevertheless they need direction and education to “[turn] around via darkness to light. ” Machiavelli in that case might agree that everybody might be able of greatness, but this individual still disagrees as to why anybody with the virtue of cause should not get a prince to dominate other folks, but accept be ruled by the philosopher-king. Now, assume that Socrates’ type of the human heart is correct and sufficient; it may give hope for00 this problem.

Socrates reasons which a human’s soul consists of three parts, a runner who symbolizes our virtue of causes, a big cat which represents our beastly power and aggression, as well courage and nobility, and a various colored beast with “a ring of many heads that it can grow and change at will” which presents our various desires, “some from delicate, some coming from savage pets. With the recently established argument that Machiavelli and Socrates may consent that the satisfaction of materialistic desires retains little value, hence, the scenario which the multicolored beast is in control can be eradicated, and so, the argument might be narrowed down to Machiavelli needing the rspectable and courageous lion to dominate, while Socrates is still that the rational human ought to be in control.

The first description from the lion generally seems to match the dominant characteristics of that of the Machiavellian royal prince; however , because Machiavelli says himself, a prince requires both natures of person and beast, since “one without the various other is not really lasting. ” The prince, hence, continues to be governed by simply both the person with advantage of causes and the lion with bravery and the aristocracy. He uses the virtues of reason to acquire additional virtues to become a prince, nevertheless he is nonetheless driven by instinct of the noble lion to achieve fame and overcome others.

As the human is a “best component to [a human soul]” it is still far better have the individual part control over the bestial parts, because then, the “entire spirit settles into their best character, acquires small amounts, justice, and reason. ” Thus, people should strive to achieve this condition of the heart where the man part is in control, it then takes care of the multicolored beast “as character does his animals”, and tends to the lion to ensure that “the lion’s nature [becomes] his ally. This form of goodness with the soul is “the final thing to be seen, in fact it is reached simply with difficulty. ” Therefore, the people will require and require the help of a philosopher-king.

Since “a democratic man such as a city reigned over by a democracy, and similarly with the others”, the life under the rule of a philosopher-king will be similarly to living which the philosopher-king rules him self. He will make sure by laws and regulations or otherwise, that his subject citizens will probably be “the servant of [the philosopher-king] who have a keen ruler inside himself. A philosopher-king does not wish to enslave the people to use from them, but only to support nurture and bring out the best of the people. When the people are ready, include “guardians and ruler similar to [the philosopher-king], ” then the persons will be established free. Will probably be ideal for everybody to be dominated by his own divine reason within himself.

In conclusion, it is better being ruled with a philosopher-king mainly because one should will go after the ideals that the philosopher-king promotes. That is certainly, one should locate the advantage of factors, and by the strength of this virtue and the accompanied by a the philosopher-king, pursue the perfect balance in the soul, in which the human component governs his consciousness and reins inside the beasts. The Machiavellian prince is still governed by both the lion plus the human, and he enables the people indulge themselves inside their desires, hence, the prince is certainly not the best choice of ruler, to get himself as well as for his people alike.

  • Category: Beliefs
  • Words: 1804
  • Pages: 7
  • Project Type: Essay

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