
criminological theory the relationship among


Ted Bundy, Adderall, Porn material, Serial Criminals

Excerpt from Thesis:

An individual with the profile of Ted Bundy may be more likely to watch porn material and slasher films, nevertheless the films will not cause the criminal habit. They might form some of the more lurid details of the crime, such as the ritualistic aspects of his behavior, yet eliminating pornography will not remove rapes and murders. Clinical research signifies a slight tendency that porn material can “predispose some guys to desire rape or intensify this kind of desire and undermine some males’ internal and cultural inhibitions against acting out rape desires” although it is very difficult to actions such influences in artificial laboratory configurations (Jensen 2004, p. 4).

Eliminating almost all restrictions about pornography probably would not just be debatable, but likewise problematic, given that some legal oversight with the industry is essential to prevent the exploitation of children in kid pornography. Additionally , pornography is not allowed around schools, to limit kid’s exposure. Yet , other than constraining the area, because of the Net, the public has unfettered use of pornography while never prior to, at young and more youthful ages. It clearly provides a shaping part in the way you view the human body and libido in general, even if may not be the principal cause of assault against women. Pornography and also other violent media like slasher films (especially highly sexualized slasher films) can reinforce if not really cause a male-dominant view of sexuality; be taken to frighten violent male’s victims and break down their resistance to unwanted sexual activity by normalizing chaotic sexuality, and “provide an exercise manual to get abusers” (Jensen 2004, s. 4).

Problem 3: Look at and make clear Sutherlands and Cressey’s theory of differential box association. Think about situations when you or these you know had been influenced but other people to be able to the law. This could involve learning how to copy software applications or use illegal medicines. Can differential box association explain these activities?

Sutherlands and Cressey’s theory of differential box association postulates that criminal behavior is discovered behavior and it is rooted in the perception that ‘everyone does it so that it must be okay’ (Hamlin 2006). Teen consuming is a good sort of a patterns that is often tacitly tolerated by culture, even though it is definitely technically illegal. Teens likewise ‘learn the behavior, ‘ typically in ways making it more damaging than mature drinking. Teenagers may binge drink, drink less watered-down alcohol, drink in situations exactly where high degrees of consumption vs . taste are emphasized, and also experience quite a lot of social reinforcement to do so with minimal implications. The same might be true of using illegitimate drugs, mistreating prescription drugs, or perhaps selling illegal drugs, even if this activity is less socially condoned. Applying drugs turns into part of a culture exactly where approval by one’s good friends is contingent upon using the compound. The medicines may be rationalized along the lines of: ‘oh pot isn’t very so bad, ‘ or ‘well, some people actually are prescribed Adderall’ and these types of rationales happen to be reinforced by simply one’s close friends.

Other forms of common illegal behavior may well not perfectly in shape the differentiation association version. Music installing and computer software downloading is normally done only. The puzzling nature of what includes legal and illegal activity online, which is still being sorted out by court program could certainly result in a ‘little old lady’ downloading software program, for example , with out clearly understanding she was breaking the law, and with very little social reinforcement from a peer group.

Works Mentioned

Criminology theory summaries. Lawbreaker justice 301. Retrieved April 23, 2009 at http://www.uwec.edu/patchinj/crmj301/theorysummaries.pdf

Forelle, Charles. (2009, 04 15). The snap judgment on offense and lack of employment. The Wall membrane

Street Record Online Edition. Retrieved 04 23, 2009 at http://www.comcast.net/articles/finance/20090415/SB123974939828118493/

Jensen, Robert J. (2004, July). Pornography and lovemaking violence. Utilized Research Community forum

National Electronic Network on Violence Against Women. Retrieved April twenty three, 2009 in http://www.vadv.org/secPublications/pandsv.pdf

Hamlin, John. (2006, March). Gear association theory. Sociological Ideas of Deviance.

Retrieved April 23, 2009 at http://www.d.umn.edu/~jhamlin1/sutherland.html

  • Category: ideas
  • Words: 749
  • Pages: 3
  • Project Type: Essay

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