
Closing Case: Nicolo Pignatelli and Gulf Italia Essay


What will need to Pignatelli do? What will you do and why? From this situation, Pignatelli should go along with his second option: asking his more influential associates to pressure government representatives to quickly grant the 2 needed permissions.

If his partners are unsuccessful then he should perform it straight and try to gain government consent. This is his best option because it is much less frightening to his company and personal reputation than committing elements would be. Even though playing that straight is likely to take a while and possibly years before the government authorizations could be obtained, it is still the very best, and most moral, option in the end for the business since his refinery will be still capable of eventually grow and be powerful. If this individual were to bribe the government officials or work with the consultant he would become putting his company and reputation on the line.

If either of those strategies were to are unsuccessful, he would come in contact with the public and his reputation and business could become corrupt. It is best that Pignatelli do things the morally correct and most ethical method in order for his business effectively prosper. I would do the just like Pignatelli because it is the most honest decision that benefits personally, my shareholders, and my own employees over the long run.

Possibly of the other two options are much to dishonest and dangerous for me to select. I would desire my firm to be successful and not have everything to hide in the public. Pignatelli seems to be bending in the direction of getting a consultant whom might work with part of the money for elements. If Pignatelli does not spend the elements directly, performs this absolve him of responsibility?

It does not dispense with Pignatelli of responsibility seeing that he made the choice to hire the consultant with the knowledge that the money would be going toward a entice in his favour. If the advisor he hires happens to leak word towards the media or perhaps government officials that Pignatelli was the method to obtain the incentivise, then he’d be in a lot of difficulty and his refinery would be at risk. Even though he was not the one to literally transfer the bribe money, just having his name linked to the bribery might threaten his very career. Bribes are illegal in Italy.

Whether or not bribes had been common practice there, will this rationalize paying them? No, just because bribes are common practice in Italy does not mean Pignatelli can be justified in paying them. Bribery remains considered illegitimate and can acquire him struggling with the law and threaten his job. The government fosters unethical behavior, such as piece, through the Overseas Corrupt Procedures act, which will monitors exactly what Pignatelli really does to ensure that this individual does not make illegal serves. If Pignatelli complies together with the laws set by the federal government then all should be very well with him and his refinery.

Does Pignatelli have a responsibility to Italian citizens to build an environmentally friendly refinery above and beyond the actual law requires? Is it appropriate for Gulf to invest this extra money and essentially take that away from investors? No, Pignatelli does not have a responsibility to German citizens to develop an eco-friendly refinery apart from what the law requires.

In accordance to Alex Smith’s conclusion from nearly 200 years back: the best way to advance the well-being of society is to place assets in the hands of individuals and let market makes to spend scarce resources to satisfy society’s demands (pg 37). If perhaps Pignatelli will not follow society’s demands with regards to environmental influence, safety, and many more issues, in that case he may be forced out of business. So if the Italian language society demands an environmentally friendly refinery, it really is in Pignatelli’s best interest that he build one, which in turn deems that necessary for Gulf of mexico to spend the excess money, obtained from the investors, to put toward building a refinery that satisfies the demands and values from the Italian persons.

The interpersonal responsibility perspective argues that society grants or loans existence to firms. Beneath this point of view it is best intended for managers to provide a return of capital to shareholders while also conference the demands of society to become socially responsibly and continue to exist within a culture. How do you feel in the event that you where a lower-level employee inside the company and learned that Pignatelli intended to spend bribes to get issues debottlenecked?

What would the ethical obligations be? When you ignore the circumstance or confront Pignatelli? When you inform your direct manager or navigate to the media?

Merely were a lower-level employee in the company and found that Pignatelli designed to pay elements to obtain things debottlenecked in the business, I would truly feel indifferent on the situation since I know it is an unlawful and underhanded thing to do, however it is being done in order to save the refinery from hutting straight down and dropping millions of dollars so it will be providing me a higher potential for keeping my personal job. Though I know it is extremely unethical for Pignatelli to achieve this, I would not really confront him or visit the media mainly because I did not possess a direct responsibility in making the unethical decision.

Knowing what Pignatelli did incorrect will make me feel accountable but We are forced to disregard the situation since the pros surpass the downsides in terms of me personally keeping my job, the company continue working, and Pignatelli getting his initial 6 million lot capacity allowed by the govt. I should not really inform my personal direct supervisor or visit the media because I wouldn’t want to be the whistle-blower in such a case and be accountable for a company turning down and folks losing their particular jobs. In the event that Pignatelli were to get caught for his entice on his own, however, a lower-level employee, probably would not be blamed for the case in any way due to the concentration of effect and proximity level between me and Pignatelli.

  • Category: Ethics
  • Words: 1057
  • Pages: 4
  • Project Type: Essay

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