
Factors that drive organizational change Essay


Organizational change is identified as change that has an impact along the way work is conducted and provides a significant impact on staff. (The Vector study, 2012). Organizational change may be major just like a reorganization or maybe a much smaller change such as new computer software. Changes can include framework within the organization, working procedures that include hours and schedules, role changes, and the environment within which work is done.

Whether transform is viewed as huge or small it can affect production, employee satisfaction, and profits. When an organization faces decisions which may cause alter, the management must have a vision with the objective. In order for change to happen, the entire firm needs to reveal a perspective of a attractive future.

Today there are many reasons for change in an organization. One major factor can be technology. The technological breakthroughs in business led to frequent improvements and more are coming.

Companies use technology to look for approaches to make points easier and less costly. In an ever-changing global economy the need for higher services and quality place pressure on an organization, suggesting that modify is a regular way of corporate life. Businesses want outcomes and the addition of the Internet, web meetings, and cell cell phones have created an environment of instant results.

Technology has advanced business needs to unimaginable levels. With improvements, though, comes implementation. These types of changes aren’t easy and is going to affect the associates. Management needs to be on top of the most up-to-date developments and decide how far better use them. Management must implement strategies that will assist the entire corporation see the eyesight they have intended for the company and why this kind of change is essential for improvement.

For a company to be successful in leading change it is essential that members happen to be of the same mind-set and share the sense that change will lead to progress. Teams leading change has to be credible and committed to the change process. Possessing the relevant skills necessary and the ability to guideline others is essential to achievement.

Failing to do so leads to business and profit loss. Investors lose confidence in mature management plus the loss of key employees can perpetuate an unstable environment. The economic and social pushes such as globalization, social/culture, political/legal, competition, technology, liberalization, deregulation, unstable economical market and advancement in information technology make and continue to make the business environment dynamic in all of the operating aspects. Competition is another factor of organizational alter. A small business may find themselves straight competing which has a large chain store or possibly a United States production firm might have competition from other global organizations.

Regardless of the size or span of a business, competition will bring about change. Most organizations today face a dynamic changing environment. These businesses have two choices; alter and increase or stay and fail. Organizations that learn to alter and adapt to these changes ultimately make it through.

Merger and acquisitions are often a result of change. One organization could not or did not adapt to the changes in the environment to become vulnerable; or they built aggressive changes and became even more desirable as an asset compared to a competitor. This is one way I get myself in my current job. In 2001 I was utilized by a small Bio-tech company that developed and sold an innovative piece of medical equipment. This provider was developing faster than anticipated as well as the market for this product surpassed expectations.

It was a very thrilling time. Inside the medical gadget industry almost always there is talk of purchases and no firm is resistant to the rumours. As the talk of our small company being bought by one of many big Bio-tech companies within our industry grew, so would the uncertainty.

The effects of mergers and purchases on worker morale can be significant, (Richards, 2013) and my company and many other employees were no exception. There was an announcement made, and we were bought by one other much larger business. Change can often be difficult and just how this was likely to impact each of our jobs was your biggest concern for most. Who does still have a career and how was that job gonna change depending on our new environment had been the questions being asked.

The key to the successful combination of two separate sales teams was communication. The communication was critical to reduce fear and explain decisions. The command worked vigilantly to provide all of us with all the information regarding the upcoming measures and who does be managing each one particular. They shared as much of the strategy because they could lawfully and handled every issue effectively and honestly. The moment two agencies come together in times as this kind of, there are many changes to deal with.

Each member of our staff was given the decision to apply for a situation within the new company or take a severance package. Several felt more secure with the severance and left, but many of us interviewed pertaining to our positions with the new company. All of us met in a central area and had been interviewed simply by three clubs; sales, recruiting and, advertising.

Not knowing if and how many of us would at any time work together again was one more stress. Waiting for the call, to see if I had a career was stress filled, but therefore was meeting and getting started with a new group. As in any organization alter there were concerns, conflicts and, perceived loss.

Fear of transform can influence productivity negatively and triggered some to seek other opportunities. Fortunately personally though, items have worked away well. Pressure and anxiety about job changes can cause competition within an organization. Senior command was carrying out their best to be alert to indications of negative competition and keeping both teams informed of the changes and what effect this would have got on each individual’s job. Competition is good but since it creates stress and conflict it can be bad for an organization.

Recommendations The vector study. (2012). Retrieved via http://vectorstudy.com/management-topics/organizational-change Richards, L. (2012). The effects of mergers and acquisitions on worker morale.

Small Business, (),. Recovered from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/effects-merger-acquisition-employee-morale-3196.html

  • Category: Corporation
  • Words: 1077
  • Pages: 4
  • Project Type: Essay

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