

  1. What if the paper needs revisions?

    Even though we ensure that only the most qualified writers are used in order to guarantee you the highest quality work, if revisions on the final draft are needed then the process is simple. log on to your account and find the revisions section, you have fourteen days from the final draft submission to utilize this feature. From here you will receive onscreen instructions, and once you have completed the instructions a writer will carry out your specified amendments.
  2. Am I able to follow my writer’s progress?

    Yes, once you have placed your order you can track the progress of the work in your account. Here you can also see when the work is due to be completed.
  3. I need to add more instructions but I already placed my order, how can I do this?

    In your account you will find a section to add any further instructions, your writer is notified of the additions and will be able to incorporate them into the work.
  4. Can I get a refund?

    We work hard to make sure the customer receives excellent service and great work, however, if we have failed to deliver what you were expecting or your instructions were not followed, then you can make a claim for a refund. Log into your account and select the refund option to start the claim, you have between fourteen and thirty days to start the claim, the time will depend on how large the project was. Your money will be refunded in full prior to the paper being downloaded.

We know what it is like to feel overwhelmed with school work, writing academic papers is not an easy task, and when you have other work to complete, and other subjects to study for, you can easily feel like you are drowning in work. Not everyone is a natural writer, not everyone has enough time, and not everyone is motivated to begin such a huge project, but this is exactly why we are here. It doesn’t matter what the topic is, and it doesn’t matter what type of assignment it is, we are here to provide high-quality work to your deadline, at a low cost; whether it is something as simple as an end of term essay, or something more serious such as a research paper or a dissertation, we have you covered.

Our service has made it easier than ever for you to get the grades you need. Do you have a paper due by the end of the week that you forgot all about? Not a problem, we can do that for you before the deadline comes. Do you have an assignment that you don’t understand enough to even begin let alone get a good grade? Send it our way, we’ll have it written just the way you need it. Do you feel sick with worry because you just know that you are not going to have enough time to complete your paper that includes hours and hours of research? Then stop right there. All these problems can be solved by us. Every writing emergency you have, we are here day and night to help you. Our low-cost and high-quality make us one of the best companies available, so get in touch now and feel the weight of your work disappear immediately.

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