
his ch 14 essay

How did James Buchanan respond since the secession crisis loomed over the final weeks of his president administration?

Buchanan remained in Washington and did practically nothing.

So what happened when Democrats met to choose a usa president candidate in Charleston

South Carolina?

The party divided into southern and northern parti.

During the debates, Sophie A. Douglas depicted Abraham Lincoln while

an abolitionist who cherished blacks.

How would the Mexican-American War affect American politics?

It divided the nation based on the issue of slavery in the territories.

What effect did the shift to “geographic” celebrations have upon political controversy in the United States?

The shift improved polarization.

What performed Abraham Lincoln personally consider about slavery?

Slavery was morally wrong.

So what happened to Ruben Brown following his raid on Harper’s Ferry?

Having been executed.

The American Party, or perhaps Know-Nothings, appeared in the mid-1850s as

a reaction to large numbers of Roman Catholics coming to the usa.

What did the Whigs do in an attempt to get back together their party during the presidential

plan of 1848?

Remain silent on the concern of captivity

The thing that was the result of Preston Brooks’s caning of Massachusetts senator Charles Sumner

in 1856?

It additional inflamed sectional passions over the institution of slavery.

Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan suggested the doctrine of well-liked sovereignty, a measure

that would let

people who settled the territories to decide whether or not they wanted captivity.

Just how did the increasingly assured Republican Party prepare for the election of 1860?

It expanded the platform to deal with other problems.

What did the Supreme Court rule in its 1857 Dred Scott decision?

Dred Scott was not resident of the United States.

The usa president election of 1856 exposed the

power of the new Republican Party.

Which will issue in the debate of 1849-1850 led to the Bargain of 1850?

The balance of power between your North and the South in Congress

How did a Nashville convention of southern businessmen shock area in 1860?

The conference called for the reopening with the African slave trade.

What made Abraham Lincoln a good candidate for the His party nomination?

He represented the crucial state of Illinois.

What was a requirement of the Fugitive Servant Act, part of the Compromise of 1850?

Most citizens were expected to aid officials in apprehending errant slaves.

Per the Compromise of 1850, which in turn state entered the union as a cost-free state?

A bunch of states

Just how did Sophie A. Douglas respond in 1857 the moment proslavery pushes in Lecompton

Kansas, drafted a constitution that lots of felt was fraudulent?

Douglas came out up against the proslavery metabolic rate.

What did the Wilmot Proviso of 1846 propose?

Captivity would be restricted throughout the entire area ceded by Mexico.

Which usually Southerner contended that “I consider slavery much more secure in the Union than

out of it? ”

Alexander Stephens

The usa negotiated the Gadsden Obtain in 1853

to support the dream of a southern course for the transcontinental train.

What did the us government do to the Plains Indians who occupied what became


The federal government pushed them a greater distance west.

In 1854, Stephen A. Douglas sponsored the Kansas-Nebraska Act and included an area repealing the Missouri Compromise because

Douglas needed the southern part of support to his guidelines.

Southerners felt a great deal hostility toward the Republican Party through the presidential

election of 1860 that

ten states refused to let Lincoln’s brand to appear around the ballot.

Which Senator argued that, when it came to finishing slavery, there was clearly “a larger law than

the Constitution”—the rules of The almighty?

William Seward

How come did the Democrats continue to be a countrywide organization after 1954?

Profits in the South offset deficits in the North.

What did Douglas argue in what became known as the Freeport R�gle?

Settlers can ban captivity by not passing the laws necessary to protect servant


Northern women recognized the Republican Party simply by

marching in Republican parades.


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