
death at midnight by simply donald a cabana essay


Death at midnight is the story of Jesse Cabana of his incurs while working in a prison known as Parchman Penitentiary which was located in Mississippi. When ever cabana initial landed in Parchman, the prison was somewhat ‘human’ what with inmates being subjected to tasks including planting silk cotton, vegetables and slaughtering the pigs and cows for own ingestion. On leaving Parchman one year later, Cabana returns as a warden only to find that it had been modified what with the crops today lacking and a new gas chamber applied.

We could tell that cabana can be against the death penalty judging from his adamancy to the holding chamber for years. In addition, we notice Cabana’s work to visit the men on loss of life row. He observed that all these men experienced one thing in common; a disadvantaged background. In the escapades, this individual cultivates a unique friendship with one defendent named Connie Ray Evans whose crime was murdering a comfort store clerk.

They will manage to kind a strong bond and through this, they can see how humane Connie is judging from how sorry he is for his crime.

In one instance, Cabana says, “Executions strip away the veneer or perhaps life for both the warden plus the prisoner. Connie Ray Evans and I transcended our environment, and the roles in which we had recently been cast. The two of us had for some reason managed to become real people to one another. There were you can forget titles or perhaps social barriers behind which in turn either people could conceal.  Yet , their union is slice short when ever Connie is usually randomly picked for setup by the point out of Mississippi in a tide of anti-crime fervor. (Cabana A., 1998) According to Cabana, death penalty can be not the perfect solution to getting rid of the origins of offense.

He suggests first “examining the causes and consequences in the protracted combat that our approach to justice fosters and then continue thereof according to whether we find it palatable or certainly not, even when confronted with bitter in contrast experiences.  He is from the belief that “every human being has a spark somewhere hidden in him that will make it possible for redemption and rehabilitation. (Cabana A., 1998) Clearly, the aim of this book is to oppose the death fees and to show just how irrelevant it is in rooting out criminal patterns.

The theme of friendship and disillusionment is definitely well portrayed here. Cabana tries to demonstrate this employing his marriage with Connie who this individual feels did not deserve to get executed. The author’s design in this publication is equally narrative and analytical mainly because as much as he narrates his encounters and experiences in prison, he could be also speedy to analyze and form a viewpoint regarding the rights system. References: Cabana A. D., (1998) Death at Midnight: The Admission of an Punish. City: UPNE


  • Category: society
  • Words: 499
  • Pages: 2
  • Project Type: Essay

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