
hamlet monologue analysis essay


The written text to be or not to be by Shakespeare refers to the paradox of life and death. This individual starts the poem by questioning himself: is it really worth to exist or certainly not, and by existing he is mentioning the human capacity of considering; in the sense of: I can be found because I am able to think. This matter is created throughout the composition were the action of thinking works with the decision of; should I live or not really and that certainly becomes an obstacle to make basically.

In that sense the poem transmits which the innate individual quality of thinking is what makes us fragile instead of like a useful tool to make right decisions. In other words, irrespective of we can understand a solution to the problems (death), we are not capable of taking actions (committing suicide) because we now have the everlasting problem of thinking.

“To be or perhaps not to end up being, that is the question” this is the phrase that starts the composition, and in a sense, it is such as a synthesis of what the writer is going to clarify later.

He is referring to the action-word “to be” practically exactly like “to exist”. The question is: must i live? And by that he is considering that, when you are humans, we now have the ability to think. In some sort of way, Shakespeare is leading us towards the paradox of life and death were human questioning is crucial in the understanding of both the, so there can be a decision.

“to die, to sleep, No more; through sleep to talk about we end the heart ache and the 1000 natural shock absorbers that flesh is locks to: it is just a consummation devoutly to be wished” He is examining death and seeing it as the answer of the lifestyle he is living at the moment. Somehow, he is confirming that becoming alive is a constant discomfort and so death is the one of a kind pathway that might lead him to another your life, a simple one.

“Thus the mind does generate cowards individuals all, and thus the local hue of resolution is usually slicked o’er with the pale cast of thought” This can be the fragment when the poem establishes the reason why Hamlet haven’t determined yet nor taken action. This is the explode were William shakespeare blames human thought for this being an hurdle when there is also a decision to generate, more accurately: human questioning explores the possible effects of each actions we are going to make, through knowing these people, we quickly get scared of our destiny and of the unidentified circumstances that will surrounds all of us later. Is definitely an view to the upcoming that power us to consider back continuously. The uncertainty and the cowardness do not business lead us anywhere.

The text can be related to living in the sense that it can be the perfect description of the reason why we are scared of making decisions. Every decision is premeditated and that is why we could uncapable of taking actions. Besides, I think that this thinking of human being thought since an barrier when it comes to make a decision, applies to our day to day life; We offer up chances because we take a long time considering, and that certainly is a huge obstacle to make clear our thoughts and make the right determination.


  • Category: essay
  • Words: 591
  • Pages: 2
  • Project Type: Essay

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