
impact of western traditions on of india youth



India is a area of rich cultural heritage. India is actually a multicultural, multi-lingual from the historic days considering that the reign of Aryans and Dravidians. India has followed all the ethnicities like via Greek, Local, Arabians, France, Dutch, Mughals and Uk without losing a unique identity. Whenever we look into the past history really believed that north Indians inherit Aryan culture and south Indians inherit Dravidian culture. The regions have sufficient differences in life activities, clothing, art, jewelry, providing prayers even though performing couple of rituals just like marriages/funerals, couple of common fests are commemorated at the same time but few are celebrated at different times in a unique method. North Indians had influence of Persian and Mughal culture and South Indians had impact of Nederlander, Arab, People from france, Portuguese, Jews and the English who had visit this page for trading purposes and later on completed through dominations. North American indian culture differs while considering dissimilar inexpensive classes. The center and lower sections will be rooted within an age old fixed customs whilst rich people opt for european culture while in southern region, some persuits permeates quite deeply into the upper classes. Behavioral sensible north Indians seem to be even more showy and aggressive could possibly be due to the influence of wars over the years when compared with south Indians. North Indians think that persons in southern region are dark skin color and south Indians think that north Indians have whitish skin color. When Arabians, Mughals, Portuguese, French, Dutch and the United kingdom invaded India they discovered that how India is usually rich in almost all means. Everyone tried to impose their ethnical standards upon us through forcible transformation or by threatening because they arrived at know that simply way to occupy American indian land through spoiling the west and system of education. And probably to some degree they have been good in doing so. Both north and southern region regions possess mixed civilizations imparted by invaders.

After Of india Independence westernization has more afflicted our American indian youth and so gradually present young decades are shedding faith to their faith based culture, esteem towards their very own parents and elders, wish to towards one another, traditions and customs. In the current scenario mass media is also among the reason for creating negative influence on the children about our culture especially television set and filmmakers. They instead of showing good things always show divorces, physical violence, sex, reality shows with western dressing styles, extra-marital affairs which is actually not really common to each of our Indians. By simply watching these kinds of kind of movies/serials/reality shows youngsters become wondering and attempt to test it and ultimately result in dropping their own style. Youth attracted towards european culture are generally not realizing that what exactly they are missing, earlier we accustomed to share the happiness and sorrows with the family members, family members, friends and neighbors meeting them privately. We value to attend features, marriages, ceremonies though these were miles apart from us. But now a days and nights no one bothers about the partnership they only think about themselves, importance of joint family is certainly not understood and wants to stay nuclear, there is no bonding among people keeping around, traditions, festivals are not celebrated enthusiastically, there is no dress up sense specifically among women. If its north or to the south women use for keep bindi on their temple, wear good sarees, chudidhars, bangles, anklets, ear wedding rings, toe wedding rings and other earrings. Foreigners are more attracted by our civil culture. Yet today’s youthful generations are blindly pursuing the western tradition without knowing it is consequences. Our future years may not be the actual meaning of joint family members, love and care displayed by grand parents, granddad and aunt’s as we have continued to be single households, we do not find out our own family background and its very unlucky today that even kids would want to be away from their particular parents, they expect independence and wish to select their own design of living. It is not necessarily wrong to inculcate great culture coming from westerns but not fair to neglect our own culture. We should preserve our culture and also will need to remember that americans are looking towards India because of its honesty and rich cultural heritageImpact of western culture on each of our societyWay again before the entrance of Uk into each of our country, even though India got the impact of merged cultures every individual/families had respect toward their own persuits and traditions followed through the years. Though there is caste elegance in India, upper class curbing lower caste, untouchability seen throughout the parts, families were united jointly and when independence struggle against British started all were united together to deal with against irrespective of caste, creed and faith. But then Britishers came to realize that the only way to divide the individuals is by deceptive them in following their customs and traditions, differentiation of decrease caste simply by upper famille and thus helped bring changes in the ethnical, economic, educational and politics scopes in India.

During English rule various Indians owned by various castes and creed were forcibly converted to Christianity to receive education and jobs. Currently caste program was even more affected mainly because most of the dalits got converted into Christianity. Although one good thing happened because various cultural and political reconstructs took delivery in abolishing caste program, Arya samaj and Brahma samaj were found to hold alive the pride of our rich lifestyle, and education was propagate all over the region for each every one. There is a great influence of european culture upon our peuple system. Since today everyone seems to be modern the thought of caste has become less persistent in people day to day lifestyle. Urbanization made many groupe to live jointly. Caste rituals have become even more personal than public due to change in life activities, food practices and workplace. Influence of western tradition on American indian youth is so affected that they forgot to deal with their retirement years parents, various home treatment centres, baby care companies have rised commercially. This children speak in English rather than speaking in their personal mother tongue where they belong. Everywhere we have to in this article mom and dad. Earlier we used to celebrate birthday by seeking blessings from your elders, give prayers by lighting the lamp and distribute candy but today young generations believe that birthday celebrations can be accomplished only simply by blowing out your candle, trimming cake, ingesting meat and drinking alcohol. We all used to make food burning down, wash clothes by hand currently we use western gizmos washing machine, had stage takes on on why and how several festivals will be celebrated but today due to the impact of mass media we carry out have entertainment programs during festivals but rather than displaying the rituals performed importance is given only for singing and dancing which can be irrelevant a lot of times. Like during Ganesha festivals not any stage plays are enacted on so why idols happen to be immersed in water, not any devotional songs are played out rather modern songs happen to be played. During Deepavali which is called festival of lights, rather than lighting the lamps throughout people screen electric lights and pollute the environment by simply bursting the crackers. This certainly offers negative impact on future years because they could not be familiar with why and exactly how festivals need to be celebrated. Fresh generations think that following faith based customs is superstitious and always expect a scientific reasons and evidence. Indian marriages are typically followed with huge beliefs, mantras recited during wedding explains regarding the importance of bondage among husband and wife during their life whatever might be the consequences. But also for the present small generations partnerships have become like a contract. Any small big difference they go with divorce and marry repeatedly.

Women of India are more influenced by american culture. Instead of wearing each of our traditional costumes they are captivated towards skinny jeans, shirts, frocks and slacks. However it great to be contemporary and use western apparel but atleast wear India outfits, bangles, anklets, keep flowers and bindi through the visit to wats or temples, while doing pooja and rituals, during functions and celebration of festivals. Recently we are residing in the age of information and technology. Social media has also damaged our culture. Before the existence of technology we all used to greet our father and mother, elders, family and friends by visiting these people personally great because of technology we discuss messages through emails, facebook or myspace, twitter and whatsapp. May be it links us quickly but is unquestionably bridging a gap between our dearer and loved ones. Realization: India is among the ancient nation in the world and rich in social heritage. All of us Indians must be proud to get born about this motherland, the mother of religions and cultures. Traditional western nations want towards India and are taking on our ethnic values within their customs. Certainly western culture is also a boon to us which includes brought some good changes in our system, but it is very unfortunate that our present technology has neglected our own principles and ethics and are following western path. It is the responsibility of the young generations to hold alive our culture and take forward for future ages and for this kind of to happen in the beginning the present children must know totally about the west, customs and traditions implemented over the years. Instill them and practice in their day to day lifestyle. Develop the bondage among their father and mother, grandparents, family and good friends. Accept only good emails shown through television stations, cinema and also other media. Value every religious beliefs and its tradition but not to betray our very own culture and religion. Value every terminology across the nation and country but bear in mind to speak in our mother tongue with the parents and more.

The modern day generation can also be not totally blamed pertaining to neglecting each of our Indian traditions because each of our elders must have contributed all their time and expertise in inculcating about the rich ethnic heritage included in this. Parents, grandparents must spend time with their children in explaining about the rituals performed, educate them the right way to behave inside the society, instead of sharing communications or photos of sweet on social networking teach our kids to go to our relatives home, neighbor’s property to greet them and distribute candy personally. This will create a kind of bond between the peoples surviving in the culture. Teach those to love and care everyone and not to discriminate any person by means of caste, creed or perhaps religion. Also our education system, press, television channels and movies should play a vital role to promote about the rich social heritage. Books, syllabus in schools and colleges need to include chapters on our various civilizations followed over the nation, value of remembering various festivals followed by distinct religions. Television channels and cinemas should certainly avoid displaying more of violence and subjecting the female performers. Indian Actresses must use descent costume when they attend award ceremonies or reddish colored carpet functions. Hence the modern day and long term generations must know the history with their owns and take required actions to preserve our culture.

  • Category: lifestyle
  • Words: 1929
  • Pages: 7
  • Project Type: Essay

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