
filipino culture dissertation 2


Culture is a person’s social heritage or the customary ways groups set up their techniques for behaving, thinking and sense. It is transmitted from one generation to another through language. This presents people with ways of associated with others to their surroundings. Culture represents the designs or recipes for living, the interrelated network of rules and jobs. It encompasses modes of thinking, operating, and sense found in a society and includes almost everything an individual offers acquired as a member of a society.

It tells one what to do, what not to and how to do things (Poethig, 2005).

From our traditions, we learn to determine what behavior is appropriate and what is unacceptable, what is very good and what wrong actions are, what are allowed and precisely what are prohibited, and in many cases which smells are pleasurable and that are not. Among the cultures that the paper investigates is the Filipino Culture. II. Discussion The Filipinos of the last 1 / 4 of the twentieth century are definitely the sum total in the social traces and cultural elements which have been Aeta, Indonesian, Malaysian, Hindu, Arabian, Chinese, Spanish, Americans; in short, the Filipinos happen to be cosmopolitan in nature.

They are both oriental and occidental. The Aeta, Indonesian, Malayan, Hindu, Arabian, and Chinese elements are the foundation of the Filipino’s oriental nature”the core with their moral and social mind and ethnical identity (Carino, 2008). Via early control and commerce and intermarriages between the Filipino ancestors and Chinese and Hindu vendors, as well as the say of negotiations of additional Asian neighbours into the country, the oriental side in the Filipino has evolved. Interpersonal and social relationships revolve around “blood ties,  marriage, and ritual kinship (Carroll, 2002).

Spanish and American culture composes the Filipinos’ Occidentalism. Through hundreds of years of impérialiste rule, the Spanish effect found its way into their religious, personal, economic, and academic life, as well as into their language, dress, and diet. In addition , Filipinos are usually inclined to status-oriented tendencies, shame, personal debt of honor, self-esteem while the desire pertaining to smooth social relations (Carroll, 2002). Many of these interweave with one another and add approximately an tonefald of authoritarian in the Philippine.

Filipinos are shame-oriented, that is, their main concern is definitely social authorization, acceptance by a group, and belonging to an organization. Their behavior is generally dependent upon what others will think, say, or do. Their very own desires and ambitions depend on what delights or displeases others. Being bashful even now controls much of the Filipino’s habit (Poethig, 2005). Moreover, the Family Code of the Thailand defines marriage as a particular contract of permanent union between a person and woman entered into relative to law to get the business of conjugal and relatives life.

No marriage is definitely valid in Philippine contemporary society unless the following requirements can be found: the legal capacity in the contracting parties who must be a male and a girl, and approval freely succumbed the presence of the solemnizing official (Carino, 2008). The lowest age intended for marriage is 18 years but parent consent is important for those listed below 21 years. On one hand, the basic social devices of Philippine society are definitely the nuclear family members, which includes the father, mother, and children, plus the bilaterally prolonged kinship group, which sees all family members of the parents.

Other significant relationships are those of the siblings plus the cousins and of the grandma and grandpa and grandchildren. The Christian Filipino friends and family has frequently been referred to as a large family members group, generally including three generations inside the same home, which is, “extended in terms of account. Thus, the Filipino family is frequently considered patriarchal in authority. Furthermore, the national language can be Filipino, an official version of Tagalog, a great indigenous dialect. English is usually widely used in commerce and education. Most of the people are able to speak English. Just one or two are able to speak Spanish (Poethig, 2005).

Of the numerous indigenous languages”based mainly upon Malayan-Polynesian languages”there are 9 major ones. Of these, one of the most widely spoken are Cebuano, Tagalog, Ilocano, and Hiligaynon. III. Bottom line As a summary, in terms of house, the Filipino family may be said to be bilocal and neolocal. The property of the even more influential and affluent is likely to be the location of house of the recently married couple. Where the girl’s parents are wealthier compared to the boy’s father and mother, the few is likely to select the residence with the girl. Usually, Filipinos practice endogamy.

Is likely to get married to within one’s locality collection, social class, religion, or nationality collection. The rationale would be that the adjustive process is easier once one unites within your group than when one marries outside it since one is currently aware of it is folkways and mores. Reference: Carino, Isidro (2008). A question of relevance. Philippine Panorama, July a few, 28-30 Carroll, John L. (2002). Major of national renewal Home town or top-notch. The Incumbents pf the machine? Philippine Sociological Review 20 (4) October 1: 407-411 Poethig, Rich (2005). The Philippine metropolitan family. St Louis Quarterly 63-64 (September-December): 375-396

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  • Category: society
  • Words: 900
  • Pages: 3
  • Project Type: Essay

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