
future concerns gattaca and fahrenheit 451 essay


Well-known fictions text messages expressing views of the future inform audiences about current concerns and the dystopias that develop from them. Text messaging such as the film ‘Gattaca’, directed by Claire Niccol and novel ‘Fahrenheit 451’ simply by Ray Bradbury explore highly advanced societies as well as the implications that become of their innovation. Although entertaining, text messaging such as these happen to be didactic and must be given serious attention, as they communicate messages to audiences regarding prevalent concerns and feasible futures based on society’s selections.

Gattaca’ (1995) directed simply by Andrew Niccol, follows the story of the underdog Vincent, who may be challenged simply by genetic splendour against ‘in? valids’ like himself.

Via an elaborate identity switch plus the help of ‘genetically advantaged’ Jerome, Vincent prevails to achieve his dreams and locate his place at Gattaca Space Train station. Niccol uses conventions of film to share messages to the audience by simply highlighting problems relevant to the context of production.

Gattaca’ incorporates many themes which in turn highlight the corruption and inequality through this strange, ” new world “.

Niccol explores ideas such as elitism, perfection, inequity and modernism. This film opens with two different epigraphs, which entices viewers’ interest in moral designs in ‘Gattaca’. The initial quote reads: “Consider God’s handiwork; That can straighten what He hath made crooked? ” Ecclesiastes 7. 13. An presentation of this quote is that a lot more intended to be left alone for taking its training course, which is contradictory to many suggestions in ‘Gattaca’.

The quotation following scans: “I not merely think that we all will tamper with Mother earth, I think Mother wants us to. ” Willard Gaylin. This gives audiences with differing opinions to consider as they consider what scientific developments their own foreseeable future holds, watching Vincent in the. The starting scene is usually an extreme close-up shot of Vincent’s fingernails, hair follicles and loose epidermis, against a blue workplace. The extreme close up shot advises importance while the camera focuses in on the subject matter, emphasising the significance of Vincent’s DNA.

Sterility and cleanliness is suggested by the use of cold, profound blue shades. The use of blue is constant throughout the film, as is the value in detail. These types of concepts link to various other scenes, including ‘The Eyelash’, where Vincent’s own ‘invalid’ eyelash is discovered throughout a murder exploration. This concept highlights the precision of technology in the future, and that life with such composition becomes difficult. Audiences can learn lessons from good examples such as these scenes s they will relate the situations Vincent is placed in with possible futures depending on the path society is heading in present moments. Another successful technique shown by Niccol is the first-person narration by central character, Vincent. This is important for the development in the video, as Vincent is the protagonist we are prompted to empathise with. Therefore , the use of opinion narration and perspective is beneficial in promoting the suggestions presented inside the film.

Pursuing the opening field is ‘The Not Also Distant Future’, which reductions to a low angle shot looking up to the bold, symmetrical lines from the building. From this shot, Gattaca is shaded in grayscale grey tones, also implying the power and ritual of the establishment. As the camera tilts down, the strong lines and coloring remain frequent as perspective of the staff are also brought into the body. Directors possess dressed celebrities in green business suits, again, enforcing the idea of formality, conformity and sterility.

The uniformed staff are very bland and indistinguishable from a single another in their uniformed apparel. Silence is definitely broken by rising amount of diagetic sound effects, such as the beeping sound of accepted ‘valids’ through the turnstile, as well as an anonymous greetings by a placid female tone: “Welcome to Gattaca”. These techniques develop the idea that world has become lifeless and ‘black and white’, as Gattaca presents personas as scientific and robotic products of genetic modification, teaching followers about sociable issues that relate with futures.


  • Category: essay
  • Words: 684
  • Pages: 3
  • Project Type: Essay

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